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About stationmax

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    Woodland Warrior
  1. stationmax

    | DayZ Standalone | Burning Blood - By StationMax |

    random up :trollface:
  2. Most Flickering Items: These are the most flickering items that you must chek.. but we dont know for sure so if you can, inspect all your items. - Baked Beans - Tuna - Canned Spaghetti - Canned Sardines - Spray Paint (Green/Black) - Pipsi , Rasputin, Loca Cola, Spite - M4: Handguard, Stock, Suppressor - Small Protector Case
  3. ok guys i made a BIG POST with all information needed and a report link to vote so give it a look http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172676-detailed-report-bigs-fps-drops-extreme-lag-game-crash-after-034115106-update/
  4. Ok after some testing there is a detailed report that i made with all things related to the issue. If you dont like it or you dont trust this i dont care i just only want to help people. If you are searching for the fix of this issue see at the end of this message. ORIGINAL REPORT (Vote up please) : 0008308: Bigs fps drops, Extreme lag, Game Crash (After 0.34.115106 Update) - DayZ Feedback Tracker - Problem Full Description: Both (0.34.115106 Stable Branch) and (0.34.115106 Unstable Branch Experimental) "Apparently" for no reason after 10-20 minutes of normal gameplay the game starts to enter into a state of decline in terms of performance, initially due to a drop of framerate per seconds (graphics performance). But in the meantime that performance declines with the passing of time you may notice that the frames value not always coincide with the observed ingame-lag. For example 60-70 fps and the game still presents clear visual interruptions. This means that the performance issue isnt related with the player machine(pc) performance. To confirm this i can say that it is impossible that a so extreme drop of FPS can affect players that before the patch had good graphics performances (like me). In the end, the lag becomes so hard that the game crashes and you are forced to terminate it manually, sometimes it stops working itselfs. When the player rejoin any server the whole process restart from the beginning of this description. - How To Reproduce The Issue: There is no exact way to reproduce it because the bug does not happen by chance, but is connected to an equipped item or to the character ironically as if it were infected. So if "you have it" the the whole issue start (see description) instead if you dont have it, nothing will happens... - Advanced and Very Important Information: THE ISSUE IS NOT PC PERFORMANCE RELTATED. (But better machine support major stress) THE ISSUE IS NOT RAIN/WEATHER RELATED. (The weather may low your fps a little but have nothing to do with this issue) So afterall i can say that this bug is related with the last (0.34.115106) update and is a CLIENT-SIDE issue or better to say: only happens to some players. If a player "infected" with the bug is located in the geographical vicinity (ingame map) of others "non infected" players, causes them the same symptoms: huge fps drops lag and game freezes and crashes. So the BUG can be transmitted if the players are on the same server, and if within a certain range, "which i think is the range that load/unload the 3d model of characters". Another important observation is that the "non infected player" exposed to a "player infected by the bug" does not maintains the issue if the "original infected player" leaves the server or the load/unload range. - How to fix this issue: My final advice FOR DEVS (2 choice): A ) Avoid the bug - Return the "stable branch" to the previous stable version. - Maintain the unstable branch for further testing on the current version. B ) Potential Bug solution: - General cleaning of the database by deleting all the character data resulting in a deletions of all "infected" subjects/items. - Review the patch code. My final advice FOR PLAYERS (2 possibilities): A ) Drop on the floor all items with flickering, white or other strange textures then go away from that items or change server, better if you drop that items on a dead body then hide it (for preventing that other player pick up bugged items). B ) If you are not having any flickering or bugged item in your inventory and you still have this issue its because some other player with these bugged items or an bugged item itself are in your vicinity like i said before. In this case you may change server or talk to this player and tell him to do the step A). I hope this has been helpful. Best Regards, StationMax
  5. Yes... killing your char and hide old equip, take in mind that other player with that bug must do the same thing, maby devs can be fix it with a general solution but if you want to play right now without problem try it.. afterall loot its not everything in this game and last things these topic can be useful for devs to reproduce the bug and fix it...
  6. Im very sorry, my point was to tell to other player how to get free of the bug and play with no problems.. but the fact that my post was ignored made ​​me angry, and see other people going crazy changing random ​​graphics values.. i made a report i hope someone read it.. sorry again!
  7. i have tryed with my friend 4 hours ago and i can tell you that there are INFECTED PLAYERS xD i mean some player in the "network bubble" make this bug happen.. ( im one of them) and my friend starts lagging as hell for no reason ahah..
  8. Finally someone who tested ! see im right... please take a look at my report and vote up thanks
  9. I stopped spamming, if you see other posts by me of the same topic are made 30-40 minutes ago. Btw i send you a pvt message. I'm only talking here in my post now.. im sorry i was just trying to help the community. It will not happen again. see this for more information: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=8308
  10. I wish I could.. btw i just post it beacuse it can help players.. i made a full description of the bug and information here please vote up! thanks :) http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=8308
  11. man i give up, nobody seems to care about it... i gave the solution in a silver plate and no one cares.. im trayng to make a report feedbak but cmon..
  12. ok thanks.. but with these information players can free theirselfs of the bugs (if you read it at the top page) so it can help! make you an official post meaby all players can see then without spamming
  13. i found some information about that frustrating bug and then? not spam? ... please send that information at some devs at least..
  14. you dont have to report your problem because we know it... you must read the first post on top of the page then tell if this help you! http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172241-fps-drops-last-patch-more-information-spam-to-devs/#entry1756142
  15. Rest in peace with your bugs then..