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About chambersenator

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    Day Z, ArmA, Blacksmithing

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    Old timer, been playing DayZ since April of 2012.

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  1. chambersenator

    Stable Update 1.09

    Look at it from the opposite angle. It would be pretty silly if I'm outside a wall with barbed wire, looking right at it, have a tool in my hand that's only purpose in the game is to deal with barbed wire, but I can't do anything with the tool, because I have to be on the inside of the wall to use it. Restricting it to a single side of the wall, inside or out, ends up frustrating either the attacker or the defender. However, there are better solutions to this that can balance things from both sides.. For example: If you are inside the wall, you can use the pliers to remove the wire, since it's likely that each end of the wire is wound around the main posts. Removing them this way still puts the wire spool outside the fence, but it remains intact. For those outside the wall, pliers can still be used, but it destroys the wire, and no spool spawns on the ground after the action is completed. This way, the attacker only removes the wire, but can't just go around harvesting barbed wire from any base they find. While this still is a bit frustrating to the base owner when they find the wire is gone, there is less incentive for players to cut the wire unless they have plans on breaching that wall, and there is not some artificial restriction blocking an attacker from doing something that is obviously possible to do with the right tools. EDIT: Oh, and for base builders who are attaching wire to the wall, they would need to be outside the wall to turn the attached wire spool on the ground to the fence. If I am arguing for practical realism for the attacker, it should equally apply to the defender, as magically uncoiling the wire and wrapping it around the posts through a wood wall would be equally silly as not being able to take it down from the outside..
  2. chambersenator

    Experimental Update 1.09 (Changelog)

    IIRC, this may not be a bug. The "break down item" code has been tweaked a number of times over the years, but for quite a while (come to think of it, not so much in recent patches) there was a bit of RNG in what you get back when taking apart a crafted item. Sometimes you would take apart an improvised fishing rod or improvised backpack and sometimes you'd get the rope back, sometimes you didn't. So it might be a bug, or they re-enabled the RNG for it intentionally.
  3. chambersenator

    Experimental Update 1.09 (Changelog)

    Can you expand upon that? Broken in what way? I've been digging around in the code and watching it evolve almost since SA first came out, but with the sheer amount of changes, additions and fixes over the years, and all the layers of past versions of the code in my head, and the jumble of fixes for bugs within other fixes over time, I'm bound to lose track of things here and there.
  4. chambersenator

    Experimental Update 1.09 (Changelog)

    Absolutely. There are only two things I really want to see added to DayZ above all else for many years now, and unfortunately they both require a lot of work. An ArmA 3-style weapon resting system, and the ability to carry/drag uncon or dead players short distances. A man can dream, can't he? And a longtime DayZ player doubly so
  5. chambersenator

    Experimental Update 1.09 (Changelog)

    I would really like to know more about this fix and what exactly has changed. Even a rough basic summary would be greatly appreciated. Should we expect the pellets to be doing more damage or less damage in general? Is the fix to the calculation related to hits on specific body parts? Were multiple pellet hits to different parts of the body not being added up properly? Is this fix concerning damage to the player or the damage to gear and the items inside them, or both? So many questions....
  6. chambersenator

    Experimental Update 1.04.151974

    90 seconds is actually quite good compared to their IRL versions. The M18's actual duration is 50-90 seconds, and it looks like the RDG-2 is only 45 seconds IRL.
  7. chambersenator

    Experimental Update 1.04.151974

    As a baseline reference to help with understanding the smoke grenade bugs, from what I see in the files, both smoke grenade types have a max duration of 90 seconds. 90 energy units consumed at 1 per second, and a 0.1 "wetnessExposure" entry in the energy manager section beside the other two values. I was curious if that was going to modify the duration if the grenades were wet, or if (much more likely) that value was just to apply to the characters overall "wetness" value if the grenade was wet. So I just went on my server and did some quick timing tests. Spawned in a bunch of both types of smoke grenades, and got half of them wet by just jumping into a pond. I started a stopwatch at the same moment I pulled the pin on all grenades. There was no noticeable difference between wet and dry grenades with their duration. From the time the pin was pulled to the moment the smoke stopped coming out all were around 94-98 seconds. The additional 4-8 seconds was likely from the "starting" and "stopping" animations/effects, and the 90 seconds is the amount that "full smoke" lasts. While this info doesn't give any additional info about the duration bug, it at least confirms both via the code and in-game, how long they are actually supposed to last.
  8. chambersenator

    Experimental Update 1.04.151974

    Do you mean just a much longer black screen with the progress bar the doesn't progress and then you spawn in? Or do you mean you are stuck on that black screen forever, and have to reconnect? If its that first one, I suspect it's just from the new 'server hopper check' doing it's thing, checking the connection logs and polling the central db across all other possible hives, but the visual representation/notification of that isn't complete.
  9. chambersenator

    Experimental Update 1.03.151457

    And just a FYI - if you find that you are unable to rotate items in your inventory, just quit out, delete the DayZ settings folder in your documents folder, and start the game back up.
  10. chambersenator

    Experimental Update 1.03.151457

    Problem with both the Gunter 2 AND the Hatchback in this patch. - There is no HUD indicator showing the option to "get in" or for refueling the gas tanks. However, if you look at the right spots and hold F it will let you get in or refuel. - Once you get into either vehicle, you cannot get out, and no HUD indicator appears as well. So at least with my tests in offline mode (using community offline mode, no other mods, and completely new DayZ settings folder), once you get into a vehicle, you are unable to get out. Disregard that, found a car on the exp branch, and what I found earlier in offline mode appears to be related to the community offline mode. Apologies
  11. chambersenator

    Experimental Update 1.02.151010

    I've been finding a reasonable amount of them spawning on the exp branch. However, overall player behavior is noticeably different on exp as opposed to stable in a few key ways. Any loot tweaks need to take that into account, as what may be good on exp may not be good on stable, and vice versa. For example, on exp, spark plugs are likely going to be used primarily with cars. On the stable branch, especially on community servers with bases, there will be people using them for generators as well as cars. That said, once this goes to stable, increasing the spawn chances of spark plugs might be worth tweaking a bit during maintenance after a week on official servers (as admins on community servers are free to tweak those values as they see fit anytime). The demand will certainly be higher on all servers, with the new car added into the mix.
  12. chambersenator


    I too am very curious about what is covered by each of the flags, especially the differences between the "in_cargo" and "in_hoarder" ones. I would assume the "in_cargo" flag covers items inside a item being worn, such as a backpack, shirt, or vest, while "in_player" covers items like the clothing/gear/shouldered weapons on a player, and "in_hoarder" covers containers like tents, buried stashes, cars, and dropped backpacks. However, that's just a reasonable guess on my part, and I would love to know if I'm anywhere near close to the mark.
  13. chambersenator

    Experimental Update 1.0150408

    It seems now you can switch to the exp branch with the DayZ server tool, like you can with the client. So, if you have your own server, you can test out the exp branch with a copy of your storage files from your server that's running the stable branch, since they say there may be issues. Given all the possible customizations, base layouts, and placed items, we may find other issues that they haven't seen yet along with the ones they have seen. Additionally, this could also allow modders to check to see if there are any changes they need to make before the patch goes to stable.
  14. chambersenator

    Experimental Update 1.0.150183

    It's not been easy to determine, with the rarity of full exp servers recently, but overall, the AI pathing and state switches (changing from "normal" to "curious/searching" to "full aggro") is MUCH better now. They are no longer confused or delay when they notice you, and no longer hesitate before entering a building/structure
  15. Thanks, that shines some light on a number of gray areas for me when it comes to how the process was/is handled with custom ArmA assets, as my perspective on those aspects of it varied between "from the sidelines" to ""from out in the stadium parking lot." After years of messing about with missions in ArmA, this will be my first serious attempt at making my own mod, and I' have no desire to hide my 'modding noob badge,' and all the mistakes and a bit of naive optimism that comes with it. Everybody's got to start somewhere, of course. I'm up for the challenge of figuring all this out - "getting in over my head" is one of my favorite ways to learn stuff. Eventually, I'll learn the ropes, though a combination of tripping over them, getting tangled up in them, and occasionally being shown them.