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About CaptainFist

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. CaptainFist

    No zombies after 1.04 update

    I have learned now: a little error in Types.xml ending in no loot and no Zeds. Bst way to edit it is Notepad++ with xml tools... this has an autocheck implemented no more errors or searching
  2. CaptainFist

    No zombies after 1.04 update

    Same here but with mods... no loot no Zombies no Animals... I have done a wipe... complete mission vanilla.... for testing it doesn´t help
  3. CaptainFist

    Experimental Update 1.02

    its not the first time i do this, and yes i have tried verify files... tried a different steam account, restart my computer.... the client updating . the server files not
  4. CaptainFist

    Experimental Update 1.02

    more than three times?
  5. CaptainFist

    Experimental Update 1.02

    Experimental servers? Steam shows no Change when switch to "beta"
  6. CaptainFist

    Stable Update 1.0150627

    The focus is on Xbox to earn Bonus Money. Pc Players evt. get a 14,99$ DLC for V3s, Sedan, and throwing. Then another one for 14,99$ with Littlebird and Dirtbike... My hope for DayZ is in the Modding Community. i think (i hope this is wrong) The developers, if they still exist focus on Xbox or other Projects...
  7. CaptainFist


    Hi, 45 Days is the max value? is it possible set i to whatever i want? e.g. 120 Days ?
  8. CaptainFist

    Tent damage

    Some Way to deactivate it server side?
  9. CaptainFist

    Admin For Dayz Standalone (Works)

    Ok works with latest version. Multiple Admins Possible? ref TStringArray admins = {"Uid1xxxxxxxxxxxx;Uid2xxxxxxxxxxxxxx"}; // Add your BI UID ???
  10. CaptainFist

    Admin For Dayz Standalone (Works)

    Thank you very much! Works with the latest Stable?
  11. CaptainFist

    Admin For Dayz Standalone (Works)

    @Groolsh I Have the same issue... Can you upload or Post the correct init.c ?
  12. CaptainFist

    Server Questions.

  13. CaptainFist

    Private Shard Shared Database

  14. CaptainFist

    Private Shard Shared Database

    Server Hoster do this today, the developers know how to set this... Private shard Hive Master and Slave....
  15. CaptainFist

    Private Shard Shared Database

    Anything new?