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Everything posted by mithrawndo

  1. <rant> Interesting you should ask that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJiE5v0s7oU If that's not enough, perhaps you should consider that without a zombie apocalypse people run around naked all the time anyway! What's your point again? Nudity is immature? I'm pretty sure immature people will find a way to act that way regardless of what mechanics you do or do not put into the game. All this llama over an unplanned feature, damn. Already people can throw up on one another - far more disgusting than being urinated or getting naked - and be restrained and be murdered via Acute Haemolytic Transfusion Reaction. You don't worry about the fact that someone can simulate sticking a needle in themselves, draw their own blood and then stuff it into your veins? That gives me the shivers even thinking about it - and I love that this game embraces that, albeit incredibly dark, mechanic. Christ, the needles and the existence of morphine alone will give this game the highest possible rating in almost every country going, if not get it banned already. As for you quitting the game: I'm going to call your bluff. I think you'll bend over and take it if the devs do add this - which I highly doubt they will! </rant>
  2. Dayz is in alpha and does not have nor is required to have a rating at present. I understand the objections to defecation, though part of me does wish to reject the objections out of hand. Honestly though, that's a fight that isn't worth having because being able to take a poop isn't actually going to add anything to the game. Getting naked might; with the addition of weather conditions and potential hypothermia, stripping out of soaking clothes might actually be worth doing. I wouldn't complain personally if they made us all Barbie and Ken dolls, but that's another debate. The big one though is taking a leak: This is actually something that should be part of any good survival simulator, as (particularly if you are male) there are many, many uses for your urine. First and foremost, one can drink it when in the most dire of thirsts to prolong your life - and that's a very large part of what this game is about. Secondly, one can use it as you would any other liquid - to extinguish fires for example. Thirdly, urine contains amongst other things ammonia which is a very useful chemical and could easily see a viable place in the game as a clothing bleach and/or a cleaning agent - we did this for thousands of years, and whilst we tend to find our ammonia from other places now, where exactly are we supposed to find it in the apocalypse? Edit: Fourthly, one could fill their canteens with it, pass it to their friend and let them drink until their heart's content. Once they're fully hydrated, one may inform them that they've just drank several litres of your stored piss. No, I think this is a bit of a knee jerk reaction. Let the developers censor the game the way they choose and let's not threaten to sue them again, eh?
  3. mithrawndo

    Near Death Experiences

    Interesting. I don't think it would take much resource for the game to take a screenshot once per minute, then instead of showing the black "You are dead" screen, once the server confirms your death it could start to flash the frames by one at a time, say at a rate of one image every tenth of a second (video geeks can advise on more useful numbers here, I'm sure) until it finally shows your body hitting the floor - and then the black "You are Dead." Neat, no?
  4. mithrawndo

    Canteens, utility belts, and more (now with PICTURES!).

    Lovely sales pitch. I read the whole thing in the voice of Billy Mays. You sir, have my beans. Just to nit-pick: A gator clip is a synonym of a crocodile clip used in electrical engineering (and when not conductive, to hang your clothes!), those things you hook onto your belt are actually gator clamps (slide and lock rather than spring loaded). Not that it matters, but I felt that what I giveth with one hand, I should take away with the other!
  5. I would argue that removing someone's freedom and/or life is a far more debasing act that defecating on them. I'd also like to echo that only an idiot would ever put something like "Press p to poop" in their game. </thread> please!
  6. mithrawndo

    What's that smell?

    Thank you VictorM, I've done as you suggested. I strongly suggest you do. There are I believe already plans to implement checking for a pulse and your suggestion ties in nicely with this. Good luck!
  7. mithrawndo

    Server Hopping Master Thread to End All Threads

    Understood, but the OP was dealing with the issue of loot spawns being ransacked before they reached them the "fair" way. I was merely pointing out that he was trying to solve an issue that shouldn't exist in the real game. Server hopping for tactical advantage is a much more difficult nut to crack, and the current solution in place is to my mind probably the best one. However it does come with it's drawbacks; Introducing new people to the game can be an infuriating experience as they don't understand why they have to wait when you jump between servers!
  8. mithrawndo

    Knife damage, Knife type, Knife grip

    I like the idea though my suggestion would be to also add knife stances as an addition, rather than replacing the current orientation. Right click to swap between under and over arm stances?
  9. This. Books should exist as reference manuals to be used in repairing weapons, vehicles and anything else that requires technical knowledge. In this way they would really just be an ingredient, albeit a reusable one. I'd also like to see them exist and able to be read. This game is about patience, and a lot of the books in the game are public domain: I'd love to be sneaked up on and kidnapped whilst sitting on the beach reading a book!
  10. mithrawndo

    Start with knife

    It's a tried and tested "literary" idea; there are several Infection/Zombie themed films, books and television series that have the protagonist enter the fictional world with nothing but the clothes on their back. In 28 Days Later the poor guy walked out into the mayhem wearing nothing but a surgical gown. I seem to remember The Walking Dead did something similar with Grimes In Shaun of the Dead the only thing they had was a pen and a "henry" In Dawn of the Dead (2004) she has to climb out of a window with nothing but the clothes on her back. In fact I have to go back to the original 1978 version of said film before I find the protagonist armed with anything at all! It's an alpha folks. Currently we have absolutely no back story, no introduction - nothing. I do presume they plan to set the scene a little more than just dropping us in blind.
  11. mithrawndo

    Make DayZ more intense/more thoughtful

    Getting a bit ahead of ourselves aren't we? I believe it's a cliche to say but this is only the alpha. What you suggest is quite sensible and I don't intend to criticise, but in all honesty it sounds like a balancing issue - which would be dealt with much, much further down the line. The game currently has (I think) 7 guns altogether and most use their own size of ammo, meaning that when spawn rate balancing is done near release (which could be as late as 2017, we don't know!) it should be easy enough to make scarcity a real problem. On the flipside there are already a swathe of genuine and makeshift melee weapons and I'm sure there are plans to add many, many more. As for the single shot, given that you will need to find three elements to make your gun truly effective - magazines, guns and ammunition - I really don't see it as a problem once the loot issue is solves. Again, the problem lies with the current loot spawn mechanics and I'm certain that is somewhere on Bohemia's list.
  12. mithrawndo

    What's that smell?

    Any smell system is really part of a greater atmospheric system - so for example whilst firing a pistol in the open wouldn't leave a smell for more than a handful of seconds, a full on firefight in an enclosed space would leave a smell that lingered for some minutes*. Think of it as polluting the atmosphere** within a certain radius upon firing, with a decay that dwindles over time. More shots (or more fires, more bodies and so on) means greater accumulation of scent and hence more time required for the air to clear. *This may be prohibitively difficult given the design of the game (see indoor rain for details). Time will tell! **No, that wasn't a fart joke. No, I don't think farts should be part of the game. Yes, it's mildly amusing.
  13. mithrawndo


    A standings/rep grinding system? See Eve-Online and piracy to learn why that doesn't work well. I'd be running around the starting areas randomly bandaging people and force feeding them antibiotics so that I could go on another killing spree. Though when I say it like that... The price for being a douche in the real world is that eventually you will be left all alone. So should it be in DayZ.
  14. mithrawndo

    Start with knife

    I never carry a knife. I don't like this idea at all. However I do approve of the idea of being able to rifle through cutlery drawers.
  15. mithrawndo

    Server Hopping Master Thread to End All Threads

    Server hopping is a result of the current method used to spawn loot (loot only spawning when the server first starts & certain spawn locations having better loot tables) and this problem will disappear when these two issues are addressed: Until then this discussion is moot.Look at games like Diablo 2 where certain bosses would be farmed to death because they had specific items on their loot table and you'll see that this is not a problem you can easily fix by trying prevent server hopping. Treat the cause, not the symptoms.
  16. mithrawndo

    Information Vs. Immersion

    Immersion, immersion, immersion. Status icons of some sort are, to my mind inevitable as the game increases in complexity. They should however be as unobtrusive as possible. However if they are introduced, I'd like to see the text chat window removed entirely as this is the single biggest immersion breaker in the current alpha. A small row of icons (or better yet, screen auras and effects) could show everything that the text currently displays. Use a mic or get out might seem a little harsh, but this game is at it's best when Bohemia's voice chat system is used to it's fullest. Besides, there's not time to type in a player encounter!
  17. mithrawndo

    Women Clothes

    This sums it up to be honest. It would be utterly foolish to use any of the clothes in the first post in a post apocalyptic world where function is everything, and the addition of such items should probably be about the very last thing the designers bother getting around to, but there is fundamentally no reason why these are omitted from the game. Just as with everything else in the game, there should be no restrictions on how these items are used. Remember people acting crazy in the game should just be thought of as having gone crazy due to the post apocalyptic stress!
  18. mithrawndo

    Identification System

    Recognition would be extremely useful, and in fact would add something very interesting to the game mechanics - you bump into someone, trade some beans and ammo and spend enough time looking at them to learn their face*. Shortly after you separate, you see them standing at a window and recognise their face - before hearing a gunshot and seeing the message "You are dead"**. When you respawn, you of course no longer remember that person's face. I think it would only improve the game to have this sort of facial recognition and the ability to wear a mask to conceal it, though I'm not sure it works to have it as shareable. Still giving you my beans though, as the principle is good. *How long in their company would you consider to be acceptable to remember someone? **This happens to me a lot!