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Posts posted by odin_lowe

  1. Not quite, empty your 60 and put the 60 bullets in the box.

    Load two 30's in to your coupled mag, empty again and put 60's in to ammo box, repeat process.

    Interesting. Thanks for letting me know! Should have figured it out since I already did that with the Stanag 40s. Duh. :D  Well, any way I'm going to donate this ammo box soon. Don't really need all this. Gonna share most of what I have. Finally found a scope. (personal goal) so I'm probly gonna start over and try to make a different character. Anyway little update (without the ammo box full of 60 rounds packs) of my gear so far. Probably last time posting gear with this one, not gonna try and get more.








  2. This is my mostly what I have right now. Switched the tactical vest for a camo UK one, and found another small protective case. I have yet to find any scope for my M4 though. Character created on December 20th. Avoided players I came across, and did not engage unless fired upon.



  3. Great thread! My screens aren't as gorgeous as some others, but still, I'm sharing a few for now.


    First character created December 18th.



    Big moon rising. (poor man's nvgs on, thus the contrast and brightness... XD)



    Taking a break on top of a hill.




    Christmas Eve sunset sky.




    Where to next?




    We'll see later, just enjoying the moment.





    I'm going to crank up the graphics for the new screenshots I'll take. Use these settings to get a steady 55/60 FPS, but for the sake of breathtaking screen capture, I'll have to sacrifice FPS for a few seconds.

    • Like 3

  4. Yeah why would anyone actually want to test this game and not just play it like the mod as a released and final version?!


    Oh wait..  No you all are right, it's probably best that we all just keep mindlessly playing the game, killing each other on sight, and not actually test things that are reproducible and provide how to reproduce them.


    If you guys think Rocket intended for DayZ to be a PVP game based off of ArmA with Zombies running around, you're a little off.  They're going for a survival game, that doesn't necessarily mean every single player has to murder every other player whenever they see them, or ever.  Surviving for any character in DayZ means staying alive, that doesn't have to involve the PvP killing of any other player, ever.  If people are coming into DayZ expecting people to never shoot them because this is a test, sure that's silly.  However, all of you trolls who post "PS it's an alpha" or "LOLOLOLOLOLOL look at the carebear" really are just wasting everyone's time and displaying just how little your parents taught you.

    Sums it up pretty good. Coudn't agree more.

  5. Nah, I definitely don't want to do that. And it's not really a "threat." It's just what I'm going to do. I started tonight, and it was super fun. The first guy was like "Hey this is a friendly..."


    I assume he was going to say "server" but I couldn't hear over the sound of my M4.

    Wow... Some people are just too unrespectful to let others do what they want in peace. "I encourage everyone who has any respect for the game to do the same." Buddy, you have no respect at all for thinking that way. Some parents just don't teach their kids how to behave, and give them too much money for their own good. The people playing on these servers don't do anything to you. If you feel "upset" by this, it's your own problem and you should fix that really quick. Just go to any other server and stop "trolling".


    This is not even a full fledge video game!! XD It's a software in early stage of developpment, an alpha. You should just test it out and help with the developpment. But then again, with the way you are thinking, I doubt you can get passed the feeling of pleasure you get with killing players that pretty much won't defend themselves as they think the server they're on is safe. So basically you just want to kill players who won't shoot back? Scared of getting killed? Hmm, you should join a PvE server....


    I don't mind the KoS. It's part of the possible interactions between players. But joining a server that promotes "cooperative" behaviour to kill players and annoy players? Wow, you have some twisted pleasures mate!?

    • Like 1

  6. Notice the "healthy" on the top right corner of the player screen. (where you rotate your character) I was hit by a zombie and bled for a while before finding some clothes to shred and make bandages, so I was pretty low on health, but after eating and drinking good food and clean water, and sitting for a while, my health got back to full. Takes a while.


    It's all explained on this page:http://dayzdb.com/guide/11-standalone-status-effects



  7. Killing players for loot is a viable playstyle. They need to expand on the current non-lethal banditry options (handcuffs) in order to make that a more viable alternative. But that doesn't mean KOS players are doing something "wrong". Just as it might be unrealistic for people to run around shooting first for no reason, its also unrealistic to think that the post-apocalyptic world would be this friendly carebear place where you can just waltz up to random armed men and ask them to be friends with you and share their medicine.


    The entire point of DayZ is that players are free to play their own way. You cannot restrict behavior in that kind of a setting, nor can you convince everyone to do something that isn't in their interest by checking to see if every stranger is friendly before shooting. They should add more non-lethal ways of disabling players to let you rob or approach them safely. Expanding gameplay features is how you incentivize different playstyles.

    That's exactly my point. What I'm saying is that I often hear players saying that they just grab some combat gear and go kill players for fun, like in any FPS focused mainly on combat (BF, CoD, MoH,etc.) and that there's nothing else to do. That's the problem here. There's no "correct" way of playing DayZ, I've been playing the mods since they came out, but saying that there should only be this type of play or this type is wrong. To each his own to play a sandbox game, just don't try and force a certain playstyle on others.


    On a side note, I highly doubt intelligent beings in an apocalypse scenario would kill each other for their "loot". To survive alone for another day? When it's mankind vs zombies, or aliens, or whatever, there would surely be some occasional crazies going around killing other survivors, but most remnants of humanity would try and unite to save the race. The needs of the many outweight the needs of the few. Then again, our society never faced a real apocalypse, so it's just speculations and theories.



  8. If you don't want to be KoS'd, then don't be seen. YES, that means actually leaving elektro/cherno/balota/THE COAST... Oh, and you should probably avoid NWAF and the military camps. Just go be a boyscout and do nothing in dayz. Sit around building campfires... killing the occasional zombie. How does that should like fun? Seriously, zombies are not a threat in this game whatsoever. If you don't want to kos, then don't , but you can't expect everyone to form to your play-style. Playing boy-scout simulator is god awful boring.

    Same thing applies to you. "you can't expect everyone to form to your play-style" . KoS is god awful boring in a sandbox game with lots of possibilities. Besides, we're now in early alpha, so we should try and test features then provide positive feedback so we can help out shape the game and help the devs. Honestly, if you only play DayZ to kill people, you missed the point.
