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Everything posted by Jevez

  1. Many people have pointed this out and the developers claim that nothing was changed. Perhaps it is the case that nothing was changed directly, but something has definitely changed it indirectly.. I can only assume that the skybox/lighting changes caused this to happen as it all shipped in the same update, and thus the fog now looks much more white and is extremely noticeable. I agree it's generally a problem everywhere and not just the coast, but my god is it especially disgusting on the coast. It really ruins the visuals tbh, feels like you're playing with max brightness/gamma. There has been various tickets made about the issue as you can see here https://feedback.bistudio.com/T177392 (1.22 vs 1.23 comparison images in the comments - full screen them and the difference is obvious) https://feedback.bistudio.com/T177485 Developer comment: "This is something that has always been there (it is not new) and we have a note in the backlog that we would like to be able to change this dynamicaly based on the day time and weather." So it sounds like maybe we'll have dynamic coastal fog in the future, but they aren't aware that the actual appearance of it has changed and made the game look worse? (or they know and aren't going to change it?) Idk. While I enjoy the new skybox the fog/lighting changes made the rest of the game look like ass unfortunately, hope it can be fixed sooner rather than later.
  2. Jevez

    Can you add Toggle Leaning please?

    We had it in the past but they removed it 🙂 very cool. Not really sure why, I'm assuming it's either an issue with the new animation system or they can't add it to controller due to lack of buttons maybe? I don't know the current controller layout but I'd be surprised if all possible inputs were taken already. If it is a controller specific issue then I'd still very much appreciate the feature being returned to the PC version 👍.
  3. I know how you feel, for me I loved the overall design of the gunplay the most, the feedback from firing a weapon just felt so visceral and satisfying. I've never enjoyed firing a weapon in any other game more than I did in 0.62. It felt like you were actually holding something powerful, guns felt alive, like a separate entity and it was your job to control it, to "tame the beast" if you will, and as a result landing successful shots felt amazing. The only thing holding it back in my eyes was all the damned bugs.. yet in the very same patch they fixed most of the bugs they also redesigned the entire game. Man.. I don't think I've ever felt so simultaneously excited and disappointed. I definitely try to engage with these type of posts when I see them and will continue to do so, however at times it can get exhausting when trying to interact with certain people, such as: 1. Players who joined after 2018 that only know the current version, yet argue against you anyway. 2. Players who did play before 2018 but like to say that everything was universally bad because the game was buggy/clunky, while ignoring the actual design of mechanics. That gets tiring..fast, but hey, I'll always continue to like threads such as this one, write the occasional comment and suggest to devs that I'd like changes to movement/gunplay, in hopes that maybe someday we'll see a DayZ that fully utilizes its potential.
  4. Hey Lakevu. I just wanted to say that I appreciate your persistence in regards to this topic. Even if I don't always agree with the exact wording, I usually do agree with the overall sentiment and appreciate it. Whilst I'm someone who personally cares a lot about the issue, I'd find it hard to repeatedly engage the conversation when it feels like no progress is being made, so yeah.. respect and thank you for that. Here's to hoping indeed.. wishing many good things for DayZ in 2024. Merry Christmas to you and the DayZ dev team.
  5. Jevez

    Need feedback on my Server.

    I would say so yes, however there's obviously a lot of people who love heavily modded servers, so it's a very subjective thing. For server slots though I'm sure 99% of people would agree that you need 60 as a minimum on Chernarus. 70-80 is the ideal amount in my opinion, but some servers go even higher.
  6. Jevez

    Need feedback on my Server.

    For me personally 55 mods and only 20 player slots makes it an immediate no.
  7. Jevez

    Remove Zoom By Default.

    Completely disagree.. Zoom is needed and it is NOT a "gameplay issue", it's the solution to a real gameplay issue AKA trying to play a map of this size/foliage with the default zoom level. (Before someone comments saying "that's not why it exists" I know, what I mean is that if you removed eye focus and kept us at the default zoom level it would create a real gameplay issue, and it feels especially bad on maps this big). We had a patch in the past where the eye focus wasn't available and it was fucking horrible. The devs already nerfed the zoom while sprinting which was more than enough. Eye focus is decent but it isn't a replacement for scopes/binos, they are much stronger and have their place in the game. I take binoculars on every character and use them often. Without eye focus you'll be stopping every 5 seconds and whipping out your scope/binos to check on every little bush or flickering pixel that catches your eye, a way worse experience than what we have now.
  8. Jevez

    Bring back authentic gun ballstics

    Definitely agree with your sentiment. Not everything should be as fluid as possible, I feel like it really depends on a case by case basis. The first thing that comes to my mind is how you change stances in Arma 2, from what I remember the animations are very slow and deliberate and you can't do anything else during that time, in current DayZ however not only do the transitions feel fast but you can also keep your weapon raised and even fire your gun during this time.. I agree in this case the "clunkiness" of Arma 2 wins out over the freedom granted by DayZ animations. True regarding the stairs, how we currently glide up any vertical angles such as stairs or hills is ridiculous. In 0.62 it did feel terrible being forced to walk on even a tiny incline, however now we've gone in the completely opposite direction.. I understand what you mean with the Arma 2 movement, it definitely felt robotic but in a good way. It's also great how ever since they added inertia the character gets glued to walls.. or how you can just "walk" down the ladders of hunting stands. They really gotta do some work on the movement 😕
  9. Jevez

    Bring back authentic gun ballstics

    Well I suppose this is pretty hard to discuss as it's pretty vague and people interpret these things differently. When referring to "smoother animations" I was thinking of things such as the following. 1. In the past, when vaulting a fence your character would jump in the air and "glide" through the object, now you character actually puts their hand on the object and swoops their legs over. 2. Previously you were forced to stand still while eating, now you can walk while eating and it's a smooth experience, doesn't feel clunky. 3. You can cancel out of any animation and immediately regain control of your character by holding RMB. 4. When swapping items in your hands in 0.62, you either had to be stood completely still OR be forced to keep walking forwards until the animation completed. This was actually terrible, now you can jog and change directions during the animation. I'm probably forgetting a few but I'm sure you get the idea, these kinds of changes are objective improvements that definitely increased the overall "perceived smoothness" of the game. However things like melee animations are worse now, being forced to walk forwards when attacking feels terrible, and the 2 handed animations are especially bad. Being forced to walk backwards in order to block is also stupid. As for the movement/gunplay, I wouldn't say that the animations themselves are an issue, but rather that certain features were changed/removed completely which degraded gameplay such as the camera being separate from the gun/sway/recoil/hipfire/ stamina/hold breath/weapon inertia/movement speed etc.
  10. Jevez

    Bring back authentic gun ballstics

    This annoys me as well simply because people ignore any context when saying things like this, they essentially boil it down to "In 2018 the player count was nearly dead, and that version of the game had the old gunplay, therefor the gunplay was bad" Ah yes.. everything was the gunplays fault! Lets conveniently ignore that the game killed itself over the years from having game breaking bugs such as zombies going through walls, your gun disappearing when dropped on the floor, the fucking hotbar not working so your character does nothing and you die, making false promises that angered the community and much much more. Lets also ignore the fact that in 2018 there wasn't a single game update because the devs were focusing on 0.63! There's so many reasons why the player base was bad in those years, and many reasons why it has gone up since, that tying it to the discussion of gunplay is just so silly. For the most part the core mechanics are actually functional now, when I press the hotbar it works, animations are smoother and you no longer die from not being able to cancel them, they added modding and new maps like Namalsk were huge for the game. Not to mention the addition of base building, new weapons/vehicles/clothing, gas zones/trains/convoys, consistent bug fixes and more. Even though some of the stuff is re-added old content I'm still happy to see it, and it's brand new for anyone who started after 2018. Engine work was done, core issues were fixed, content was added, the game expanded, trying to correlate a change in the player count to the gunplay specifically is impossible due to the timeline, anyone trying to do so is trolling. I believe that if the game retained the old gunplay but still received all of those other benefits, the player base would still be in a similar state as it is today, perhaps even higher. The new gunplay wasn't the reason for the games uptick in players, and the devs shouldn't be scared of changing it back to its authentic self. The old style suits the game better. And just to clarify, my comments aren't directed at you Lakevu, I'm just using your quote as an opportunity to shout into the void. 🙂
  11. Jevez

    Update 1.23 general discussion

    Very hard to choose a clear #1 but I suppose I'll go with the NWAF rework. In my opinion the 0.63 NWAF rework was terrible so seeing it finally be removed after 5 years is a pretty great feeling. I feel like I've seen more players there since 1.23 came out than I did for months on the previous airfield, so I'd call that a huge success overall. I didn't hate any additions in particular but there was some disappointments, or rather feelings of missed opportunity, the thought of "that's great but I wish X thing had this" which I guess is where question 3 comes in. Skybox. 1. Chernarus skybox moves sooo slowly that it feels completely static. You can stand completely still while using eye zoom on the clouds and still barely notice any movement. Did a quick test on Livonia and it seems to be faster there. 2. Part of me is really sad that the Chernarus and Livonia skyboxes are completely separate, they both look so good and it's a shame that you can't experience both on one map, I prefer to play Chernarus so I will never get to fully enjoy the Livonia skybox and vice versa for the people that main Livonia. I'm not sure if it would possible to implement but I'd love if both skyboxes were available on both maps and they rotated in/out over time, I feel like it would only increase the visual variety for everyone and make both maps feel more dynamic. If not, would it be feasible to have them manually swapped every 2/3/6/12 months or something? that sounds nice too. DMR. This was unexpected but it's always welcomed to see a classic weapon return, however it's pretty disappointing to see that it didn't come with the mil dot scope and only uses attachments already in-game, that definitely dampened my hype for it. Not only is it iconic to the A2 DMR but I also can't stand using the current ACOGs, the glowing arrows are more annoying than they are helpful. The ACOG in the alpha version was a lot more enjoyable to use. It we got both a mil dot scope and adjustments to the current ACOGs in the future that would be amazing. NWAF. It's a huge improvement in terms of gameplay and I'm very happy to see the direction it has taken. Not only is the runway flattened and spawning highly desired items, things like the camo texture on the fire station and the completely closed off aircraft shelters are a very nice touch! I wish to see visual variety on the airfield continue even further, by bringing back the iconic hangars (or perhaps a different model of similar size/shape) and scattering various aircraft inside them/around the airfield. I really like how you added both the crashed and new intact C-130 with the rework, I hope to see something similar with different types of aircraft, it really helps bring the airfield to life in my opinion. I'd also like to see more cover on the west side of the airfield, something I really liked about the 0.62 airfield was that people on the east side had cover and firing positions from all the buildings, while people on the west side had cover from all the pine trees, which was just enough to make snipers feel safe to sit there and take shots at people on the opposite side. People were also aware of this and on alert, regularly scanning those areas for snipers, I thought this was a great dynamic for the airfield PvP. With how it looks currently, the west side does have a lot of trees, but none that provide any sense of safety, it feels extremely exposed and lacking of good angles to fire from, so I fear (and it seems to be the case so far) that everyone will sit on the east side of the airfield all the time and there will be a minimal amount of long range engagements, which would be a shame since it's been such a staple of DayZ since the beginning. 1.23 is a really great patch though, Skybox, DMR and NWAF are the main points and are great overall, and very positive feelings on the patch as a whole. I didn't feel that anything added/changed was pointless or degraded the experience (which was the case in some previous patches) so that was great to see, keep it up.
  12. Jevez

    Dayz key binds not saving

    Hmm ok, I'm not sure what the issue would be then 😕 sorry. I hope that someone else can help you out.
  13. Jevez

    Dayz key binds not saving

    Do you have any DayZ document files set to read-only? Such as the "Name.dayz_preset_User.xml" file? Doing that for example will not allow changes to be saved and your keybinds will reset upon relaunching the game.
  14. Jevez

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    Oh you can definitely make changes that the majority will like for sure, what I meant was that no matter what you change there will always be some group of people (even if they're the 1%) that will hate it, and that shouldn't be used as an excuse to avoid making those changes, especially if they make the game more authentic.
  15. Jevez

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    I understand that wipes can be frustrating if you're someone who does base building etc, but I have to disagree that it's more important than the games core mechanics. A wipe happens 1-2 times per year, these other mechanics you encounter every time you play the game.
  16. Jevez

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    Sure, this will be true of any change to the game. Umm I don't think so? I'm not lying to overexaggerate if that's what you're saying, as far as I'm aware everything I said is still the truth. Last time I checked you can indeed sprint for however long you want and then hold your breath for 1 second and have 99% of sway instantly reduced, even while standing. In previous versions your character essentially had an "out of breath" meter which would increase your weapon sway the longer you sprinted, this was also conveyed to the player by the character breathing very heavily. Hipfire accuracy is also extremely good while strafing side to side, your gun and crosshair remain static and it's pretty effortless. Previously the gun would sway across the screen and your crosshair would follow it, meaning that you had to be precise and take your time to land shots, now the crosshair is just static and always accurate, even while strafing. Recoil technically exists sure, but it's so extremely low in comparison that you might as well say zero. I can't emphasise enough how good it felt to shoot in 0.62, the higher recoil combined with that "wave of energy" feeling that DOJ describes from the separate weapon/camera movement was really amazing. Shooting just feels so boring now. 😕 Well as you say there's no way to know, 0.63 changed so much at once that we cannot know the individual impact of each change. But I personally believe that yes, the player base could easily reach this size with the old gunplay mechanics. People didn't quit DayZ from 2013-2018 because of the gunplay, they quit because the game was fundamentally broken in nearly every aspect and they were tired of waiting for promised updates that never arrived. Not only did 0.63 fix core fundamental issues with the game, it also introduced modding, revamped the animation system, melee, gunplay, movement and much more all at once. If we imagine a world where the core design of the gunplay was maintained but everything else from 0.63 happened the same way, I have no doubt the game would be doing great, perhaps even better, who knows? We're not talking about the mod though, but about the early access alpha of DayZ standalone. The game maintained this system throughout its 5 year alpha period, so I tend to believe that it was the original vision. Well, just because I complain about these changed mechanics doesn't mean I think the entire game is bad, there are many great aspects to the game and there always has been, which is why people played in 2014 even though it was a complete disaster. Even if the game was "that bad" a lot of people would still play or at least follow development, because DayZ has unmatched potential and it's always possible to improve. 1. I think so yes. The changes that I believe had a big impact on the success of DayZ are ones that I approve of, such as fixing the fundamental bugs, the animation system and modding. 2. Kind of? DayZ can be an enjoyable experience, but when it comes to combat I'm left with a feeling of "this used to be so much more fun" and a desire to see a hybrid of the old and new systems, the old design of gunplay merged with the animation and smoothness improvements from Enfusion. 3. In my opinion yes it does, while it doesn't impact gameplay directly it has no place in the world and ruins immersion, when I see an item like that I just think "but why..?" From my point of view I just see that it's out of place, nobody asked for it and dev time was spent creating it, there's only negatives. The other hip packs are nice however. I'm aware that a lot goes into it but I'm curious of their opinions because at the end of the day their opinions are the most important, if the dev team feels that the current system is amazing then there's a 0% chance that it ever gets changed regardless of other factors. This just feels like an insult to be honest, I also try to understand the development team and the reasons for the things they do, but if something is changed that I think makes the game worse why wouldn't I complain about that? I want the game to improve. I'm sure that's true, and I know there's a lot to consider. It's just frustrating when an aspect of the game you really enjoyed is suddenly removed and is still absent 5 years later, with seemingly no interest from the developers in discussing this topic (at least not publicly) you get to a point where you feel like you should just move on.
  17. Jevez

    Do the devs actually read this forum?

    While I think some of the other things you said were pretty rude, I do agree with these points here. The tone of the game has definitely shifted in a wrong direction, overall the tone is reflected in many things, but includes those you mentioned. Trailers/Marketing can definitely set the tone, and I agree some things such as the 1.20 trailer were goofy and out of place for the type of game DayZ is (or was) The recent 1.22 trailer was great however, loved the atmosphere, music and editing in that trailer, feels much more fitting to DayZ, please more like that! - BUT at the end of the trailer we have more out of place stuff once again, a guy wearing a neon pink/green hip pack with the words "PARTY animal" written on it.. I really dislike that these sort of things are being added, the normal hip packs are cool but who actually wanted that one? Keeping the aesthetic of the game intact is important and this kinda stuff ain't it. Movement/Gunplay, the changes to these systems that made them more arcadey has drastically changed the tone of the game, when more "COD-like" gameplay is allowed the way people play and the feel of everything is turned on its head. The feeling of slower paced tactical gameplay is gone when you can now sprint full speed at people and hipfire spray fully accurate with your static crosshair, hold breath for 1 second and instantly have 0 sway while standing, even after sprinting for 10 minutes etc. Guns have 0 recoil and feel boring to shoot now, among other things. Also the old stamina system where your sway would increase based on how long you were sprinting for (and you'd hear you character breathing heavier, no need for a HUD) was really great. These issues were immediately apparent after 0.63 released and there was lots of discussion around it at the time, yet the arcadey gameplay remains today. One of the current DayZ developers, DOJ, uploaded a video before he joined the dev team discussing things such as the old recoil, how the camera was separate from the gun and just how great & visceral the feedback from it was. I agree with pretty much everything he said (not only regarding gunplay but everything else in that video) So hearing the news that he had joined the dev team was great, but I do wonder - has there been any discussions within the team about these things? Do any of the other devs feel similar to DOJ on these issues, will we ever see changes to make the gunplay and overall combat feel engaging again? I'm not a dev nor do I have the credentials to be one, but what I do know is that I managed to have more fun with the combat in 0.62 despite the game being a buggy mess, surely that says something about the design of the current system. To quote DOJ himself, "hooly shit it was so good." Thanks for reading and interacting on the forums @Kyiara and for any potential response.
  18. "Aiming while prone would not take the terrain surface into account normally" Does this mean what I think it does? Is it finally fixed after 5 years? I hope so but my mind is refusing to believe right now.
  19. In 2012 when the ArmA 2 DayZ mod was the only version of DayZ available, everyone obviously just referred to it as "DayZ" or the "DayZ mod", after Dean Hall and Bohemia created the version of DayZ we play today, we now needed another term to differentiate between the two in order to reduce confusion, and so the new official DayZ game was dubbed the "DayZ Standalone" or "DayZ SA" for short.
  20. Jevez

    Will we ever ACTUALLY get aircraft?

    It feels less and less likely as time goes on, but I really hope we'll see helicopters some day. Mods have proven that you can make some decent helis in the current game, and you'd imagine they'd be even better if the devs went all in on them, I guess it's just a question of if they want to or not.. it'd be a tragedy if they've written them off completely, I pray that isn't the case. I personally don't care much about planes, or even having weaponized helis, I'd just like helis for the transport, atmosphere and fun encounters between players.
  21. Jevez

    DayZ | +50 QoL suggestions | Part 5

    You put way too much effort into these, and I love it. Many great suggestions, unfortunately I doubt many of them will ever see the light of day, but please BI prove me wrong. 🙂 About topic #4, it's so frustrating that BI adds features such as the weapon collision (that are clearly not finished and as a result hinder gameplay more than improve it) then completely ignore them for years, leaving them in a shit state. Those videos you linked are obviously the worst examples of it but it's so disappointing that the feature has been left in such a state that this type of gameplay is possible. If the feature is going to be left like that for years then I'd rather it not be added at all. Similarly, about topic #54 - Stealth kills with attached bayonets is a great suggestion, and would definitely increase their viability, being able to stealth kill without unequipping your firearm is very appealing. But like you said, currently bayonets are useless for many reasons and have been since their addition, I don't understand why they bothered to add the functionality for bayonets without putting in any effort to balance them, as a result they just added dead content and wasted their time that could have been used for something else back then. Then #55, Dynamic Gas Zones - I definitely agree, the dynamic zones are lacking and are yet another feature that feels unfinished, which is disappointing because they were an exciting addition at first, before realising there is no reason to go inside. (I guess PO-X grenades but nah.. I'm not counting them) While your suggestion has made the idea of airdrops a bit less unpleasant, I'd like to suggest an alternative - moving the military convoys into dynamic gas zones. Currently, I really hate how military convoys just appear out of thin air, without any indication that they have spawned, yet they share a loot table with helicopter crashes which are audible. Convoys also have spawn points on the coast and a freshie can find a LAR as their first weapon which is a bit ridiculous in my opinion, at least if they spawned in dynamic gas zones you'd need some level of preparation before looting them were possible. Also, maybe you could come up with a way to explain that the spawning NBC infected are actually the convoy crew that got infected somehow, but to be honest I don't care enough about the lore reasons to try and think of a way to make this work, just a thought. I personally think tying the dynamic gas zones together with the convoys would be a nice way to improve both features at once. I do have an issue with the idea that only a gas mask is required for dynamic zones, but not static ones. I agree from a gameplay/balance point of view that it would be nice, but I hate the idea that the two zone types would magically have different threat levels. At least in the current implementation, there wouldn't be a way to gain that knowledge in-game, the two zone types would look the same but have different requirements, that would be really weird and bugs the hell out of me. As a result, I'm gonna say FUCK IT, WILD SUGGESTIONS INCOMING. 1. Remove static gas zones completely 2. Tie dynamic zones and military convoys together 3. Rework the convoy loot table - remove all current gear and replace it with the static gas zone loot table My initial thoughts on what these changes might do to the game - 1. Potentially improve the chance of finding good loot at heli crashes, as they'd no longer share a loot table with convoys, so there'd be less of that loot spawned in the world at once. Often you'll arrive first at a heli only to find it just spawned shit. 2. Allows you to find static gas zone loot almost anywhere on the map, instead of it being locked to the coast, which in my opinion is terrible and completely backwards. 3. Hopefully get people moving around the map more and chasing dynamic zones - removing as much high tier loot from the coast as possible is a good thing, north-west Chernarus is so dead and it needs to encourage players to stay in that area. (Removing NBC from costal areas like NEAF would be nice too) If Tisy becomes THE only place to reliably collect NBC, and dynamic zones with M4s and such can spawn across the map, at places like Novaya, NWAF, Vybor, Stary etc, that's a good encouragement to not only travel there, but keep traversing those areas. 4. Encourages players to keep NBC on them at all times in case there's a gas strike - perhaps this would be annoying but other changes could be made, such as reducing their inventory size or allowing you to wear it on top of other gear etc. Well, I typed a lot and had some fun thinking about this. Even if y'all disagree I hope you enjoyed reading it if you made it this far. Nice post Asmondian.
  22. Jevez

    Update 1.20 general discussion

    Some of the bug fixes were really nice, such as the ADS bug and the hitboxes of items being misaligned when they were in your hands. The changes to the eye zoom when sprinting, it felt like a completely random and unnecessary change that nobody asked for, and it just made the moment to moment gameplay more annoying for me. Does it have to be "add" as in something new, or can we change an existing part of the game? I guess I'll give one of each to be safe. My "add" vote goes to helicopters, they are an iconic part of DayZ that brought thrills and epic moments for many years and deserve to be back in the game, they can also be easily balanced in a way that keeps them rare, exciting and not overpowered. My "change" vote goes to reworking the gunplay, the current arcadey gunplay doesn't fit DayZ.
  23. Jevez

    Stable Update 1.20

    You are partly correct here, but the problem was much less about zeds ignoring the shooter than it was about fights where players would trade (not 1:1 in kills, but 1 killed and 1 unconscious) the infected would run over and finish the uncon guy, meaning that no one would win the fight, this made for extremely lame PvP and I'm glad they fixed it, but I agree the current solution isn't great. "Simply make them only hit players unconned after hit by an infected. Damage source is logged so that would definitely be possible." I agree with you, this is the ideal solution, keeps the infected deadly in PvE-only scenarios while eliminating the possibility for them to create unsatisfying PvP encounters.
  24. Jevez

    back to survival

    I do agree with this, the game is extremely hard for new players and extremely easy for anyone with experience. Food from animals is definitely insane, how you can instantly go from starving to not needing food for multiple hours. To be honest though I think theses things are hard for them to balance because people complain no matter what. As someone with lots of experience, surviving at any stage of the game is easy, but you still see new players frequently complain that the game has 0 loot and they spent 5 hours non stop dying of starvation. Do you think that the survival mechanics are just poorly balanced? or that the game needs more survival mechanics? because I'm not sure what brand new mechanics they could add, and often adding things like new crafting recipes only makes the game easier (stone/bone knife for example)
  25. Jevez

    Put survival first

    The AI and its lack of interactivity with the environment is a definitely the major problem, yeah. Blocking could do with a nerf as well, I don't think the current infected would ever be taken seriously as long as we can permanently block 100% of their damage. My main complaint with punching is mainly a vibe/tone thing, that is just makes the game feel goofy. But I do think that being able to kill infected so easily by punching takes away from the survival feel, it would be nice if in the early game I was defenceless and had to rely on stealth to survive until I could find a weapon. It just kinda feels lame to me that the second you spawn in you can walk up to an infected and kill it no problem, no fear, no tension, but I do agree that if other things like their AI, the amount of infected and perhaps their health/damage were altered then you would be forced to use weapons and the effectiveness of your fists wouldn't even be in conversation.