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Posts posted by odin_lowe

  1. I really enjoy the new stamina system. If you want more defense (clothes, press vest, anti-stab vest, vests in general) then since they are heavy you get a reduction to sprint, and the more weight you have the less stamina you have. This is simple, yet efficient and authentic. I feel it's a good way to cancel the "power COD" style of double carrying with hundreds of rounds.

    Even the reloading mechanic is great imo. It's no that different from 0.62, or maybe I played too much or had a similar style, as I used to put mags in my action bar to change them and it's the same with 0.63, so I don't see the problem. Even reloading mags with the action bar is more fun, and less "cheat" like than it was. I mean come on, full infinite sprint while you go into the inventory, empty ammo box and fill mags in an instant?!?! Nope, not for me. I never really liked that.

    The only thing that bothers me is the ADS, and it's a known "issue" right now, if you've read the status report.

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  2. To reload simply put the mag in your action bar and hold the key for it, while having your weapon in hands. Reload is fast and sleek. You can even run while doing it. I had no problem at all with it. Simply pressing the key will put the mag in your hands, you need to keep it pressed.


    Edit: Also, what I do is put ammo AND mags in the action bar. Let's you have your UMP mag on 2, and ammo on 3, you press 2 to have your mag in hands, and then press 3 to have the option to left click to load your mag.

    There's no need to go in the inventory for this anymore.

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  3. Still no news on the whereabouts of Brian Hicks?!?!?


    On a side note, is it possible to remove the "stick" melee weapon, or simply nerf it? Cause it's a stick, poking someone with it can't possibly result in instant uncon/death. 

    For me, it's the most annoying and game breaking item in the game. It's clearly a glitch that's being exploited, cause it's more powerful than even axes....

    Thank you.

    P.S.: If it's not in 0.62, could you please completely remove it from 0.63? With the new advance melee system, we don't need these stupid sticks anymore. Thanks.

    • Beans 4

  4. People are way over-thinking this. Just enjoy what you can, and ignore what bothers you, as you don't have the time or luxury in life to waste complaining all the time....

    That's my main issue with 21st century humans on planet earth: They always complain about everything and nothing, most of the time on things they have no control on. Accept it, deal with it, and move on.

    DayZ is still one of my favorite and unique game of all. I tried Rust, or other "similar" titles, and they feel like sesame street to me, while DayZ is like Blade Runner or American Psycho to me.

    Happy holidays.


    P.S.: "Famous youtuber" isn't a reference for "intelligence".

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  5. I can confirm that gifts are spawning in Experimental. But, that wasn't really the problem, as they were already spawning, so I can't compare to a "non-spawning" state like on stable. I say push the patch on stable to see if they spawn, cause we didn't have any problems on Exp.

    Oh, and I can confirm there was a persistence wipe. The barrel I had yesterday night with my collection of gifts is gone...  :/


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  6. 9 minutes ago, Sellax said:

    By what time? I have now time 12/15/2017 0:20

    If you read the initial post, on top of this very page, and check out the time it was posted, you have your answer right there...

    green_mtn_grandbob was kind enough to make the math for you.

  7. The weapons were removed as far back as 0.61 for the crash sites do to an issue with quantities and the CLE.

    Although you can still find the UMP45, VSS, SVD and FN FAL at other locations. The magazines for these weapons were far more hard to find, as you had to have the weapon spawn with it's magazine attached, otherwise the mags themselves were not in the loot tables.
    But it's in the past now, as the mags are easily found in Christmas presents.

    The exclusive loot for crash sites will return in 0.63.

    Sometimes when a player enters an area of a crash site, then leaves, the items will vanish even though the crash site itself hasn't finished it's despawn timer, so when another player gets to said crash site, there's no items to be found. Known bug.

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