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Posts posted by odin_lowe

  1. On 29/04/2016 at 9:25 AM, Tigermonk said:

    cause thats what happens in the real world.. you don't die from a single but stock strike to the face.. just puts your lights out. 

    Again, that's your assumption. Knocking your head very often results in a concussion, and in occasions, even death. A single hit to the temple and it's night-night forever. Do a simple research, and you'll see how many people ended up in a coma or died because they were hit to the head, knocked out by someone, pushed and hit their head on the pavement or a tree stump.

    I really don't know in which "real world" you are living...  :/  

  2. 6 hours ago, Tigermonk said:

    the entire idea about dayz in recent patches WAS the realistic feature (bullet drop/recoil aspect of things) so the guns felt more 'real' and less like a plastic BB gun with 0 recoil/sway/whatever 
    so Never compare it to "real-life". <- that was the WHOLE point the devs are trying to make.. with all the realism/survival aspects their putting in the game to begin with

    The devs are looking for authenticity, but realism is a bit different. You can't have "realistic" gun mechanics and call a game realistic just for that or other survival mechanics, as the complexity of real life will never be achieved anyway. Trees that never grow or die, that gets chopped and pop back into place when the server restarts. Players that die and simply respawn on the coast to start again. 

    It's your choice to compare it to real life, but forgetting whole factors in favors of the ones you want to see, doesn't make the game more life like in any way. 

    I really appreciate the devs for making DayZ a great game that seeks authenticity and complex mechanics, but trying to justify some mechanics like the weapon and bullet system by comparing it to real life, and omitting all the rest is just wrong.

    "In real life it's like that, so in the game it should." No. Just no. 

  3. Well, that escalated quickly....   :/ 

    DayZ is a video game. An unfinished video game. Never compare it to "real-life". 

    Try to be polite and civilized.

    To OP : Yep, the shotguns are pretty good in the game. As long as there isn't much desync and the bandwidth is on your side, the DayZ gods will listen.   ;) 



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  4. 12 minutes ago, Woody2 said:

    ok, ok, enough already :)

    I shudda knowed shudden't I?

    What I meant was, will it just be "there" when you fire up the game one day? Everything wiped clean and a new slate? No AKM and 120 rounds of 7.62, no hot potato, no nothing?


    0.60 will hit experimental first, like most of the time a new patch comes out, and will incubate for a while. When it's "ready", it'll be pushed to stable in the Wednesday maintenance.

    If not, then they will warn us that the patch will hit stable at another date. 

    As for 0.60 hitting experimental, there's no warning. We (the community) tend to warn ourselves via various social media and whatnot.

    I do admit that I miss Eugene's Tweets...

  5. 21 minutes ago, igor-vk said:

    A lot less than we expected  :(

    Personally, it's a lot more than I expected, as Hicks had said " Only the renderer is confirmed for 0.60".

    I didn't expect more, so I'm really glad Cherno, Elektro and Tulga got their updates, and the new loot system looks far more interesting.

    We NEED the new player controller for all new animations, interactions with the environment and most new mechanics. 

    Didn't watch the stream, but from what has been shared, I look forward to 0.60 experimental.

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  6. Like Irish said, there's already confirmation of an offline/single player mode eventually.

    I've seen many say that there won't be any single player for DayZ, as there wasn't any and there's no demand for it. All of this is false, as in the beginning, the DayZ mod was made for ArmA2, and within a few months of it's release, varieties of the mod started to appear. With this came a slew of single payer mods for most of the custom maps and different Chernarus. 

    I played a lot of Namalsk single player and DayZ 2018 (DaiZy 2018) and it was great. After a while of playing both single player and multiplayer versions of the game, I didn't see much difference between AI and KoS players. A bunch of pixels that try to kill you, controlled by a human or not, is still a bunch of pixels.

    Quite frankly I really enjoy both single player and multiplayer DayZ, and look forward to a DayZ stand alone single player experience. Hoping we'll get something that doesn't require internet connection while playing, as it's the only way to have DayZ "forever". I still play games like System Shock 2, Heroes of might and magic 3, or Fallout 2, but right now, if servers go down for most games, even the likes of single player games like Fallout 4, etc., there will be no way to continue playing these games and the main files required to play are no longer on disks, and needs to be downloaded for servers.

    Personally, I like immortal games. Games that die are a recent thing, and are terrible.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Rags! said:

    You can, here. Just because a game is single player doesn't mean that ideas or concepts in it would not work in multiplayer games. Let's say that in DayZ the 3PP view was this style of over the shoulder...

    1) You can see your character in third person.
    2) Your ability to see things that your hitbox cannot see is minimal.


    Now I understand, thanks. I agree. That's what I meant by "Or make it like this game?" : Use the same camera style as in Resident Evil 4. Sorry for bad english, it's not my native language.

    I don't mind comparing single player to multiplayer games or their features, what I meant to say basically is I think games that are set in multiplayer, in a "realistic environment", that have players competing against other players to survive, armed with various weapons, shouldn't be in 3PP. They should stay in first person perspective, unless it's a fun for all, arcade style, fast pace shooter with bright colors. It's simply how I perceive an unforgivable, ruthless, amazing game like DayZ should be. I accept things I can't change, and we always have the possibility to play in 1PP, so it's no big deal really. 

    Hmm, I think these threads have been around so much that finding interesting things to contribute to the discussion without creating flaming wars is tricky. 

    Those who start these threads are pretty new to the forums, while most of the members that comment and share their thoughts are older members. I really like the various views from active community members.

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  8. Hmm. To make it "better" they just have to copy what they did in ArmA 3 video. Simple as that. (Amateur made. Wouldn't be very complicated for "real", paid programmers.)

    But any "pvp" multiplayer game shouldn't have 3PP, at least if they want to be taken seriously. Competitive shooters out there are all in 1PP. (CS:GO, BF, etc.) And 3PP in pvp games should stay casual and colorful like they are.

    Of course, the main problem with DayZ is that it was a mod for a Single Player game that had some multiplayer capabilities. Eventually, we might see the game turn into a FPS only, if it ever reaches respectable level.

    Until then, the solution for a "better" 3PP should simply be the "fix" that was done in ArmA3.

    No matter what you like more, 1PP or 3PP, the fact that in a PVP situation 3PP gets exploited should be obvious, to the DEVs at least, and seeing how the market for FPS video games that are multiplayer and PVP oriented is shouldn't even be "questioned" as it is right now.

    DayZ really is a unique game.

  9. On 20/04/2016 at 10:00 PM, _Broadside_ said:




    I really enjoy reading stories like this. 

    If I can give you one or two advises, keep a sewing kit, a leather sewing kit and a weapon cleaning kit to keep clothes and weapons in good conditions. 

    Sadly in DayZ there's way more hostile players than ones who like to cooperate and talk instead of shooting. Perhaps eventually when the game gets refined and polished we'll have more reasons to help each other out instead of simply considering it a generic FPS/TPS.

    Keep it up!! Cheers!


  10. Pretty interesting to see that they're gonna show 0.60 at PAX, but I won't be watching, as I've always played Experimental instead of watching it. Discovering new things in experimental builds has always been something I've look forward to in the past, since experimental first came out, and having it spoiled at PAX will just ruin the experience for me. 

    It's pretty sad to see them show it and have it played exclusively at PAX.  :( 

    After all this wait. Never been complaining before about this, or anything really, but it feels like a big FU to the rest of the community who won't be at PAX. It could also mean they will show experimental 0.60 at PAX, and push it to stable next week. I really don't see the point of showing it there, but locking the servers so the rest of the community can't play, test, and report bugs. In other circumstances it would have been interesting to see upcoming features at PAX, but in the current situation, it just feels weird and quite frankly, like a slap to the face to the experimental team.

    Don't get me wrong, it's just a week-end and it'll pass very fast, it's not about time, it's about spoiling the fun for the discoveries. (Thus why I'll avoid the PAX vids, streams and what-not, to be able to test 0.60 myself, otherwise I won't have any reason too.)

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  11. 3 hours ago, GaryWalnuts said:

    Just an FYI to those who keep an eye on these things,

    another Experimental Prep went through about 30 mins ago (Tuesday, 9 am EST)

    THE TEST™ also seems to up

    It seems that THE TEST server has been changing versions since last week. I saw 3 different versions of 0.60 till yesterday. It seems they're cutting down their blockers one by one. We've heard it many times before, but I think it won't be too long now. :) 

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  12. 14 hours ago, .freaK said:


    It is so annoying to being insulted after getting killed all the time.

    There's too much trash talk when you get killed. I agree. When you're dead you shouldn't be able to hear, just like when you're unconscious you can't talk.

    The only time I'm ok with it, is when I hear "Sorry" instead. ;)


    Edit: My day. I was on DayZ Underground. Met a guy near green mountain. We talked for a bit and he warned me of 2 possible hostiles on the south side of the mountain, so I made my way north and headed to Rogovo. Then, heard lots of shots behind me. Not at me, but I fear the kind fellow who warned me didn't make it. Time to take revenge.

  13. 1 hour ago, thefriendlydutchman said:

    1. but but... everyone that can walk and hold a weight can walk like this


    2. Hell where getting the ability to kick in doors but not the ability to walk while looking through a heavy weight?! pick up a heavy item right now long enough to function like a rifle or hell pick up a rifle and just walk forwards, its not that hard even for untrained soldiers.

    3. and with camping I mean, people joining 50+ servers so they can sit in the red house at electro for half an hour shooting anyone from the windows they see and not move at all.



    1. Again, that's an assumption. Not everyone is in the same physical shape. In real life, individuals varies greatly from one another. This is just a game, so whatever the devs program will be how it is. Call it "realistic", "authentic" or whatever. Like c4p said, with the new player controller and animations, will probably see something similar to what you want, but maybe not just like ArmA3.

    2. The animations for kicking doors are for the infected. I doubt we'll have the same abilities, as it's pretty ridiculous for anyone to be able to breach through doors like that. (Seeing many SPECOPS, police units or swat teams fail miserably at doing so, with battering rams in hand... Not everything is like Hollywood movies.)

    3. Video game. It's an open world game, that let's you play the way you want. Of course some play styles might irritate you, but that's how it is in society. You need to respect others' choices even if you don't agree with them. If you are bothered by "campers" in Elektro, than "breach" your way in and kill them. From a certain point of view, that guy is just a "camper", but from his perspective, he might just hold his house and see the people running around town as a threat, no knowing if they are infected or not. Of course, in the end he's just a KoS PVP enthusiast, but it's DayZ. People have the right to stay hours in the same house if they want. They're not "campers". This isn't BF, COD, MOH or whatever flag based, point based, time based, objective based game. He's a bandit, a killer, you don't like that, then do something about it. 

  14. 2 hours ago, Snaftii (DayZ) said:

    its a good server for sure! dayz underground, should give it a shot, gt some awesome RP in there and PvP to

    Oh, so this was on DayZ Underground? I play there quite often. There's much more PVP now than before though, as it was mostly RP at first, but now thee's plenty of streamers/youtubers that go there to catch some footage. (BarelyInfected, NinjaYourself, TheRunningManZ, TopeREC, etc.)

    I've met pretty cool guys there, but for the past 2 months, it has been pretty hectic. Even if I met a few non-hostile players, haven't met any RP players at all recently.

    Maybe we'll meet each other one day! (If I don't get a bullet in the head first... XD  )

    Cheers Snaftii!

  15. Hmm. We might see some tweaks here and there, but despite being developed by the same company, using similar engines, both titles are very different. You're a trained soldier in ArmA titles, while you're just a survivor, a civilian, in DayZ. 

    Despite having more than half of the community dressed as wanna be soldiers, and packing big guns, they're not soldiers... 

    As for "camping", there's no such thing in DayZ. There's no time limit or end of game. During a "zombie apocalypse", people would feel much safer inside a house, behind closed doors, than outside facing the hostile environment. A lot of players coming from COD, BF or ArmA don't like "campers", but their vision is altered and twisted but different titles that have very different meanings and objectives. The corruption of minds is real. 

    When barricading comes in, either they will adapt to their new environment, or fail and leave. Evolution.

    Edit: You assume that "everyone can do this", but in reality, it's false. That's not how things work buddy. 

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  16. I often find them in civilian houses. Either in boxes, or as a stack of lose rounds. They're pretty easy to find at crash sites too. You can empty the FN Fal mags to get 20 rounds, at smoking UH-1Y Venom heli crash sites, or the rounds at Mi-8 crash sites. You can also find .308 at deer stands and feeding shacks. Oh, and in industrial spawns, and train cars. 

    Hmm, almost everywhere. They are pretty easy to find honestly.

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  17. Cheers fellas!! Very nice status report! Can't wait to see variations in infected appearance and behavior! It'll most excellent when we have access to experimental again, it's been so long and I love experimental so much!! Thanks guys and keep up the good work! 

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  18. I often carry one, but never get the chance to hear someone, or use it...  And I play a lot on DayZ Underground, but it seems they don't like lone wolves, as I've been killed every single time I saw someone, and no one ever replied when I tried talking to them. Probably bad luck, as I get into non-hostile encounters very often on most servers, even public ones. Very nice video!! I really like yours and René's channels. Cheers! 


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