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About remastyi

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  1. remastyi

    Experimental Update 1.05

    Hello. Sorry for my English. I use a translator. in this update: Reduced damage and shock value received from infected It is not right. Zombies now pose a much lower threat compared to players. You want to reduce the threat from zombies even more. They must be a threat. Consider introducing such mechanics into the game: Each hit of a zombie with a 30% probability can infect a player with a special disease (or with 50% if the player has started bleeding from the blow). The player has 1 hour of real time to find the injection (do the same as adrenaline or morphine only in blue, for example, the model is the same, the animations are the same as the textures are just different and the description). Injection is likely to be found in hospitals. If a player finds an injection and injects it himself, then he will immediately recover from this disease. When a player gets sick with this disease (this happens 10 minutes after he got infected from a zombie hit) he has an icon of a bacterium and he periodically feels sick and coughs. Food and water decrease as usual (otherwise, many simply do not have time to get to the hospital and die on the way). After 1 hour has passed since the player received information that he is infected, his health status begins to fall rapidly and the player dies. Thus, without making AI zombies smarter, you dramatically increase the threat from them. Players will try to bypass the zombies or kill them at a distance. There will be an additional need to move around the map. Still it is necessary to make that injection appeared only in the hospital and on military facilities it wasn’t.
  2. remastyi

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    in 60 players servers had this bug too
  3. remastyi

    Stable Update 1.0.150192

    I see this bug in 100 person server
  4. remastyi

    New zombies

    Let the developers think how to make the game not like Tamagotchi sim. For me, this problem is not as important as what I described in the first message in this thread.
  5. remastyi

    New zombies

    i have no trouble too. But i think the character wants to drink and eat too often. It is better to let less food and it is more difficult to get
  6. remastyi

    New zombies

    I think that hunger and thirst are coming now so fast. Your character most closely resembles that of tamagotchi. Let hunger and thirst come not so fast, but to make food difficult to find. Then it will need to get from animals. But it is necessary that food and water to saturate need less. Now we need too much food.
  7. remastyi

    New zombies

    Hello. Sorry for my English. Now for the player there are no serious problems and opponents except other players. The game does not currently have the need to unite with other players except to kill other players. If now developers remove all zombies from the card, then nothing will change much. And that's bad. What needs to be changed: 1) zombies must be dangerous - when they hit your character, he must fall ill from infection and after 1-2 hours it’s possible to die, only special medicine that rarely appears in hospitals can cure you (when your character is healthy, we’ll have a chance to get infected by a zombie 30%, and when you are unwell, the chance of infection increases when hit. Thus, you will try not to notice the zombies at all or to kill them at a distance so that they do not have time to hit you. You can enter zombies with cold weapons such as a water pipe or equivalent, so that they have more damage. 2) It is necessary that the complexity of the game increase from the place of respawn as you move deeper into the map. So that people understand that it is more profitable to merge. Now in cities and villages zombies can attack you and occasionally even kill. And in the forest is more secure. It is not right. The farther from the coast, the more difficult it should be. In the depth of the map there should be more dangerous and strong opponents. Changed zombies that move faster and can kill you with 2-3 blows, as well as zombies are animals - wolves or bears. Changed zombies should not aimlessly walk like ordinary zombies but rather resemble predatory animals and sit in ambush waiting for the player to come closer to rush at him. As long as they do not attack, they must be noiseless and when they attack they must make a sound in order to give the player a chance to kill them. It is necessary that there was a feeling that they are preying on you and not you on them. 3) On some private servers have added infected zones and you need to collect a protective suit to go there. This would be a good addition to the new zombies and animals that I wrote. 4) At some military bases, you can add underground warehouses and bunkers inside of which would have sat modified zombies who would see in the dark and try to ambush players.
  8. remastyi

    Experimental Update 1.0.150104

    Thanks. i create a bug report. But i think this is thread to discuss about problems and devs read that
  9. remastyi

    Experimental Update 1.0.150104

    Sorry for my english. Probles 1) I find mp5 with 15 bullets magasine and can't remove this magasine http://skrinshoter.ru/s/110119/17oMS2lH?a 2) You have altered the airfield near Balota, and the zombies will respawn on the places where they were before the building and not where the buildings now stand. Now they are just wandering through the fields http://skrinshoter.ru/s/110119/ekouI0fR?a 3)mp5 is displayed on the quick access panel (button 1) and a spare mag for it too (button 2). When I hold the mp5 in my hands and press the button 2, it sometimes appears as in the screenshot and it does not disappear even if you put the mag on the ground and move a few meters away (I tried to lay out the mag on the ground to move a few meters and press the left mouse button and the mag magically joined the MP5) http://skrinshoter.ru/s/110119/xoJ6vcSn?a 4) Since now you can create servers for 100 users and more, then you need to test how your updates work on a server of 100 people. So that it is complete and give at least a week to its users to fill it with bases and backpacks buried in the ground. This will be a real test. And now on the experimental version, all updates usually work more or less normally, but when they come out on a stable version, the server part of the game starts to slow down when there are 100 people on the server. And this is not related to the lack of performance of the server; these are problems with the software part. 5) Periodic friezes on 1-2 seconds 6) MP5 on military objects began to come across a lot (Chernagorsk, Balota, Pavlovo, Zelenogorsk). Mp5 has become too much. Chernarus is a post-Soviet space and therefore the AK family should be the most common military weapon(5,45 and 7,62 caliber). Somewhere a police class weapon can be spread. But there will be more weapons of 9 * 18 mm and not 9 * 19 mm. That is, mp5 if it will occur to a lesser extent.
  10. remastyi

    Experimental Update 1.0.150053

    Sorry for my English. I think that the main bugs will be corrected by summer or autumn. In fact, only a year later we will get version 0.63 that works. And then maybe by the end of next year they will start adding what was already in the game. Are you ready to wait another year?
  11. remastyi

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    Hello. It was here that we paid the money and waited five years. Happy new year.
  12. remastyi

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    You would like to say that it was the builders who organized five years parties with our money. You have been told that the accommodation is ready for you to move to it. And now when people came to their homes, they saw that the house was still unfinished. And all the questions in why it happened you get answers that it’s already told to everyone that the roof of the house is leaking, people's things disappear, and there are many other problems, but everyone knows everything about them and there is nothing to be outraged. I am sure that you will certainly say that there are no problems, I will wait another 5 years. I love to wait. Party time
  13. remastyi

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    This thread about Stable Patch Discussion Users write about the problems that need to be solved. Ghost bullets for example. I wrote about this issue 12/23/2018. Is this information added to the list of known issues? Not. In response, only heard about what we are stupid. This is what I call "working" with the community. Please introduce the following situation: You have purchased an apartment in a house under construction. You immediately paid the money. You waited 5 years. You come to your apartment and see that the water from the tap then flows then it does not flow. There are wallpapers on the walls but only in the toilet. The doors don't open, and when they open they try to fall on you and kill you. When you try to turn on the light it hits you with a current. And your things for some reason constantly disappear from the apartment. I think you will not complain about these annoying little things. You will not go to court. Just wait another five years.
  14. remastyi

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    You very truly noticed. Because this is 0.63 patch (BETA or ALPHA), with different bugs. Not 1.0 in fact. In the release we were promised a working core of the game. It does not work correctly until now. How can this be called 1.0? Why?
  15. remastyi

    Stable Update 1.0.150000

    OK. But if the developers know about this problem, then why not write it in the section Known Issues of 1.0.150000. In the description of the patch 1.0.149974 Fixed: Hit registration. Ghost bullets and hit registration this is a diffent things. OK. But this problem stil alive.