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About Geckofrog7

  • Rank
    Kane's Deacon

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    Not Telling
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    Hand of Nod
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    I'M WATCHING YOU. ----------------------------------------->

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  1. Geckofrog7

    Singleplayer mode on dayz?

    Some things are better off without it. I'm looking at you, Battlefield.. (I'm sure modders will probably make a nice little story or something, though.)
  2. Geckofrog7

    Work on more serious issues/ bugs

    >implying the same devs creating 3d models of clothes also have the job of fixing bugs I understand your frustration, but it's not quite as simple as "okay guys, today we're going to fix all the bugs." Believe me, they'd have done it. xD
  3. Geckofrog7


    Pretty much this. ^
  4. Geckofrog7

    Reloading and magazines

    The thing is, I've passed up extremely rare weapons just because I know I'll never find the mag for it. Is the occasional chance of spawning with an empty mag that game breaking?
  5. Geckofrog7

    Cover system...

    If DayZ had the combat (and movement) mechanics of Red Orchestra, I don't think I'd ever leave my house.
  6. Geckofrog7


    I think they should add Kirovs.
  7. Geckofrog7

    Poisoning Players

    Sane person meets stranger Sane person is given a canteen by stranger Sane person empties it and fills it up at a well Sane person hears the stranger's strange random laughing and crying Sane person trades the stranger a handful of 7.62x39's for all their gear. Problem solved. Counter Terrorists win. B)
  8. Geckofrog7

    First time cooking - what am i doing wrong?

    he obviously killed the dear with a flamethrower or some kind of incendiary/thermobaric weapon.
  9. Geckofrog7

    So I found this cow...

    Why is it being so bull headed? Even a mere graze from your bullet could mean death!
  10. Geckofrog7

    Prison Island Cinematic showcase

    Darude - Sandstorm
  11. Geckofrog7

    My Bandit Bag, What's In Yours?

    Semi auto/bolt action does not always equal more accurate than an automatic weapon. (That's why they have firing modes.)
  12. Geckofrog7

    knocking myself up

    Well, technically..
  13. awww but just look at it!