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About Demonica

  • Rank
    Wild Meep

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    Freedom Country USA
  • Interests
    Streaming on Twitch has taken over most of my life, which is an amazing and rewarding journey for me :)

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  • Bio
    My first language is German, my profile picture is my dog who is lovingly named "Little Shit", or "Shitty" for short. Friendly player!
  1. Demonica

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Absolutely love the christmas trees :D I was very much hoping for Teddy Bears again as well, or for the lights to somehow magically come on without the help of the chernarussian Electric Company ^^ Sliding issue with Cars still persists, got two cars stuck (One was a truck actually), after the new hotfix both cars were gone. Went to cherno as soon as I could but was unable to find one at the spawn points down there. Still can't get over the amount of zombies slowly making their way back into the game. Killed 15 of them in a group of 5 people and I am having an apocalyptic time doing it! Merry Christmas Devs, and thanks for the Christmas trees!!!
  2. Demonica

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I, too have experienced the BattlEye Loop of death... Un- and re- installed, validated cache, files, ... I should have never switched to stable when the servers came down today, maybe it would still be working. This is gonna be a long night, I have to have this fixed ASAP. I am trying to read up about the specific issue, and somewhere it said that it could be my Anti Virus Software (AVG) not letting Battleye get through... is that a possibility? I wants my Zambies and Cars! *sniffles*
  3. Demonica

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I am not giving in yet. I will eventually but I have to convince myself again and again that change is good first ;P I would love to have that painting option not only for cars but also for barrels, the red-white ones are really hard to hide unless you wanna lug it around for miles!
  4. Demonica

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I finally found the hatchback in Cherno, missing 2 wheels, but including the glowplug and headlights as well as a battery. I decided to try and grab the glow plug for a better chance of others being unable to fix it before I could come back with tires. Uhm... yeah... I couldn't remove any of it... so I guess that means we now need some tools? I think I heard a wrench mentioned before. Now that I need one of course I will never find one :/ Other than that I'll see if I can get my guys together today and actually fix that thing up. One more Question: Say the Cherno Spawn Car gets fixed and driven away, will another one spawn in its place at some point? I am still trying to figure out the spawning thing when it comes to cars. Thanks guys and have a great day :D
  5. Demonica

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Okay, haven't played with the newest update yet... are there any zombies outside the larger Cities now or is it still the case that Cherno is Zed Capital, together with Berezino and Zeleno? Oh, and is persistence currently working or no?
  6. Demonica

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I am loving this patch so far! Zeds nowhere past Novo / Cherno / Zelenogorsk, rarely in Elektro, but Cherno is like Zombie Capital :D Today I rounded up 12 Zeds at one point and brought them all the way from Cherno to a little area past Skyrim Mountain and left them there to disperse and find some poor, unexpecting players ^^ Yesterday for the first time it felt like a true Zombie Apocalypse. I had 3 friends with me and we were just freaking surrounded by Zeds! 20 of them at least... Shooting guns has never been such a bad idea in Cherno ^^ We were all bleeding, scrambling for bandages... and in general just having a blast! Finally this game seems to turn into what it was supposed to be :) Desynch can be a biatch, that much is true. Ammo is rare, which is not a bad thing in general, but with freshies all looting the same towns it is quite a challenge to find any ammo at all. So maybe just a bit more balancing with distribution and respawning of these items would be okay I think. I don't mind having to search for it at all, but at some point, after about 2 hours, I'd like to be rewarded with at least some .22 ammo. All in all, I am loving it. Yes, it's laggy, desynch-y and a bit frustrating at times... but it is DayZ the way it was supposed to be played. I am truly having the time of my life and probably won't switch back to stable for a while. KOS can be a bit of a problem, but the rare ammo makes for fun encounters with crazy axe murderers ;-) Just a quick OT - on 1st person I am in Stary Yar - is anyone else ever going that far north to find stuff? No Zombies at all, which is sad, but I am hoping to make a nice base up there one day and live off the land... ^^
  7. Demonica

    DayZ Community Live Streams

    I have been streaming for about 5 months now, and DayZ is my go to game! 10 hours every day Mon-Fri :) http://www.twitch.tv/themeepfactor I enjoy both PvP and Survival play, but I always have an amazing time with my Meepers! Meep Meep!
  8. Demonica

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    I am actually pretty happy so far (sorry I haven't been around in a couple months), but performance took a huge hit for me. I watch my stream and everyone is like "Why is your performance / FPS / lag so terrible sometimes?" - So I went to do a thorough adjustment of graphic settings to make sure I wasn't missing anything, and it got a tiny bit better, but the big cities a hella laggy. Other than that I have to agree that the clothes spawnings (Prison Island, Military Guard Shacks and certain houses) are beyond ridiculous, but it looks like food / weapons / ammo actually start to respawn on a regular basis, and that makes me very happy. Of course, coast runner that I am, it's still tough to get going. One last thing I noticed is that you get to "starving" extremely fast, like in 5-7 minutes after spawning fresh. Is this just me? And has anyone had issues with Cholera? If I have to, I do drink from ponds / swamps and such but so far I really must've gotten lucky, I haven't become sick once. Happy trails everybunny :)
  9. Demonica

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Downloading / switching. I need some serious distraction, so hopefully everything works out with this build :) Yay!
  10. Demonica

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Hmmm... Around 6 servers are up, all of them packed except one with like 26 people on. Tried to connect, got wait for host, waited but host never appeared. Silly host. ^^ I'm kinda wondering if I should just switch to stable and go exploring for a while again, with no persistence there's no need to find and build camps, so why the heck not? Is anybody on one of the exp. servers? Just wondering about performance in general.
  11. Demonica

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Good morning everyone. Sleepless night and exp. is down *sigh* I'm going back to bed, see you at 5.30 a.m. PST sharp :)
  12. Demonica

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Yes, yes it is :) But there's more radio stations / broadcast towers than just green mountain, aren't there? It would be really awesome if you could hear players ^^ I would probably broadcast audiobooks from my computer. :lol: Today, our program contains "Salem's Lot", as read by Betty White or something LOL
  13. Demonica

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    There isn't yet but they'll have working radios soon :) Soon as in a few weeks I suppose.
  14. Demonica

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    Hahaha nice! I would also like to propose a special Zombie station, so we can have dancing Zeds ^^ Rock on, Zambies! In all seriousness though, it would be pretty cool if we could have nice, non creepy music to wile away a lazy afternoon fishing or gardening :)
  15. Demonica

    Exp Update: 0.57128035*

    So do we get to listen to Cherno-Rock then? Sergej and the Zeds? ^^ There's just gotta be some serious awesome things you can do with this. Climb the green mountain and start your own Radio Show!!