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Everything posted by leefriendfield

  1. leefriendfield

    Would You Help This Person?

    I find myself in many situations where people ask for help but I am always skepticle of helping them. My question to you is would you help these fine gentelman?
  2. when I think of magazine: When I think of clip:
  3. leefriendfield

    DayZ birthday idea

    Where are you? I am waiting at the church
  4. leefriendfield

    DayZ birthday idea

    I'm grabbing a gun to protect s all.
  5. leefriendfield

    DayZ birthday idea

    I'm bringing the music postsong request
  6. leefriendfield

    Would You Help This Person?

    That is an option, but I would help these people: No Yes Hell No The military man is way to much of a risk.
  7. leefriendfield

    THIS is DayZ

  8. I enjoy playing with my buddies and we have a lot of fun doing so, but one thing I have noticed is the amount of mutes we come across is about 1/5 of people we see (<< Estimate, not a factual number). I fully support the helping of those without microphones and or can't use them and I feel that the lack of text over radio is an oversight on the dayz development team for those people without a mic. We can argue all day long about realism but in the end it comes down to solid gameplay. One example of a slight disability without a mic is only being able to type to someone within 50m while a guy with a mic can be heard at 80m. Please add radio text chat so as people can still communicate even without a mic. How can you balance this, well just like when talking over the radio if you type anyone within 80m can read your message. Rocket has always talked about being able to communicate non-verbally and I feel that this would be a step in the right direction. What are your thought, what else could be coded to help those communicate without a mic? EDIT #1: I'm seeing a lot of people saying OH GET A $2 MIC OR U SUX, there are a hundreds of reasons why people do not use a mic, so please try to put yourself in someone elses shoes and think "What reason does he have for not using a mic?" Here is the post orlok made:
  9. leefriendfield

    Why putting heart attacks in game makes no sense

    Can we lay this thread to rest?
  10. leefriendfield

    Please Add The Ability To Text Over The Radio

    This thread is getting, interesting...
  11. leefriendfield

    Please Add The Ability To Text Over The Radio

    This is why I use text late at night, so I don't wake my mom or dad.
  12. leefriendfield

    I now have a theme song when I walk through towns

    Just like the other thread. you two will get this closed.
  13. leefriendfield

    Why putting heart attacks in game makes no sense

    Why are you reviving this thread, it was dead. Lets leave it that way.
  14. leefriendfield

    I now have a theme song when I walk through towns

    Whenever I walk into electro, I always have a lantern and play this: When ever im a fresh spawn I enjoy playing this song: Whenever im bored I always do this: And just for kicks, My favorite when in an entourage: I only play this one while in a fist fight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iof5pRAIZmw This is my balls to the walls song: Just for murderers of the unarmed: My down to earth song: Finally, my favorite:
  15. leefriendfield

    Would You Help This Person?

    You seem... Overly hostile.
  16. leefriendfield

    Please Add The Ability To Text Over The Radio

    Beans for you!
  17. leefriendfield

    Please Add The Ability To Text Over The Radio

    This is exactly why I would love to have the texting ability on radios.
  18. leefriendfield

    Would You Help This Person?

  19. leefriendfield

    I made the 3D printed logo of TMW

    *Your gonna want to post this in the gallery section* Looks real good, have you thought about printing the DayZ logo and then using a chain to attatch the TMW printing to the DayZ printing?
  20. leefriendfield

    If You Could Add Any Gun To DayZ, What Would You Add And Why?

    Yo u, i cn hitz betr thanu irl! git on mi lvel!
  21. leefriendfield

    Hacked.. or.. glitch?

    In an early access game you are bound to run into small bugs hear and there, but more than likely you just tapped the ALT key twice. Double tap it in fast sucession to rebound your mouse to your movement.
  22. leefriendfield

    If You Could Add Any Gun To DayZ, What Would You Add And Why?

    The AK47 is no longer in service, I would rather see the AK74 and AKM series.
  23. leefriendfield

    Please Add The Ability To Text Over The Radio

    Nice to hear your calm headed and reasonable post orlok, thanks.