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About -Chris

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    On the Coast
  1. -Chris

    just a pic to inspire the devs.

    I personally think the whole island should be more post apocalyptic. For example big towns etc wouldn't look all clean, they would have long grass, moss, wildlife throughout the streets and so on. Would just add a bit more immersion to the game.
  2. -Chris

    Hand Held Camera for Nightvision?

    CCTV? You will need a lot of batteries for that or you will have to rig up a solar panel system. They don't work on fresh air.
  3. Yeah mate. Got some decent stuff at the moment so will do it the next time I have been killed. I logged off earlier on when I went for dinner and when I came back and logged in I was in the same place with all my gear so I'm positive it has to be with trying to log into another server whilst your character is still on the logout countdown in the previous server.
  4. Just had an idea, could it possibly be that I am logging into a server before my character logs out of the previous one hence why it is taking me back to spawn?
  5. So basically, I was heading down the coast after spawning and I got half way to electro. The server was getting quite laggy so I decided to switch servers, I took cover behind some rocks at the side of the road and had no zombies etc following me. When I relogged on server with lower ping I ended up back at spawn again so I logged off the server then relogged again (like when you would randomly respawn in a field before the new update and you just relogged and you were fine again) but it never solved the problem, I was back at the spawn. After that I decided to test it too see if it done it again as I had nothing to lose anyway so I started running down the coast again, gave it 5-10mins then found a safe place to log off then done so. I relogged on to another server and I was back at spawn again. Anyone have any ideas? Sorry for the long read and hopefully it makes sense.
  6. -Chris

    Rarest Item?

    Found a ZSh3 pilot helmet today! At the military base north of Kamenka. ps I do actually have a backpack, just removed it to make the pics look better rather than have a bright green bag on my back.