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Everything posted by Paule2934

  1. Starting last night, my brother and I are both experiencing game crashes to desktop every 5-30 min. Is this a known issue? Any suggestions?
  2. Paule2934


    Myself, my brother, and our friend have spent the past couple of hours joining servers, playing for a bit, having it go completely unresponsive for a few minutes, then getting disconnected. Join new server, wait 300 seconds, repeat process. Is this unique to us, or is everybody experiencing this? It makes the game completely unplayable, literally. Hoping it is just us and the rest of you are carrying along without issue.
  3. Paule2934


    Restarting my computer seemed to help. Played for a couple hours after that without issue. Maybe just restarting steam would have worked, who knows. Anyways, give that a try if ur having this issue. And Thx for the rundown on experimental leefriendfield. I will give it a try sometime soon ;)
  4. Paule2934


    Restarting my computer seemed to help. Played for the last couple hours without issue. Maybe just restarting steam would have worked, who knows. Anyways, give that a try if ur having this issue. And Thx for the rundown on experimental leefriendfield. I will give it a try sometime soon ;)
  5. Paule2934


    At risk of sounding stupid, how does one switch to experimental?
  6. Paule2934


    I enjoy the more difficult zombies. A lot. I do not enjoy spending 90% of the time attempting to join a server... then getting into one and playing for 5 minutes... and then getting "session lost" again.
  7. Paule2934

    How DayZ Destroyed My Friendship...A Tragedy

    The LOTR music made this epic.... lol
  8. Paule2934

    How many have you killed and why ?

    23 on my last life over the last 4 days before finally being surrounded by a four man group and summarily executed. 4 on this life so far. Prior to these 27 kills I was not keeping count, but the total body count is probably more than 50 but less than 75. I do it because it is exciting and there is not much else to do in the game right now once fully looted. Plus I can't spend more than a couple hours a night playing and I'd rather not spend the whole time running. ;)
  9. Spent a few hours playing with my brother last night and I ended up killing eight people. He got a few, not sure exactly how many. Please rate the morality of each of my kills, I am interested to see which you think were justified and which were not. Rate each on a scale of 1 (Completely Abhorrent) to 10 (Completely Justified), and give any comments. Kill 1: My brother was in the firestation at cherno looting the shelves under the stairs. Suddenly someone opens up on him with an M4 without warning and he is unconscious. The assailant attempts to finish him off with a couple of axe blows as he is down, but fails. Assailant loots him and then leaves the firestation out the back door in a couple of minutes. I put my Mosin w/ LR scope away and hide behind the concrete wall outside the firestation. He walks out past me and I gun him down with my FNX. No words were said by either side over voice chat during this encounter. I am able to revive my brother with food and medical supplies looted from the assailant's body, and relieve him of his fully kitted M4. Kill 2: We enter Elektro from the North and I see a man running with an axe in his hands toward the firestation by the church. I shoot him with my Mosin w/ LR scope, no words said. Don't think he ever saw me. Kill 3: I am just outside of the school in Elektro and see 3 guys about 200 meters down the street outside of an orange building. Two have m4's, one is a fresh spawn. I shoot one of the M4 wielders in the chest with my Mosin. The other two run away. Kill 4: I am on the hill Southeast of the firestation. An unarmed man goes to loot a different body near the open field between the firestations. The body has an M4 and other gear. I shoot him with my Mosin. Kill 5: An unarmed man is climbing up the ladder to the top roof on the other firestation. I see a man with an M4 sitting inside the firestation on the top floor taking aim at the unarmed man. I shoot the armed camper with my Mosin. Kill 6: I also shoot the unarmed man who was climbing the ladder, he falls to his death (if he wasn't dead on bullet impact). Kill 7: A guy with no pants with a violet taloon backpack and a fully kitted M4 comes running up right behind me, but does not notice me because I am laying on the ground wearing camo and he obviously is not very observant. I drop my Mosin, pull out my M4, and kill him. Kill 8: Another guy with no pants runs up to me a few minutes later and starts trying to punch me. I tell him to go away. Realizing that he does not have the drop on me, he complies and runs off. But then he comes back carrying a fire extinguisher a few minutes later. Concerned by the fact that he knows where I am, won't leave me alone, and that the corpse of the other naked guy I just killed is laying nearby with a lootable M4, I kill him with my M4. Were these kills necessary? Would you have done the same if you were in this position? Or would you have handled some of these situations differently? I don't care to hear any "I wouldn't be in Cherno or Elektro in the first place because I like to diddle myself in the less populated areas on the interior of the map." Just curious to see how others view morality in this game and how they qualify whether a kill is "necessary" or "justified".
  10. Paule2934

    Rate the Morality of these Kills

    Finally got surrounded by a 4 man squad and killed after my brother broke his leg. 23 kills for me, not sure how many for him. Sad day :( good news is we got in a found a mosin and an SKS on a 6 person server, then saw a group of 4 heavily armed guys sitting in the middle of the street by the church. Bad idea. Killed 3 of them, 4th logged out. Got 2 m4s and 2 mosin lr's. Took a total of 30 minutes to get fully regeared lol :)
  11. How pointless... You will never get tired, other than your finger holding the W key. But whatever gets your rocks off :)
  12. Paule2934

    DayZ birthday idea

    Fail. Happy Birthday.
  13. Paule2934

    How long to gear up?

    Just make sure you kill him with one well placed shot rather than spraying his whole body if you want the gear to still be in useable condition...
  14. Paule2934

    How long to gear up?

    Step 1: Join a low pop server and run to elektro. Find any gun with ammo. Revolver, fnx, SKS, whatever. If no gun can be found quickly, a fire Axe will do. Step 2: switch to a full server Step 3: kill one of the fully geared but not skilled players running about through the streets Step 4: loot his body Step 5: profit. Should not take much longer than 30 min, or an hour at most.
  15. Paule2934

    Here's The Deal...

    ^Seriously, this. Anyone who cuffs people and feeds them disinfectant is a sadistic little shit who would probably be out torturing small animals if they weren't too big of a pussy to actually go outside in the sun. I kill players all day for the "sport" of it... but there is no sport in simulating torture on a helpless individual. That is some future serial killer type of shit right there. :facepalm:
  16. Paule2934

    Comparing accuracy of LRS for the Mosin

    Interesting, thanks Elle. I think the one I grabbed was worn or damaged unfortunately. No matter, plenty of snipers to kill in Elektro... I will find one tonight no doubt. :D
  17. Paule2934

    Here's The Deal...

    Crying like a little bitch. Love it. The game is super fun right now... I am the guy who is killing you and drinking your tears. ;)
  18. Paule2934

    Comparing accuracy of LRS for the Mosin

    This is what I assumed. I have been using a badly damaged scope for the past two days and have taken out multiple people at 200-400m. I have not tried to hit anyone past 400m. One of the snipers I killed yesterday had a pristine LR scope, which I was excited to try... but figured it couldn't be much better because it was already working fine. Any idea about the compensator? I just took one of these from a guy I killed as well and haven't used it yet. Should it make a significant difference in accuracy? Or just make it recoil less for an easier/quicker next shot?
  19. Paule2934

    Comparing accuracy of LRS for the Mosin

    For those of us in a place that we can't watch a video... could a brief summary be provided? Will watch the video later.
  20. Paule2934

    What was the longest time your character survived?

    ^THIS. In this game you can stay alive virtually forever if your goal is merely to survive. I measure myself based on how long I can survive while seeking constant combat in high traffic areas on full servers (with brief breaks to go looting when supplies run low and the corpses of my victims are not easily or safely reachable). Current character is in Elektro with kitted M4 and Mosin w/ LR scope, sitting pretty at 16 kills. Hopefully that number will be in the mid-20's by the end of the night and I will live to see tomorrow. Wish me luck ;)
  21. Paule2934

    Long range scopes?

    Have seen a lot of people complaining that they are very rare and hard to find. I have three of them right now on my regular character... one of which was already attached to the Mosin that I relieved from its previous owner a few days ago and two more that I took off of snipers that I killed in Elektro yesterday. So... if you are looking for that elusive LRS that you can't seem to find by running all over Chernarus or server hopping like a bitch, go to Elektro and kill someone for one or make me an offer that I can't refuse for one of them ;)
  22. Paule2934

    Rate the Morality of these Kills

    Highlander, I know the feeling :) I still have a moment or two when I feel bad for a kill sometimes, but I quickly legitimize it by telling myself that they deserved it for being careless in a PVP area. I am sure that it will be much harder to rack up kills in Elektro when zombies are much greater in numbers and are drawn to gunshots. I hope that they also make them capable of climbing stairs and ladders so that you are not just safe from them by going upstairs lol. When zombies become significantly more difficult to deal with, it will make PVP significantly more difficult as well and will provide alternative entertainment.
  23. LeeFriendField.... that GIF of the governor and national guardsmen made my day LOL
  24. Paule2934

    Rate the Morality of these Kills

    Sorry to hear that you feel that way NinjaTurkey. In fairness, the day 2 kills were almost exclusively on people who were already engaging in clear PvP activities. With the exception of the two unarmed guys, who were both just running around trying to find loot and unfortunately crossed paths with me. I like to think that with each kill I am teaching the victim a valuable lesson about DayZ gameplay. One does not simply run through Elektro casually on a full server. If they are within city limits and armed, I will kill them because they are most likely looking for a fight anyways. If they are within city limits and unarmed, I will kill them because they are most likely looking for quick military loot from a corpse followed by a fight, or they are just that stupid and don't realize they shouldn't be running around in the streets of Elektro unarmed. In this case, the lesson may be quite valuable to their future survival efforts.
  25. Paule2934

    Rate the Morality of these Kills

    For anyone interested in this play style, I forgot to mention that it is quite crucial to have at least one team member to work with when you are on city-clearing missions so that you can share intel. Yesterday my brother was up on the hospital roof for most of the night telling me the positions of my soon-to-be victims. It is much easier to end someones life with minimal or no damage done to yourself if you know where they are and they don't know where you are. So when a survivor sees my brother first, then I am the one to flank and kill him or locate and snipe him. Conversely if the survivor sees me first then I play the distraction role and my brother would be the one to flank and dispose of him. He killed a good 5-6 people yesterday too. If you engage in too many "fair" fights (ie fights where you see eachother at the same time and engage), you are bound to take a trip back to the coast sooner rather than later. The guy who survives is not always the best geared or the best shooter... it is usually the most crafty and careful player. In any case, there is a great feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment when you enter a bustling city like Elektro on a full server and systematically kill every other person there until the city is a ghost town. :lol: