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Everything posted by leefriendfield

  1. leefriendfield

    A Survivors guide to defeating Zombies

    Irish your back! This might have been better put in the new player discussion nice work.
  2. leefriendfield

    Where are my ambient sound? :(

  3. leefriendfield

    This game has alot of people that make dumb decisions.

    I remember when I was talking to a group of 5 fresh spawns when they started attacking me with their fist of fury. I was fully kitted out with an M4 magpul prestine and nice optics with a MOTORCYCLE HELMET. They all died with their last words screaming HACKERZ!!!1!!111!!!
  4. I have been slowly taking blood from my buddy becuase he is O- and I have a small storage I plan to give to the TMW guys, but in the case he is shot is it possible I can take some blood from him withing a few minutes after death?
  5. Please for the love of God never use "UR" Yes more than likely it will be fixed. This thread was hard to read.
  6. leefriendfield

    When will DayZ Standalone get to the Beta phase?

    The Mod has been pulled from its roots and turned into a Free For All death match. I recommend standalone for its a more pure experience than the mod.
  7. leefriendfield

    Are the Devs aware of the lack of loot spawning?

    You left my sight, you were gone for a whole hour but now your back!
  8. leefriendfield

    When will DayZ Standalone get to the Beta phase?

    Probably around late 2014 early 2015.
  9. leefriendfield

    Are the Devs aware of the lack of loot spawning?

    Welcome back Irish!
  10. leefriendfield

    Are abusive servers really being taken seriously?

    Ahh I just figured it out. I use to go directly to their twitter page and then try tp open a tweet in its own window, but I now see I should have had their twitter page in a popout and selected details. Thanks Smash.
  11. leefriendfield

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    Wall glitchy is the games worst aspect right now.
  12. leefriendfield

    Are abusive servers really being taken seriously?

    How do you embed tweets like that? When I quote a tweet by say hicks or rocket I find myself taking a sreenshot then uploading it and finally pasting it here.
  13. leefriendfield

    Are abusive servers really being taken seriously?

    Alright, thanks I know warnings are given out but some servers I have reported 5 or 6 times with them not being taken down. I will just message BIS Support if the GSP doesn't take action after many many reports, thanks Smash.
  14. leefriendfield

    Are abusive servers really being taken seriously?

    So when I report a server and nothing happens can I shoot BIS Suport a message that this is an abusive server with no action from the GSP being taken?
  15. leefriendfield

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    That offered nothing to this conversation for we all enjoy a different play style Hardcore or Regular. It is definitely worth discussing the exploiting with the camera in regular servers for it is a bad problem that is cheaply abused so instead of saying OH CONFORM TO MY STYLE lets find middle ground.
  16. leefriendfield

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    I was viewing This Thread when I cam across people saying third person sucks, third person is ok and third person is perfect, don't touch it. My question to you is would you want to see any balancing done to third person and if so to what degree? I think that this games having third person is a cool way of seeing your character, but currently it is abused by people looking through walls. In oder to fix this I think that when you are in third person your FOV should be down to the absolute minimum or have a little way like in Borderlands 2 in which when you open your gear you go to third person to see your character. EDIT: Here is a video of another solution in wich the player while in third person can not see enemys in third person if they are not in a direct line of sight with the player. Skip to 3:36
  17. leefriendfield

    I HATE playing 3rd person servers.

    I hate third person ever since I began playing hardcore. It really is a crutch that destroys the experience of DayZ.
  18. leefriendfield

    How to balance low-pop high-pop servers

    Swap over the the desktop version that's what I did and it works perfectly and even better than the mobile version (Sent from my phone)
  19. leefriendfield


    We meet at the cement building with the crane near Berenzino on the third floor I held you hostage and disarmed you. We talked a bit and you seemed nice so we uncuffed you and then the shots rang out. I gave you ammo for your mosin and my buddy directed you to watch the stairs as I made a flank with my Sporter 10/22 into the town. The shots turned to birds chirping as the fire died down. I decided to head back to the cement building when I saw him, his red childs backpack gleaming in the sunlight on the very tip top of the cement building armed with an SKS. I told my buddy about him and he relayed my message back to you to watch the stairs. You looked at the wrong stairs and shots rang out, you and my buddy were dead. I watched this all from a two story building in which I start hearing footsteps. I look to my right and there is a fresh spawn starting to punch me. I unload my last 17 shots from my Sporter 10/22 into his chest as his eyes of pure annoyance began falling to the ground. I am now out of ammo armed with 40 .45 ACP bullets and a M1911 with no magazines. I chamber my colt and head in to confront the now two guys sitting up the cement building loting the bodies of my buddy and you. I make my way down there and managed to get to the ladder that leads up to the third floor where your bodies reside without getting seen. I began crawling up tapping the W key to avoid making noise and there they are two guys mindlessly shoving their fat faces full of your beans. I slowly crawl within 3 meters of the man with a motorcycle hat and shot him right in the head with his SKS buddy only 5 meters in front of me. The SKS man freaks out and I hide behind some wood stacks while franticly rechambering my colt. I pop out and he is freaking out not knowing where I am, I take a shot but miss. I hide behind my cover SKS man now knows where I am and I load another bullet into my colt. I pop out and see him still freaking out reloading while standing up and I fire, another miss. I duck back behind my cover and shove another bullet into my colt, but this time I will not miss. I survived a 1v5 gunfight at NEAF killing everyone without taking a bullet and survived I have a sporter 10/22 with a 30rnd magazine and I have my friend gear on the line. I pop out he is crouched but his head is visible, POP the bullet majesticly grazes his brain causing him to begin his fall towards the gorund. I grab another bullet and throw it in my colt and for good measures put a bullet in each of their heads taking them out of action. I grab an SKS off the man and begin patrollling as my friend comes back and grabs his gear. We decided to wait for you Morlop we wanted you to come back we wanted to meet you again, but alas after about 39 minutes of waiting for your arrival the server turns off and the words Connection lost appear on my screen. Morlop we got revenge for you and we waited for you I wanted to share my story with you I wanted you to know we got them. You had just begun trying out the new patch even playing on hardcore, but a lass as we were becoming friends those men stole you from me. I don't know if you browse reddit/DayZ forums or not but if you do I hope one day we can meet again, but in a much less stressful enviorment. I meet this amazing guy named Morlop he was nice, friendly and a fun guy to talk to curious about the new patch. I wanted to take him under my wing help him thorugh the patch so he could expirience the greatness of this game and what it has to offer since the newest update, but then something happaned. Men came in with guns and took Morlop from me leaving me with nothing, he was all I had and he was now gone a fart in the wind. I later killed the guys who killed Morlop, but alass after waiting 40 minutes for your return Morlop, you never showed up. Lost forever I will still continue my quest to find you and I will kill anyone who steps in my way. #NeverForgett
  20. leefriendfield


    There is one exception to that, Morlop.
  21. leefriendfield

    My first wallpaper

    Here is the screenshot I created, but find a hill like this that overlooks a town and then go from there.
  22. leefriendfield

    An epic moment

    What was so great about this seems like you just got a lucky hit and *Put on sun glasses* acted like a badass.
  23. leefriendfield

    Picked an ammo box off a dead guy

    Clean up that hot bar.
  24. leefriendfield

    Do Not Defibulate Your Buddies

    I was bored so like any good ass I decided to give my friend a little shock with my newly found defibulators. Unfortunately he became knocked out, that is expected for I have done this before. Something changed though, he didnt get up after waiting and I even gave him some epinephrine but he did not wake up. I checked his pulse and hot damm he was having a heart attack. Without anymore batterys he slowly died of his heart attack. Just a quick little heads up do not defib your buddies unless you want them to die of a heart attack.