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About TheStevieJ

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. TheStevieJ

    SKS Is terrible, never use it.

    The M4 Is to do with the games lag and desync, the sks is just terrible. Mosin can one hit knockout from a far range / kill, but in close range it cant xD Game is strange atm.
  2. TheStevieJ

    SKS Is terrible, never use it.

    You and I obviously have different looks upon what 'terrible embarrassment' means, cause that I'm far from because of a post you linked. Also Deathlove, problem with the M4 is its close range, as you stated. Close range combat is glitchy as hell, half the time you fire like 20 rounds into the guy, he drops a few seconds later and when he should be dead he still fires rounds back and you die aswell, not to mention the clipping through walls etc. I might just stick to using a mosin for now.
  3. TheStevieJ

    SKS Is terrible, never use it.

    No, the bullets hit and blood come out, this gun is terrible.
  4. This has happened every time I use the SKS. About 15ft from the guy, he does not see me, I fire two rounds in the upper chest / head area, he does not drop what so ever. This gun is so weaksauce and pointless.
  5. TheStevieJ

    Need Help With Standalone (Stuck on "You Are Dead")

    There is a way to temp get around this, as every time I die I get this god damn glitch and it is a pain in the ass, especially now the log-in timer for switching servers is up, usually it will say "Please wait ..." nothing happens, you relog in a new server, you are rather unconscious or dead, and you have to hit respawn, after a while or a couple of presses of respawn, you should be good to go, then you have to log off and rejoin the same server having to wait 300 seconds due to changing servers too fast, log in and still have a slight chance of the glitch re-happening. But this is how I get around it lol. With everyone KoS'ing and this glitch in the game, I refuse to play because of how annoying and stupid it is that everytime you die, which seems to be frequent with geared people camping fresh spawns, you near enough get this forcing you to waste stupid amounts of time getting the glitch to go away.
  6. TheStevieJ

    Server hop timer.

    If they removed the bugs such as sight glitching which FORCE you to log out to fix them, waiting 5 minutes for glitches that occur frequent is ridiculous and frustrating.
  7. TheStevieJ

    Server hop timer.

    Nice implementation, I mean if you're going to implement it, at least implement it properly. You have a bug in-game such as the constant sound of you swinging your fist, or your scope bugged? Relog, right? Nope, if you exit the server and join the SAME server, 300 seconds of waiting. Are you serious? That is actually really really stupid, and in no way a server hop.
  8. TheStevieJ

    Night server - Cant see anything

    Last time I checked, I gave my money to play the game, If I wanna use a current feature that is in the game wether it is bad or not I will ^^. This POST was not about me using it, I do not even play night servers, I was simply confused on why my friend could see how he could with gamma on and I could not. That is it.
  9. TheStevieJ

    Night server - Cant see anything

    What did you think the flashlight was for? Using the excuse that everybody else is doing it, so you'd be at an disadvantage is just an excuse in itself. Not an excuse, just not stupid. What's the point of constantly being KoS'd by torches that shine through walls when others simply turn up gamma. It's not an excuse, it's logic.
  10. TheStevieJ

    Night server - Cant see anything

    Someone go check my steam screenshots and look at how dark my screen is. - TheCumFairy
  11. TheStevieJ

    Night server - Cant see anything

    Yeah it is, just mine seems to not work at all, only make the sky brighter lol, just curious to as of why.
  12. TheStevieJ

    Night server - Cant see anything

    Can anyone explain why mine is so dark lol? It has not been fixed as my friend's is still fine. Wrong.
  13. TheStevieJ

    Night server - Cant see anything

    It's fixed, which is why I thought, and why would I stop using it and put myself at a disadvantage when everyone else does it? Sorry but no, also he sent me a screenshot over steam so we could compare our screens, no he is not trolling, his still works as it did before.
  14. I literally can not see my player what so ever when I'm running. My friend however, if he turns his gamma ALL the way up he can near enough see like it is daylight outside. When I do it, it does next to nothing, I can see nothing, it is near enough just black. Is there something with my settings that are wrong or what? My gamma is up to full which some people say is cheap, but eh, it just makes no difference. It's like playing with your screen off. Anyone know whats wrong?