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About Exciision

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  1. Exciision

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I can mostly play... 5 till 10minutes without a lagg.. then perma laggs everywhere after 20min "Session lost". After login the same again.. :(
  2. Start the Exp-Servers now new or are they still online permanently? So there's no new Loot spawning.. Sry for the Question, last Exp-Play is a long time ago :)
  3. Exciision

    Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.34.115106

    Still stuck on the "you are dead" screen cause i was glitching out of the ship^^. I leave the Serrver and reconnect. Now i have a "please wait..." screen since 10min.. hmmm.. i'm getting booring on this.. very frustrating.. Is there something i can do or "just" waiting? like this Guy up me ;) same Time posting haha.
  4. Exciision

    Human Nature Simulator aka Day Z

    Think about it..
  5. when i join a server is there a "you are dead" on the screen. de respawn button doesnt work...what should i do? stable version and respawn there and then update again?
  6. i just see DE/SE Servers, but never a US.
  7. are there more DE servers comming than 4?
  8. Cant connect..yaa...im waiting..