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Everything posted by LordBlackwolf

  1. LordBlackwolf

    Experimental Update 1.02.151010

    When they feel it's stable enough for it to be released on stable
  2. LordBlackwolf

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    They're not removed from the game. Players (most likely pew pew kiddies) are constantly taking them when they spawn most likely in an attempt to keep others from having them.
  3. LordBlackwolf

    Stable Update 1.01

    @ImpulZ You can actually drink from all sources of water as I discovered on experimental that even though it doesn't show any options to drink water or fill a canteen, plastic bottle, etc. you can still press F to drink water or hold the left mouse button to fill a canteen, plastic bottle, etc. Edit: You can't drink from rivers or ponds but you can fill canteens, plastic bottles, etc. from them though.
  4. LordBlackwolf

    Stable Update 1.01

    TrackIR tracks your head movements to help make games more immersive. As for full VR support, I wouldn't get your hopes up as it may not ever come.
  5. LordBlackwolf

    Stable Update 1.01

    You should do research on programming as you'd find out that during programming while you may fix bugs you were working on, you will most likely introduce new bugs and the cycle starts over again.
  6. LordBlackwolf

    Experimental Update 1.0150505

    I've tested it in the previous patch quite a bit and if it wasn't changed in this one then it takes 2 head shots to kill an infected.
  7. LordBlackwolf

    Experimental Update 1.0150505

    I agree with you completely. I can understand it taking a few shots to the body to drop an infected but a single shot to the unarmored head of an infected should be all that is required to kill them.
  8. LordBlackwolf

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    Yeah, I've stuck it out because no matter what state the game is in I still enjoy myself even though the bugs and lack of content does get frustrating. Hopefully the game will get in a state that will draw back long time players including our resident photographer as it was kinda fun looking forward to seeing his screen shots.
  9. LordBlackwolf

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    Sad to say that some of the old players that actually tested things out and were also supporters have started turning sour towards the game. I'm slowly losing faith myself, but I'm still going to give them the benefit of doubt that they'll come through and deliver the game we've always wanted.
  10. LordBlackwolf

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    My question would be what settings are those users attempting to run the game at? I'm running the game on mostly medium settings so the game shouldn't be using 5-6 gb of ram.
  11. LordBlackwolf

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    I have 4 gb of ram on my video card which has no problem running DayZ. Also, please don't go assuming that everyone has a crappy computer just because they're having problems such as high ram usage as it doesn't help with what might be causing the problem to begin with.
  12. LordBlackwolf

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    I've noticed the high ram usage as well and hopefully they'll get it back down to a reasonable amount as I'm not using demanding settings.
  13. LordBlackwolf

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    I never knew that bugs could be coded into games, programs, etc. That is GENIUS! Now we all know why so many AAA games ship broken and buggy that it's because the developers coded in bugs to piss off their player base while they rake in money! Who knew????
  14. LordBlackwolf

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    If it's on a 100 person server it's not a bug as DayZ servers aren't intended to have over 60 players.
  15. LordBlackwolf

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    It's not number one, but it is one of their highest priorities. You also have to realize that it takes time for them to figure out the connection between the crashes and the persistence wipes and by them eliminating things that can cause server crashes could lead to also solving the problem with persistence wipes. I saw someone mention in one of the previous stable patch discussions that they use a tool called cftools that allows them to backup their server's persistence files every minute or any interval they desire and restore the files if there's a crash so players won't really lose anything but the person also mentioned that it requires a dedicated server though. I've included a link to the topic below in-case any server owners want to ask to person questions. (4th comment on the page)
  16. LordBlackwolf

    Experimental Update 1.0.150192

    Demanding, aren't we? You expect them to know WHEN the problem will be fixed, do you? I'm curious as to how they're supposed to know WHEN it will be fixed when they're still most likely trying to find the correlation between server crashes and persistence wipes. Once they figure out what's causing it then they can go about fixing it but don't expect them to give a date on when it will be fixed.
  17. LordBlackwolf

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    I was here in alpha and I agree that the developers screwed up when they cut the alpha short and rushed to add a bunch of content that was untested into the game. i do realize what ALPHA is for, but I will let you pretend to be superior and super smart and know everything while everyone else knows nothing. You, however, are missing the point completely as you seem to be stuck on the fact that normally in an alpha stage developers cram in a bunch of features and then optimize those features and fix bugs in the beta stage. While that may be true, you fail to realize that the developers realized that if they continue adding content without stabilizing the game first it may end up in such a state that it would be damn near impossible to fix current bugs as well as any that may arise after adding tons of content. I'm guessing that you fail to realize that while those expectations may have seemed good on paper with the scope and direction that DayZ headed in those expectations by the developers ended up being anything but realistic as they may not have accounted for the work that was actually needed in order to implement content with the depth and features that they were aiming for so they had to push things back that would've taken more time and work than was available to them. i agree with you again that in the beginning things were heading in the right direction and that things started appearing shady/odd when they started rushing things all the while making the claim that BI didn't care how long they took to work on the game. You're right, I was one of the many users who said that they were rushing things and should slow down and iron out the issues that plagued the game as well as adding content that was missing from the game so that it would be on parity with what we had in 0.62 so that when they did actually reach the beta stage they could work on fixing any game breaking bugs and improving performance. I've never once stated that I agree with this new direction either as I still think it was a huge mistake the way they are handling things, but I am trying to remain optimistic that things will improve and we will all get the game we know DayZ can be. As for why do I think that they went against the communities wishes and released it anyway? While they may have made the claim that BI didn't care how long it took for them to work on the game, I have a strong feeling that BI is the reason that they rushed the game and released it in such a mess. I understand where you're coming from and I feel the same way about being disappointed that the game was released the way it was, and like you, hope that they will be able to fix the mess they're in with their premature release and improve the game so that the community will get the game that we have all been waiting so long for.
  18. LordBlackwolf

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    Oh, so you have to resort to even more name calling to make you seem better or even feel better about yourself? Come now, I would expect a child to resort to name calling but someone who's a...... oh, nevermind. You've already shown your maturity level by name calling in 2 different posts so you're no longer worth replying to.
  19. LordBlackwolf

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    Sure I do but I'm guessing you're the one with the reading comprehension problem though as you would've read the part where I said "adding new content would compound the problem" as even the developers themselves have stated that adding new content before stabilizing the game and improving it's performance would be beneficial to them in the long run as adding more content would introduce more bugs and cause even bigger headaches for the team. Besides, who says that LONG PROMISED CONTENT isn't being worked on as we speak? Just because we haven't seen it yet doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Btw, if you think calling me a "fanboy" insults me or even bothers me it doesn't as it shows you have a very low maturity level when you resort to name calling.
  20. LordBlackwolf

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    So, in order to satisfy the pew pew kiddies who want moar guns they should leave the game buggy and broken even worse than it already is? You do realize that they mentioned that it's better for them in the long run to make the game stable and improve performance before adding new content as that would just compound the problems even further and make things harder on them in the long run.
  21. LordBlackwolf

    Experimental Update 1.0.150104

    Persistence wipes are tied to server crashes so what do you think they've been trying to do with all of their crash fixes? Please take a few minutes next time to think before you type.
  22. LordBlackwolf

    Experimental Update 1.0.150104

    So you'd rather have a buggy broken game as long as you get your precious pew pews? Alrighty then! It's in their best interest to fix crashes and improve performance before adding new content.
  23. LordBlackwolf

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    Anyone else get a 21.9 MB update today?
  24. LordBlackwolf

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    I don't know if the problem still persists but if i recall correctly back in 0.62 if we placed our camps within a certain distance of crash sites the camp would disappear so I wonder if that problem still exists or if it was fixed previously as that may or may not help explain disappearing tents but then again it could also be tied to something completely unrelated. I do agree with what Biohaze said above about people complaining about bugs and things they want fixed NOW but who have never once took the time to go on experimental and help discover bugs so that they may be fixed. We need more people who are willing to help find bugs on experimental instead of running around like COD/PUBG/etc. kiddies and killing people as a lot of the bugs currently in game affect other things than their pew pews.