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Everything posted by Exxoduss

  1. Exxoduss

    76 - Possibilities list

    RED - Things they still should Insert GREEN- Completed Orange- Other things to be thought about Pink- In argument/discussion/or or in conflict Thats funny, here it is april15th 2017, I come back to check on this list from along time ago and see how its doing? Also I would like to add something to the list... There needs to be an idle timer on the servers, AFK for say 20 minutes and it should kick you from the servers... not only will it clear the clutter of AFK people hogging a full pop, it will help the PVE players that have to deal with others things and end up forgeting about the process being opened in the background and dieing of starvation, I hate that... its killing me and poking at my immersion. If you don't fix it I will find a windows task killer bot that will! P.S. Good job on the game as all in all gentleman.. Its been a long time, But I also understand the fact that things dont materialize overnight! Doors making Noises or squeeking- (need a can of WD40) "I was serious about the can of wd40 though" + Walky talkies that transmit accross public and/or private servers + Or an independatly working server ourside of the game server thats launches a VOIP (voice over internet protocal) when the walky talky is turned on from any server. + Children zombies + Pet Dog/Cat zombies + Bears + Computers/laptops + Personal key locks + Solar Still + Coming to a complete stop from a sprint will cause charector to fall down on face + ReWriting the source code every few months. + ALL Items you posses when you Die. STAY on current server @ Location, unless Ruined for 2 weeks. + Gaurd Dog(s) that will send you a text message if another player is detected around its position. + Rats + Bats + Bigger map by 50% + Platues + Canyons + Gorges + Cliffs + Impossible to reach locations (by normal means) + Unseen to locate (by normal means) + any inventory stashed anywhere will stay put for 2 weeks + To access a houses "inventory" and essentaily make a base out of any house you feel fit + Eating and Walking simultaneously + Growing Colorado Pot + bird Hunting + cricket and other other outside bug noises at night time + Same weather on all servers simultaneously. + Wind + Nudging or pushing vehicle thats in nuetral drive + WInd Storms + More immersion and camping survival content. + Journals- + Diary keeping its own journals in accordance to you're actions + Finding and reading another players journal + Allowing journal entries after finding a pen + Adding small drawings or maps or areas -so to speak (player hidden item caches) + Digging Fox holes + digging a grave + Placing individual server static Grave Markers + Climbing trees + Proximity alarms (tripwire attached to Cans with rocks in them) + proximity alarms (Cans with stones hanging from a ceiling with netting) + Nooses and Hanging (public execution or a warning sign to other players) + Player made Bolts for crossbow + tieing up players/zombies/wolves to the back of a vehicle and dragging it around + the common cold (sneezing or coughing at the worst possible time) (alerting another player or zombies) + burning other players at the stake + Bon Fires + amputations + Solar Powered Cell phones (not for making phone calls but for journal entries and/or hacking an electric lock to that military stash or taking pictures for end game story) + I just wanna use this space to press the opinion I have about the end game and the stroies players make with the game- A bit enphasis on this subject plus tools to make these stories attainable would be cool. ie pics fropm cell phones or drawings, journal entries to dates of entries and (what i am poking at here) game assisted journal entries (killed what and where/when) (broke leg where and when) (got sick, Saved a life (who, where, when, how) etc... Then once you die the client side computers will generate a draft of the journal in a story form allowing the player to read the story of his life ingame as a third person. saving it and or posting it to the forums if it was incredibly exciting life that player had... This effect would definatly set DayZ aside from other video games of this nature and secure DayZ its place in the mantles of computer gamers everywhere. Hell I would just start roleplaying in game more just to have a killer story to read after I die. Im thinking this would be an outstanding DayZ feature and is worth thinking about. + tieing a zombie onto a leash or rope to make act as a sort of a gaurd + Restraining Zombies + attracting wolves with bait + Trapping a Wolf for purpose of a guard + Making Gunpowder
  2. Exxoduss

    76 - Possibilities list

    _removed by owner_
  3. Exxoduss

    76 - Possibilities list

    Sweet reply bobotype3334 I like the spelling mistakes you fixed also... That was a collection of things gotten by a group of people during the time i posted it... So not all of those "additional" ideas came from me... I appreciate the attentioned it has gotten from you.. I havent been on these forums for over 6 months and i am here today trying to find a post to qoute to some butthat on steam thats angry that dayz is developing other stuff and not fixing the zombies... wich is explained in the post I cant find.. (sigh) maybe place him in his place another day... then I saw this reply.. cool.. well hopefully some of them helped out of shaked someones aspirations of ingame content. . and hopefully u will find an easy and simiple solution to the wall clipping, becuase as of yet, it is the #1 thing hurting this game. (in my own opinion) In any case see ya guys later.. keep up the good work
  4. Exxoduss

    Stable Branch: 0.44 Discussion

    Sony pushing H1Z1 is a chicken S**t move on SONY's Part.. Dayz has some thing that Sony Online Entertainment will NEVER have-- these are Vision " Having an insight of the genereal "FEEL" or atsmosphere of the game setting and Immersion in story, all Sony will be able to muster is a FPS/Planetside (maybe some lightning and thunder) atmosphere becuase they are too worried about targeting all age groups, intelect levels and diversity. SOE has a PROVEN Reputation of SCREWING any game they make up to the point every single user that has or has played it wanna vommit instead of playing it again... examples: Starwars Galaxies, Everquest2 and Planetside1 and now Planetside2. They refuse to listen to there major player block and instead think of it as a money issue and target all users at the same time- Consol's and PC. And for you people that think that DAYZ made a "KILLING" on the sales of this game has not did the math of actual flat dollars of compairing H1Z1 and Dayz... SOE makes that much money Bohemia did in less then 2-3 buisness weeks on a constant bases... But they will never achieve the Complex/Simulation/Difficulty level the player undergos that dayz offers.. ever! Having a broken leg is too "Hard" for SOE players... Keep up the good work DAYZ programming team.. And dont give in to mental midget AOL using retards that cry about everything like SOE does!!
  5. Exxoduss

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    What do you think about - Expanding map via server- (Have to be at edge of map to switch servers to adjacent map)
  6. Exxoduss

    76 - Possibilities list

    As Far as I am concerned- If you hand 50 different people a sentance writen on a peice of paper and asked them to write on another peice of paper what they thought that sentance ment, you will get 50 completly different answers... so yes and no.. I appreciate the fact that i can count on inspiration to trigger normality and easiest short bursts of added entertainment while taking the fact that yes all these single word aspirations if you will have a corny side effect.
  7. Exxoduss

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172917-76-possibilities-list/ ^^^
  8. Exxoduss

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    Yeah, I just logged onto the forums to see how many reports of the lag issue and if/when a hot fix will be delivered.. But on the BRIGHTER side of things while we wait... I REALLY LOVE THE GAS LAMPSS!! GREAT WORK ON THEM! they are a tad bit bright maybe a little more then whats realisticaly feasable, but they are beautiful, I have been waiting for them to work since the alpha was released, GOOD JOB! Also I love the Silenced Pistol! AGAIN AWESOME JOB! You can still make ruined bullets pristine though by splitting them and cloths within cloths within cloths... (I dunno but woulnt stopping this inter stacking of items help with some of the server lag of players loading another players items when they are grossly extended?) 3 MOST important things from a players perspective now is- Light shining through the walls into adjacent room/area Zombies, Items, and players clipping through walls/textures/meshes Zombies SHOULD NOT spawn in any players SIGHT RADIUS (throws the realism right out the window) (Side note) Might consider something installed about the wind and its ballistic effects on trajectories & There is something really wrong with the ability to "sence" the incomming sound of disscharging firearms, (Doppler effect not incorperated) or something it really needs some extra attention. BUT AGIAN, Good luck with the server lag issue (crosses fingures soon will be a hot fix) and agaIn AWESOME JOB ON THE .22 WEAPONS!! ---AND--- AWESOME JOB ON THE GAS LAMPS!!
  9. Exxoduss

    76 - Possibilities list

    Dynamite, Poisoning food Chainsaws! MegaPhone
  10. Welcome to the Big Leagues Junior. Sooner or later you will learn that repeating yourself and responding to these texts are the same thing as giving every single question the answer instead of making them find it themselves and if someone tells them who cares, getting all worked up doesnt do anyone anygood. Just gonna give you grey hairs and for what?! A little self assurance? Blah. on another note; Personaly as long as they dont "say" they are going to update, I dont care if they wait till the retail date to release the next patch (or the retail version), In fact I kinda wish they would. I got one last question though, was pre-releasing this game worth it?
  11. Question: Will Tent city be back to normal (Meaning having military loot inside the tents, one per tent) after this version is placed into Stable? Or is there another issue causeing it to remain broken?
  12. Exxoduss

    Hotfix changelog: Stable Branch: 0.35.115188

    You pull in $30,000,000 in the first week of your software do ya??? I dint think so.
  13. Blue Balled! Keep on rollin rollin rollin, Keep the ballers trollin.
  14. The entire server list vanished or is steam having trouble with there VAC servers?
  15. Exxoduss

    Server Issue? 2/18/14 3:25 pm Mnt time

    Servers back up
  16. Exxoduss

    76 - Possibilities list

    list updated some, will come up with some more outlandish developer nightmarish additions lateron
  17. Exxoduss

    76 - Possibilities list

    Are you sure becuase in night time servers there are street lights and you can shoot them out
  18. Exxoduss

    ​Server unable to connect to hive

    Maybe they are fixing the clipping issue with the skeleton of the virtual world. Would be superduperexpectufabulitious
  19. They are just role playing the part. dont let it get to you... Playerhaters... Dont hate the player becuase of the game!!!!!!!
  20. Bandages.. becuase no matter how good you are with the fireaxe, eventualy a zombie will cause you to bleed... but in retro spec, if/when illness/disease and effects from weather and other conditions such as hyper thermia becomes another problem for the player to solve.. clean cloths and fire will become one of the most important.
  21. Exxoduss

    12 Ideas That I feel Would Improve DayZ.

    I like all of them except number 6... Last thing I want to see happen to DayZ is an RPG style implemented into the game, It destroys the immersive paret of the game becuase eventualy everyone will find out exactly where that certian zombie is and/or where the key is hidden and unbalance the game toward all the other players. and its not even close to be realistic when you kill the late "mr. smith" over and over and over again to obtain a predetermined crap when it needs to be random for the above reasons.... Fairness to all players and same ole story deprivation from the game better left up to the players imagination..
  22. Exxoduss

    Enable movement during gestures

    +2 thumbs up.. also I would like to sit down to eat my cereal & powder milk, especialy when I cant add any water to it. Or Let me At least walk and eat at the same time.... (Did someone say the animators for the Dayz SA Project were idle? I hope your getting paid more then minimum wage....)
  23. Exxoduss

    Ctrl+Z to go prone and takeoff your backpack at once.

    Yesterday I was sprinting full speed for like 45 minutes wih a fully loaded back back on and I was in mid stride when my avatar hit a tree dead center and came to a full and complete stop of forward momentum... dint even phase me... Just sidesteped around the tree and continue sprinting like nothing happened... (cough) (Cough) U show me someone that can sprint for 45 minutes with a 120 lb backback and using a tree as a stopping tool with full vertical impact of your body and I will show you a pancake laid up in a hospital for 2 weeks.
  24. Exxoduss

    Ctrl+Z to go prone and takeoff your backpack at once.

    When dissembarking from a blackhawk helicopter in the Army, this was done in less then 10 seconds.. Just saying. Throw out your pack, and fall behind it combat ready... Or you could always use the body of the guy that took 10 seconds to do this manuver.