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About jrt244

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    On the Coast

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  1. jrt244

    Cheater, Cheater everywhere (IMHO)

    Buddy just got annihilated by an axe weilding no-comms crazy person. I'm on a roof nearby, see the guy with an axe running towards my building. He goes behind a building. I scope it out, and wait. He does not appear from either side. Then I hear footsteps at base of building I am on. Look down, sure enough at bottom of ladder is the same guy. "Well, at least If he tries to climb the ladder I can smack him in the head when he gets to the top." Get smacked from behind, turn around, there is the guy, I'm unconscious. THEN he comes on comms and starts mouthing off in some Slavic language. Bearing in mind the time between bottom of building and behind me was seconds (i.e. probably not long enough ghost), what do you think this is? Serious rubber banding? I've seen a video of a guy using a short distance teleport, maybe that? Or are there issues viewing other players on ladders etc? If it is a result of game instability then I suppose it's just another reason to avoid interaction with other players.
  2. My first was in Orlovets. I had been playing as a friendly, and had met another player on my way up from the south. We were working towards Berezino, and had stopped to fill our canteens and search for food. We decided to split up (no use in looting the same buildings) and I went to some buildings on the outskirts of the village. I was just walking back into the centre when I heard my friend yell "FRIENDLY! I'M FRIENDLY MAN!" on direct comms, and then go quiet. We were both armed (I had an M4 and he had a pistol). I knew that if he had been killed, whoever had done so would now have a firearm. I moved house to house, as quietly as I could, in search of either my friends body or his assailant. Suddenly, a player I did not recognize broke from cover, and started sprinting between buildings; I crouched, brought up my weapon and fired off three rounds. Blood was trailing from his character as he rounded the corner of the next house and disappeared from view. I set off in pursuit, reaching the adjacent building quickly, but with no idea of his whereabouts. That's when I heard a crack as a bullet flew by me. The unknown player had flanked around me, but missed his first shot. I spun around, left mouse firmly down as I did so, and emptied my clip into him. He fell to the ground, I reloaded and fired a few more shots into his head to make sure. I ran into the building he had initially appeared from and found my friends body. I got out my defibrillators, took the battery from my friends torch, turned them on and attempted to use them. "You cannot use defibrillators on a dead person" I returned to the body of the murderer, recovered the pistol and a few cans of food, hid my friends body, and then disappeared into the treeline. Far and away my most intense gaming experience. Why I play the game.
  3. Here! I'm sure there is a thread just for that purpose. Try hitting "clan" into the search bar, there should be something.
  4. My experience has been that the best time to make friends is as a fresh spawn with other fresh spawns. Neither of you has anything to lose, and if you gear up together chances are you'll build some trust. I have tried to be friendly to new players now I am relatively well equipped (M4, pistol, medkits etc) but unfortunately they all either: 1) Think I am a sneaky bandit and run away without interacting, even when I offer them the precious can opener (a sad symptom of the KoS players, imo). 2) Are a freshly spawned KoS player who madly charges at me, and attempts to knock me out with whatever melee weapon they have available. Walking down the coast attempting to help players I gave out 0 items and killed 5 fresh spawns that attacked me, unprovoked (I carry weapon in hands but lowered and do use a mic), in about 20 minutes. As Abi said if you want reliable friends, best to join a clan. Until the zombies are more of a threat I can't see random teamwork becoming a prevalent feature of the game.