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About creative5p

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    MMA, fitness, IT, gaming, football, kayaking, weapon/military history.

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  1. creative5p


    Make sure your filters are set correctly in the server browser.
  2. creative5p

    We are shutting down Experimental servers

    Where did you manage to get the pw?
  3. creative5p

    We are shutting down Experimental servers

    There is 0.63 "THE TEST CHERNO" server running but it's passworded. Guess it's only for the devs for now.
  4. creative5p

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    I have searched NWAF 4 times now and have not found a single AKM. Found around 10 SKS-s though. In my opinion Dayz Dev team really showed with this how incompetent they really are and forgot to add AKM into the loot spawns.
  5. creative5p

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    What was the small update on stable? New version is 0.44.123802 any changelogs on that.
  6. creative5p

    SKS ammo?

    SKS is a is not military weapon so so it would be logical not to find it in military bases. I Have found boxes of 7.62x39 ammo in electro fire stations and school buildings.
  7. Happened to me as well. And I also fell over while running when I got the starvation message.
  8. creative5p

    SKS Feedback

    You can find the 7.62x39 ammo in fire stations and general office/school buildings.
  9. creative5p

    what does the cleaning kit actually do?

    It also won't work on ruined items.