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About guppy22143

  • Rank
    The God Damned Paterfamilias

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    Assisting a Wounded Bambi
  • Interests
    DayZ among various other games. I also enjoy paintball.

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  • Bio
    BORN ATOP THE HIGHEST PEA- nah just kidding. My character was born in the Charnarussian countryside, but in real life I'm one of those poor saps who moves around all the time.

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  1. guppy22143

    A Wandering Hero

    This is a fun little story from the other night. I never thought something like this was possible! I've literally never had it happen to me. Wonderful day indeed! Alright, so I was looting around zino with a buddy, and I snuck into a police station. 30 players online, and we heard shots, so I was trying to be quick. Long story short, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, so I barricaded myself with my axe. I got shot. I was waiting for my buddy to bandage me when (SHOCK), around 15 minutes later I awoken! Freshly bandaged, with rags and food left in my inventory. He even gave me a free gorka helmet. Thanks, fellow medic. :thumbsup:
  2. guppy22143

    MY PC and DAYZ.

    I've got the same integrated card! Fancy that? If you play at ultra-low, you'll get "playable" FPS. Poor gamers unite :P
  3. guppy22143

    unconscious for how long after dehydration?

    Unconciousness is a result of blood loss or shock. Shock is the result of trauma, usually blunt force to the head, and only lasts a few moments. Loss of conciousness due to blood loss lasts until your blood levels are raised again. You continually lose blood when bleeding, starving, dehydrated, severely sick, etc.So long as you remain in this state, you will lose blood, even if you pass out. When you lose too much blood, you lose health. Ultimately, health loss will kill you. The only way to raise your blood levels and stabilize you now, is to hydrate and feed you. The doctor prescribes 5 saline bags, a bag of rice, and two full canteens. If you're still alive and have no friends, you can request a medic to rescue you here: reddit.com/r/redditrescueforce Merry Christmas -gups
  4. guppy22143

    The Hold Up - 0.58 Dayz Standalone

  5. well, learn more every day. PROBLEM SOLVED PEOPLE
  6. I personally think it'd be cool if ammo for the M249 spawned at the same rate as 5.56 NATO, but the boxes be rare as fuck
  7. guppy22143

    When you think you're already dead...stop thinking xD bathroom bloodbath

    nice fucking combat response
  8. guppy22143

    That aint friendly

  9. guppy22143

    My two bob.

    Sorry, friend. Dean Hall's been gone since December of last year. Hopefully another dev reads this, though Dean was always a bit of a visionary and would have loved most of these ideas. EDIT: And Chernarus isn't Russia, it's Chernarussia, a fictional, slavic nation, with terrain based loosely on a small region of the Czech Republic bordering Germany.
  10. guppy22143

    I found 3 v3s in middle of the forest

    Someone stashed it.
  11. guppy22143


    remove the "s" from the "https" in your link. It'll make it playable on your post :D
  12. guppy22143

    Dayz Standalone Mod: Arkansas

    lol I just realized that I visited that 3rd house in your "villages" section as an elementary school field trip. If memory serves me, it was a part of a larger plantation site
  13. guppy22143

    RPG Thoughts

    lol that first option though. Nice try, battleye
  14. guppy22143

    Dayz Standalone Mod: Arkansas

    I lived in Arkansas for a long while. Look more at southwestern Arkansas, like the Quachita and Lake Greeson.
  15. guppy22143

    Squad Communication: How to, and How Very Not To

    I suggest setting up an arma 3 server (provided you all have it) and teaching them yourself as well :D Your group sounds like a well oiled bunch. Keep on keepin' on :thumbsup: :beans: