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Posts posted by odin_lowe

  1. Just now, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

    BCBasher, LordBlackwolf, and odin_lowe, are 3 regulars who I hope to play with one day....

    It might happen sooner than you think!  ;) 


    There's 2 servers currently online. I'm in and it's going very well. No lag, no problems so far.

    • Like 3

  2. Really looking forward to see the new dynamic shadows and lighting system. Does this mean we'll finally be able to light more than 4 light sources in an area? That would be great! For independence day last year, Tatanko, Bleedout Bill and I tried to light up the town hall in Novo, but at the very beginning we knew we couldn't do it right, as only 4 light sources were visible at any time, even though we had lit up about 20 of them in specific locations to get the red, white and blue desired.

    Can't wait for next exp build to go online!

    Keep it up Devs! And thanks for the great work!!

    • Like 1

  3. 11 minutes ago, LordBlackwolf said:

    Welcome back! It's a damn shame about the reason you were gone though.

    Life is full of surprises, both good and bad. But we all know we're gonna die anyway. Most of us just don't know when and how. 

    I'm pretty grateful I was able to spend some time with him, and say goodbye for one last time. Tell him how much I care for him. A lot of people don't get this chance.

    Cheers man.

    • Like 12

  4. I haven't been posting much lately, and was away for a week on a 7 hour trip to go see my dying father. Now I'm back and was able to test 0.60 a bit yesterday. I checked out the updated Cherno and Elektro, but never made it to the new Tisy military base, after 3 attempts. 

    It's been a while since 0.60, so even though most servers are always full, it seems more streamers, youtubers and KoSers roam the land nowadays...

    Anyway, this is a simple recall of various experiences and findings I made since 0.60 experimental went online.

    Various screenshots:









    Overall I really like the changes to the map, engine and UI/inventory system. 

    Looking forward to the future of DayZ. 







    • Like 10

  5. 39 minutes ago, TheHappyMile said:

    I met 2 guys, the both tried to kill me from behind :(

    I met 5 guys, none tried to kill me, and I ended up giving a magnum with 30 rounds to a german guy I talked to for 10-15 minutes. (Along with a UK assault vest since he didn't have any backpack, and a protective case.)  We parted ways and went on our separate paths. Not everyone is a killer, but yeah, it's DayZ, you can meet pretty rough people out there...  

    • Like 7

  6. 2 minutes ago, Jordancsmith said:

    What is the best way to spam join a server? Doesn't seem to be a hot key to refresh the server list.

    You don't need to refresh the server list.

    What I do is place my cursor in the middle, where the "buttons" appear, where you need to confirm the message, and spam enter.

    When you select a server, and press enter, you'll get either "connection failed" or "server is at max player" but since the mouse cursor is already placed where it needs to click, I just press enter, and spam it. After a few minutes, you'll get in.

    • Like 2

  7. 2 minutes ago, BleedoutBill said:

    It's the pics which are attached as a spoiler, that I'm having trouble with. The rest I can see.

    Last time I checked, BoneBoys was very strict that we used the spoilers...

    I'll remove them for now, but if I get warned, I'll put them back on. Enjoy! 

    (Can't wait to get together with the rest of Exp crew! :D  )

    • Like 5

  8. Just now, BleedoutBill said:

    Am I the only one who can't view attachments? I can see the *.jpg files, but I can not view them. Just wondering if it's my browser, or this forum.

    I don't have any problems viewing any pictures attached...  

    Can you see others'? Like, all the pictures only shows you the links and not the picture itself?

  9. 29 minutes ago, BleedoutBill said:

    Glad to hear you were able to get in. I read some other accounts of memory leak problems and I had a memory exception, when shutting down the game. Please elaborate on how you fixed your issue. It may help others.

    I already posted the steps I took in the "bug report thread" in the main "memory leak" thread.  ;)


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  10. Was finally able to fix the memory leaks from yesterday by manually getting a single .msi file from DirectX 11 for Windows 7. 

    I was also able to log in early this morning, and have a go with the new update. Super smooth frames and very nice lighting system. Didn't have any trouble finding what I needed. Anything you drop on the ground vanish as the timer doesn't reset itself. (After 30 mins, stuff left on the ground usually vanishes, but this timer doesn't reset, so anything you had for more than 30 mins, that you drop on the ground will simply vanish.)

    When switching items, try to find a backpack on the ground, or some clothes items to make some switches. The only thing I lost were apples, so I really don't mind, and I've been careful with the rest.






    • Like 6

  11. 5 minutes ago, KnoT said:

    Why not ? It works in Arma 3, Arma 2, CS:GO TF2 RUST, ARK....

    They won't give server files, at all. Not until we get mods, and even then, it'll be in a "controlled" format.

    The experimental branch servers are for Devs only, as they acquire important data to fix issues, and overall get the game to "work" better before the patch hits stable.

    That's why it doesn't work that way with the DayZ Stand Alone.

  12. 52 minutes ago, BleedoutBill said:

    Don't feel bad, I have NO sound!!!

    Still, I would rather have in-game bugs, than no game at all.

    As of now, there's no way to fix the memory leak error a few of us are getting. If there's no fix for it, and they simply asks us to move to Windows 10 or something, I'll be very disappointed. (See the "Are you disappointed by DayZ" thread.) I've never been disappointed by it, but this would be the worst case scenario.

    After spending 3 hours to try and fix it, doing everything that has been recommended, and seeing no progress at all, it's all getting a bit frustrating. Maybe more than a bit...  (Insert angry face here, cause emoticons don't work on the new forums...) 

    • Like 1

  13. 1 minute ago, Gav_LCFC said:

    Everything feels very smooth, found a amphibia with a mag which was nice! Also found a glock with a silencer already attached just before I lost connection to the host.  Saw some guy in a motocross helmet aswell and a backpack I don't think I've seen before.  

    Would you care to show your system specs? 

    It seems a lot of us can't even get the game to start now due to memory leaks.

    Normally those leaks used to happen to everyone, but I can see some can start the game.

    Never had this kind of problem before, and I have the Stand Alone since 0.28.

    Hope this gets fixed before it hits stable, as it would be bye bye DayZ forever for me, and a few others...

  14. Never surrender! ;)  

    I'd rather go down in glorious battle (or laggy battle) than this way. 

    People I've met in-game were either totally not hostile, or were just looking to kill people. I've never been properly held up and then released after cooperating, so I just don't anymore... Past 1500 hours, and with at least 15-20 encounters of "bandits" who end simply executing, it's not worth it. Besides, most of the time they don't even RP or aren't even original/funny.


    • Like 4

  15. 7 hours ago, ori42 said:

    Why delay the 0.60 due to loot issue on experimental?



    The main blocker is that if an unconscious player log out, the server completely crashes. Apart from that, other issues are pretty minor. The loot system has hiccups, but they'll get it to work fine in no time.

    Really hoping on an experimental release this week!

    • Like 1

  16. On 30/04/2016 at 5:46 PM, pilgrim* said:

    hmm, true .. so why the intense emphasis on weapons and bullet systems in the first place? every bullet-firing weapon attempts to be a realistically model of a specific type and sub type of existing or once-existing weapon, this seems to be a design goal set a long time ago. But everything else can/ or may be/ or is/ realistic to somewhere between zero and 40% ?  just noticing, not "objecting".; but I do notice.

    Now - this design feature in DayZ is nothing to do with this being a game and not  "real life"
    [philosophy = : ) =  a game world exists inside the Real World and is only Part of the real world - so it must to be Less Complex than the real world or it would not Fit, we agree]

    Some strong emphasis and attention to detail is is given to certain aspects of the game, much less is given to other aspects - this is game design.
    As DayZ players (and unlike players of some other types of games) we all want a game that is in some sense "realistic" - as the term is commonly used in games. If we did not want "realism" we could all play chess - that  game is highly immersive but non-"realistic".

    So - back to my suggestion:  Why not have impact (fire, melee) register on players to some extent to make firefights more interesting, to open new possible results and techniques, wider and alternative combat-play possibilities, and perhaps even make combat slightly more "realistic" .. but I'm happy enough to leave "realism" at a fairly low percentage as long as firefights in DayZ become just a little more ..  immersive.

    I wouldn't expect the immediate effects of blows registering to be more "realistic" than the level of realism we find in dayz fishing for instance..ie - "realism" at about 0-3% ?? (difficult to judge)  and less "realism" than THAT would be just fine and dandy.

    So I wondered why zero attempts have ever been made in the whole ArmA family since it's inception right up to DayZ SA, to "indicate" a hit by a reaction - however slight - on the part of the player. Seemed odd, So I mentioned it.


    I like the devs too.

    When the new player controller gets in, the new animations for wounded players will come too, so we're probably gonna see something along the lines of this. Players getting hit, depending on where they get hit, will have different reaction animations.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all for immersion, I just have a very hard time with quotes like : "In real life it's like that, so it should be the same in the game, since it's a "realistic" game!" I have very little tolerance for this, and I should work on that. Tigermonk is totally right about something, I should have simply ignored him in the first place.  ;) 

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