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Everything posted by Exxoduss

  1. Exxoduss

    Christmas Wish List

    Post your 1-3 wish list here: for DayZ No more then 3 wishes per player 1. 4x bigger map (because its too small to effectively hide a base) EDIT:- Same map- Just expanded another 730 sq. kilometers. 2. Horses (ridable, Huntable "The diverse breeds of Russian horses - Hardy riding animals, speedy trotters, hard-working pack animals, powerful cart horses and stoic ponies - are tough, vigorous and undemanding.") 3. K-9's (The East-European Shepherd, often called the Russian German Shepherd, is a Soviet dog variation of the German Shepherd. This russian dog breed is larger & heavier built & its medium length double coat IS more dense to allow this Russian dog withstand cold winters.)
  2. Exxoduss

    Does headshots count on animals?

    With a scope- You should be able to hit a good 150 meters away. Maybe not much farthur, but if I am going to get sniped- lets face it. It aint gonna matter what gun I have if I walk into a zerod in sniper line of fire. Sorta like a funny as hell moment, I got a BK-18, ( This game has bullet drop and the weapon does not go under a zero in distance of under 200 meters. ) load in a single shot 7.62 full metal jacket, standing still 20 meters in front of a cow, aim directly down the sights for the head and fire. The cow turns away as if to run, suddenly stops turns and looks back at me and then calmly goes back to eating the grass.. I did this 2 more times and still did not land a shot.. Embaressed I threw the BK-18 down and swore I would never use it again... OH! & I Axed that cow But does the game have hit boxes on animals? Yes it does. although I agree-- In slaughter houses, the animals are corralled into a narrow hallway type structure until there head goes through a slot inches from the barrel of a .22 and a single shot humanly dispatches the animal. I have shot a doe in the side of the face 4 times with an sg5 and it just run away. It would be rather cool feature to see animal blood trails, the ability to track and finish off the injured animal,provided the animal has a stamina bar and blood loss indicators attached to it. if not we might not ever see that in this version of dayz. but who knows? Survival is a basic human instinct, and no amount of time will seperate that from our DNA. People will always aspire to test there survivability... HAHAHA This is why cheaters crack me up... WHY ON EARTH WOULD YOU CHEAT ON A "SURVIVAL" GAME?!! HAHAHAHA Ahem- not you or anyone in particular- just generalizing.... (shakes head)
  3. Exxoduss

    Food and survival rate

    I think they are currently working on the fruit drop rate. It has changed recently in my observations so expect this to be different and not set into stone if any one particular player thinks they unlocked the process... just a heads up. I did like the half hour spawn rate ont he rosebuds, hawthorn berries and elder berries though- I thought that amount of time was DOPE. Dont ask me why, but it adds to the base building and resources available to you.also this is another reason if bases are to be a players "HOME" they need a bigger map and somekind of protection that will instantly mortaly wound a player that wishes to harm it while the defender is offline, if they cheat or not. Grenade trip wire Sharpstick springtrap Invisible barbwire Pit trap Holding infected captive Holding a bear captive Gaurd dogs Sirens using a megaphone and generator to attract infected if near Bottles/cans/something and rope to make perimeter alarms to attract infected if near. Landmines Beartraps electrical fencing or barbedwire w generator and maybe the dead players loot being lootable apun return or login if under a flagpole?
  4. Exxoduss

    Christmas Wish List

    What is your other 2 wishes?
  5. Exxoduss

    Christmas Wish List

    I think you used to be able to...
  6. Exxoduss

    Food and survival rate

    Well, Thre is always a sledge hammer. Usd to break rocks. then make an imrovised knife. Unfortunatly only lasts a few cuts.
  7. Exxoduss

    Does headshots count on animals?

  8. Exxoduss

    What would make a Dayz perfect game?

    For me- DayZ will never be done. I enjoy the graphics immensely, if it was not for the scenery I prolly would not play it near as much. but the survival and Danger. There is a fine balance between difficult and player hating. when the game gives you the feel that it is being mean or purposfuly trying to kill you (leading you up to disaster) I feel is that line. But to simulate the enviroment at which is (oops you made a mistake and died) is fun to do. But you must be careful about punishing the pre-paired. so the game has some limitation from making it a challenge for the people that are hardened to the enviroment inside the game & that understand (not xploits) but how to survive in the game, should not cause the game to retaliate. so yeah this being a difficult thing to apply in a setting. but that cannot be solo applied to your question, so in a broader approach- It would be cool if the game summed up all the statistics the player accumulated during his life and when you die- it would then use that information to present to the player there "DayZ Storie" and this summary or biography could detail tons of information depending on where you would like to create immersivness for the game. that would make it a 10/10.
  9. Exxoduss

    Christmas Wish List

    You know you love it! cANABALS ARE THE BEST TO RUN FROM.
  10. Exxoduss

    Movement speed

    I have been having a little trouble with the movement speed ingame reverting back to joggin after I close the inventory screen- I can understand the change in speed while aiming a weapon or weilding a melee weapon, but just accessing the inventory is a passive player move and was wondering if it could retain the movement speed your were set at proir to opening the inventory screen? Also, is it static that the inventory inside a vehicle is restricted? just seems to me the best place to sort your goodies would be while driving down the road (as a passanger) ohh... (chuckle) was wondering if I could eat or drink while performing emotes such as sitting back, or leaning? I remember when you could aim and fire your weapon from performing an emote like laying back..? yes and no is not nessicarry- just curious as the stance the programming team is taking on these issues.?
  11. Exxoduss

    Helicrash loot

    I came here tis evening to even see if the helicopter spawns were still a thing since I have note been able to find one, and you gentleman are arguing the loot tables. OK good. I have not been wasting my time. I kinda had a clue though when I found a mossy ghillie hood insomeones stash... but this solidifies it. What bout thes4e X-mas trees? are these in game or not yet? I would love to find a VSS. Maybe an AUG. Or best yet- A claymore mine! although a M203 RPG underbelly attachment for Smoke/frag propelled grenades with thermal vision & battery would be super kind.
  12. Exxoduss

    Food and survival rate

    MY Advice: New spawn (bambi) 1. look for a knife 2 look for cloths to rip up into rags + gloves + rope 3. look for an animal or dead player for bones 4. find a nice grove of fruit trees next to some body of water. 5. set up a fireplace and have it ready to go along with a fishing pole and pointy stick 6. Catch a fish- prepair it, eat it
  13. Exxoduss

    Food and survival rate

    I dont think the fat was ever intended to be consumed. But, as in a lot of things in DayZ, I could be wrong. I know the same ting happened when I ate a whole bag of rice in one sitting--- *Ralph*
  14. Smoke a pot of water with bones and guts of wolves,sheep,players etc.. Just thought i would throw that one out there, but its feels like it has been mentioned before..
  15. Exxoduss

    The Sun Rays

    Trust me! People like survuval- Its part of our nature! and thats intended for an executive level.
  16. Exxoduss

    The Sun Rays

    I love the sun rays- dont remove them...
  17. Exxoduss

    The Sun Rays

    Like the rain getting into your eyes in a storm. I Was thinking: Having snakes would crumble a server load? Just chillin in one position and BAM! get bit by an actual snake. "Actual" meaning its own free roaming entity. Ha! Or the ability to throw a snake at an infected. it'll b dbl infected. HORSES & K-9's Seasons greetings and Super JOB on the update!
  18. Exxoduss

    True Survival?

    Since he went off topic. Im going to also! GREAT WORK GENTLEMAN AND LADIES! As far as I can tell the patch was an overwhelming success! I still have my Aspirations for DayZ, who dont? Like a sudden but once awhile burst of sheets of rain. I often wondered if the Shard could share the weather system? I dont know if now would be a good time to bring up- Clans and clan management & Server hopping for planned scrimms. the ability to be in a pre ordained location to just goto a designated server for an event.?
  19. Exxoduss

    True Survival?

  20. Exxoduss

    Food and survival rate

    HEH, I thought you said you could just look up the Answers online? Answer 1: Dont Cheat Answer 2: Be patient Answer 3: Spend some time walking around instead of running aroundlike a chicken with its headcutoff
  21. Exxoduss


    GREATWORK! I thought I would try and share a ancient screenshot that was an echo in the lower left that said "U are rapidly increasing in temp." while sprinting with a tent through a downpour monsoon type enviroment, would look fantastic with the sun Rays.
  22. I made this suggestion before, to help mitigate KOS instances on the shoreline... but instead of a haunting I was thinking more along the lines of insanity meter... sorta like in dont starve. everyone you kill self defence or not ticks atthis sanity meter.and voices and the player making noises at random times woulda been a side effect... then a tid bit i added onto it was have wandering around in complete darkness also knock at this sanity meter (Who walks around in the complete blackout of vision? NOBODY DOES, and if they do they will prolly stumble into something like a blind man would) so these players that would turn up there gamma so they could operate at nighttime with no light would stop. I really wished they would bring back the broken bones aspect to the game and incorperate more medical instances and scenerios. I wished there where more vehicles in the game, especialy motor cycle or mopeds. I also wish they would add K-9's and horses as well as making food parishable and detectable by infected and wolves. Last but not least, when a player dies, his stuff and body (if not buried) should remain in the play world until someone buries or eats it. the players stuff should not despawn till the server restart but long enough to retrieve it. U can look at is that they dont know the person that they are racing to loot a dead body.. but the people that shot him also are using forms of communication not intended in the game. They need spawn points inside bases. they need more traps and those traps being persistent for more then 3 days. They need birds to shoot and snakes bites to cure, blisters and thorn scratches becoming infected. they need a method of sleep and rest... Its a slow procedure, but the essance and nature of DAYZ will always be survival.and it shall not end at this game or games version I assure you. Especialy now with augmented reality technology and cellphones. But they are doing a damn decent job as it is. Still ahead of schedual in my opinion even if they were to not have released retail yet. The complexity of this game is highly under appreciated.
  23. Exxoduss

    Dayz US NY server

    How do I delete this thread? is my next question...
  24. Exxoduss

    Dayz US NY server

    I have been till recently playing on this server, but for some reason it is giving me this error... I am notsure what to make ofthis Can someone translate this for meplease? Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 52678 (52678), Dst Port: https (443), Seq: 3004, Ack: 3206, Len: 0 [Group: Sequence] [SEQ/ACK analysis] [iRTT: 0.012956000 seconds] [TCP Analysis Flags] [This is a TCP duplicate ack] [Duplicate ACK #: 4] [Duplicate to the ACK in frame: 6528] [Expert Info (Note/Sequence): Duplicate ACK (#4)] [Duplicate ACK (#4)] <Message: Duplicate ACK (#4)> [Severity level: Note] [Group: Sequence]
  25. Exxoduss

    Dayz US NY server

    I think I found it PS C:\Windows\system32> tracert Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops 1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms cm-1-acr02 3 9 ms 21 ms 20 ms ae-252-1209-rur01.pueblo.co.denver.comcast.net [] 4 12 ms 11 ms 10 ms ae-35-ar01.denver.co.denver.comcast.net [] 5 13 ms 10 ms 12 ms lag-16.ear2.Denver1.Level3.net [] 6 45 ms 46 ms 50 ms 7 47 ms 46 ms 46 ms 8 * * * Request timed out. 9 87 ms 99 ms 84 ms 10 87 ms 88 ms 86 ms