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About Jevez

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. When/where did they say this? That'd be awesome news but I haven't seen anything about that. Would like to see the source because I heavily doubt that they said that.
  2. Jevez

    Constant problems with skills

    Just ignore it, the system is being removed in 1.26 anyway.
  3. Jevez

    DayZ Update 1.25

    The developers haven't released anything that recently, if you're still getting new updates then it's because you have some mods installed that were updated.
  4. That's probably true of anything in the entire game, but at the end of the day they're mods, it's nice to have these things in the base game 🙂
  5. I'm surprised by how fresh the reworked house interiors feel, these ones are much better than those few variants added a few years ago 👍. I'm really hoping this map will have at least 2 distinct underground areas that are decently sized and feel meaningful, if it has either 0 or 1 like Chernarus/Livonia that will be pretty disappointing imo. Though I'm sure if it does have any they'll be kept a secret 🙂. Thanks for the dev blogs, they've been enjoyable, please continue doing them after Frostline.
  6. This blog is great but the fog/view distance changes especially are huge, this has been one of my biggest gripes for a while now. If I'm understanding it correctly then this is one of the best changes in a LONG time.. THANK YOU.
  7. Jevez

    Toggle lean

    Well I don't think it was an intentional removal, from what I understand when they did the engine rework part of that was getting a new player controller, so all player movements/animations were redone and the ability to toggle lean was lost in the process, which is understandable, but it's crazy that it hasn't been re-added yet when that was 6 years ago. If your game has leaning I think the ability to toggle it should be considered a very basic setting, this kind of thing should've been done years ago. I hope the DayZ team grows after Frostline because it's clear that the game doesn't get the resources it deserves.
  8. Jevez

    Toggle lean

    Don't get your hopes up, it's been nearly 6 years since they removed it and no word on it coming back. Would be great though, hope to see it soon.
  9. Jevez

    Random chance to spawn dead infected

    Hmm I have to disagree with this one, I don't think it's a bad thing that it indicates player presence, I like that when you roll up to a dangerous area and spot dead infected it's a real "oh shit" moment. Even if it doesn't lead to you finding a player, just seeing dead infected or items like paper (from ammo boxes/seed packs etc) makes the world feel more lively. If anything I hope they add a few more mechanics like this, bring back empty food cans!! 🙂 What I'd prefer to see is the ability to drag dead infected so you can hide their bodies, maybe drag them into a container and lock the doors, or drag them away from buildings into the bushes. This way you can cover your tracks if you want but the trade off is that it'll be risky and take time, and there's still a chance for other players to find the bodies and know someone is nearby. I think that leads to much more interesting gameplay than spawning dead infected. Right now we have the bury mechanic but it's very lame and restrictive (requires a shovel, for the infected to have died on grass, and forces you to stand still for ages) a dragging mechanic would be so much better in every way.
  10. Many people have pointed this out and the developers claim that nothing was changed. Perhaps it is the case that nothing was changed directly, but something has definitely changed it indirectly.. I can only assume that the skybox/lighting changes caused this to happen as it all shipped in the same update, and thus the fog now looks much more white and is extremely noticeable. I agree it's generally a problem everywhere and not just the coast, but my god is it especially disgusting on the coast. It really ruins the visuals tbh, feels like you're playing with max brightness/gamma. There has been various tickets made about the issue as you can see here https://feedback.bistudio.com/T177392 (1.22 vs 1.23 comparison images in the comments - full screen them and the difference is obvious) https://feedback.bistudio.com/T177485 Developer comment: "This is something that has always been there (it is not new) and we have a note in the backlog that we would like to be able to change this dynamicaly based on the day time and weather." So it sounds like maybe we'll have dynamic coastal fog in the future, but they aren't aware that the actual appearance of it has changed and made the game look worse? (or they know and aren't going to change it?) Idk. While I enjoy the new skybox the fog/lighting changes made the rest of the game look like ass unfortunately, hope it can be fixed sooner rather than later.
  11. Jevez

    Can you add Toggle Leaning please?

    We had it in the past but they removed it 🙂 very cool. Not really sure why, I'm assuming it's either an issue with the new animation system or they can't add it to controller due to lack of buttons maybe? I don't know the current controller layout but I'd be surprised if all possible inputs were taken already. If it is a controller specific issue then I'd still very much appreciate the feature being returned to the PC version 👍.
  12. I know how you feel, for me I loved the overall design of the gunplay the most, the feedback from firing a weapon just felt so visceral and satisfying. I've never enjoyed firing a weapon in any other game more than I did in 0.62. It felt like you were actually holding something powerful, guns felt alive, like a separate entity and it was your job to control it, to "tame the beast" if you will, and as a result landing successful shots felt amazing. The only thing holding it back in my eyes was all the damned bugs.. yet in the very same patch they fixed most of the bugs they also redesigned the entire game. Man.. I don't think I've ever felt so simultaneously excited and disappointed. I definitely try to engage with these type of posts when I see them and will continue to do so, however at times it can get exhausting when trying to interact with certain people, such as: 1. Players who joined after 2018 that only know the current version, yet argue against you anyway. 2. Players who did play before 2018 but like to say that everything was universally bad because the game was buggy/clunky, while ignoring the actual design of mechanics. That gets tiring..fast, but hey, I'll always continue to like threads such as this one, write the occasional comment and suggest to devs that I'd like changes to movement/gunplay, in hopes that maybe someday we'll see a DayZ that fully utilizes its potential.
  13. Hey Lakevu. I just wanted to say that I appreciate your persistence in regards to this topic. Even if I don't always agree with the exact wording, I usually do agree with the overall sentiment and appreciate it. Whilst I'm someone who personally cares a lot about the issue, I'd find it hard to repeatedly engage the conversation when it feels like no progress is being made, so yeah.. respect and thank you for that. Here's to hoping indeed.. wishing many good things for DayZ in 2024. Merry Christmas to you and the DayZ dev team.
  14. Jevez

    Need feedback on my Server.

    I would say so yes, however there's obviously a lot of people who love heavily modded servers, so it's a very subjective thing. For server slots though I'm sure 99% of people would agree that you need 60 as a minimum on Chernarus. 70-80 is the ideal amount in my opinion, but some servers go even higher.
  15. Jevez

    Need feedback on my Server.

    For me personally 55 mods and only 20 player slots makes it an immediate no.