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Everything posted by Oyface

  1. Oyface

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Just some screenshots I've taken over the last few weeks. Starting with some practice shooting with the bow. Cuddling zombies! And pretentious artsy things! Starting with a gun on a musical instrument .. A sad ocean zombie, with a bonus gif .. And some rain!
  2. Oyface

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    These are from a few patches ago, but still some of my favorites. This was the combined zombies of Svetlojarsk and Berezino. This next one was fun setting up. And hilarious to watch, at one point they aggroed on a guy on the street and started pushing each other off. It was literally raining zombies. This is one of my favorite places to stick zombies. Oh what the hell, I'll throw in a few more shots of my zombie wrangling ..
  3. A lot of zombies now have invisible force fields around them, and push you away as they initially attack you. This is really annoying for people like me who kill them with melee. I like their numbers, but I absolutely despise the current spawning system. If you put zombies in a building, they disappear if you go more than 40-50 meters away. The number of zombies in a city also seems to be related to how many players are around. That makes no sense. Both of these things makes it impossible for me to do what I've always done in this game, making zombie traps for other players. Unless I want to sit right on top of them while I wait for someone to walk in, that is. I can no longer create massive hordes either, by gathering zombies from several cities, since they keep disappearing whenever they reach their maximum amount. This has removed almost all fun from this game for me. I would not be playing this game if it wasn't for the roleplay server, it's the only thing making it worthwhile right now. Please, devs, I beg you, fix this. Please.
  4. Oyface

    Zambies kill you even when they're dead.

    I dunno, but it feels real nice having 20-30 ping. :)
  5. Oyface

    What happened to Pax Prime?

    That's the general idea, yeah.
  6. Oyface

    Zambies kill you even when they're dead.

    You've been doing it wrong then, if you didn't get it to work.
  7. What's there to fix? It's not a problem. It's as simple as other people playing their own style. Besides, what would you do in this game if there were no hostile players?
  8. When I get bored of standalone, I play the mod.
  9. I was expecting a "Foley? Foley? Fooooleeyy!" ... Nice job though!
  10. Oyface

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Found some sort of superweapon a little while ago .. :P http://cloud-4.steampowered.com/ugc/45354133351957511/9A8C90E5B536A553943292A1784CA607C8AAB7BD/ EDIT: Why does it only allow me to post the link? I can't get the picture to show up ..
  11. .. Sorry, I just couldn't hear you over the sound of all the gear I got in under two hours.
  12. Oyface

    1 v 3 Vybor Ambush

    Nice job, man. Gotta love the shotgun! :P
  13. I already posted about this, it was on a total of two servers. :P
  14. Oh, really? I thought you needed a diploma to be a professional .. Oh well :D
  15. I get what you mean, OP, but DayZ is a survival game. Having a shelter is part of survival. A very important part.
  16. Got 6 of them on hardcore. :P How is this an argument? Are we arguing? Chill, bro, I'm only showing off my gear. EDIT: Jesus, is it no longer possible to make a thread without people assuming you're dead serious about everything? Lighten up, folks!
  17. Hmm, the only gun I've had trouble finding mags for is the sporter .. Although the carbine mags don't exactly show up all over the place. Two different ones. Just joined a random server at first, and then another random server when the first one reset.
  18. Oyface

    About Wallet Usage

    Fixed your comment for you ... :P
  19. You can always rely on us to be funny, though .. You take care of the rest! :P
  20. Oyface

    Bandit life

    This reminded me of "real women have curves". :P Anyway, I still disagree.
  21. Oyface

    Bandit life

    I disagree, kinda. All KOS'ers are bandits, but not all bandits are KOS'ers. KOS is a shitty form of banditry, but banditry nonetheless. :P
  22. Oyface

    Describe Your Playstyle In 5 Words Or Less

    I like shooting people sometimes.
  23. What are you on about, OP? The only time I don't see full or almost full hardcore servers, is like 6 in the morning
  24. Oyface

    Message to UN Clan

    A bandit clan? On MY DayZ? No way!! :o EDIT: Seriously though, there's a lot of UN themed clans out there. Some of them never even claim to be friendly, so deal with it.