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Posts posted by odin_lowe

  1. On 10/02/2017 at 10:32 AM, Derains said:

    but don't we deserve to play a playable game during weekend?

    Actually, no. You're not entitled to anything. You click "I understand" every time you start the game. You should have read that you can encounter bugs, glitches, unfinished features and interruption of services.

    Early access alpha. It doesn't matter if it's been 10 years, the fact is that the game isn't a game yet, and is only a software being developed as we speak.

    You might not be happy about that, but it's the reality. Deal with it.

    On a side note, it seems a lot of new forum members only created their accounts to whine and troll. Although they are insulting others, their behavior suggest they are immature and won't be helping out or providing to the forums. I suggest banning them before the corruption spreads. 

  2. I logged in an made my way to Tisy to get a weapon. As I got there, most of the tents only had clothes and few items related, but no weapons, in any of the tents, guard towers, barracks, or bunkers... As I was finishing up checking out the tents, got shot at from an unknown location, suppressed fire. Not one shot hit me, but I bailed out, as I had no idea where it was from. I made my way south, towards the south west military checkpoint near Vavilovo. Then, I encountered a pack of 9 wolves. I killed 5 and the 4 that was left ran away, but just for 2 minutes or so, as they ran back towards me and attacked me again.

    Like many said before, yes, wolves can 1 hit kill you as they always aim for the throat/head area. Use a helmet, at all times, this will save your life.

    I killed 3 of the 4 and the last one ran away, again, only for 2 minutes before running back at me and attacking again. So I finished the entire 9 wolves pack and continued on my loot run. Ruined motorcycle helmet was changed, and I headed to wards Myshkino tents.

    As I got there, there was again no traces of weapons apart from a AKS-74U. I headed south and made a fire in the woods to cook the wolf meat I had. As soon as I finished cooking it, and started to get on the move again, I got shot at again. And again, no bullets hit me. I never saw the aggressor, and never hear a shot (suppressed again I guess) only the snaps/cracks of the bullets passing me, or hitting the elements around me.

    All this was on 1PP, UK-4 or AUS-1 as they are the only 2 1PP servers on the experimental branch. 

    • Like 5

  3. If you're near the coast then you'll have fog, but the further you get north, the less fog there is. Also, you can try and change the "alpha to coverage" settings to change their overall appearance.

    And keep in mind, just like hrdrok said, that they are in the process of completely re-working the forests.

  4. 7 hours ago, caik said:

    The bloody prize in the bloody effin crispy crunch cereal box.

    If it's gone, I would've rather been notified by an emergency weather warning or similar high level notification and saved a lot of cereal hunting and eating.

    Anyone had a prize recently? Seriously, I need to know...

    Almost forgot, liking the progress devs, keep up the good work.

    I found this one on December 10th, experimental. It's still in-game.


    • Like 3

  5. 36 minutes ago, koffeekage said:

    anyone been testing tents? do Vehicles always spawn ready to drive?

    Some servers don't have persistence enabled, and there's no indication of which ones have it on or off, so you need to test it to know. Sadly, until they all have it enabled and we need to test it further more, it's really not a priority.

    As for vehicles, all the ones I found were damaged and showed "ruined" parts such as tires as "pristine". I did try to fix a few with tire repair kits, adding a battery and spark plug, but they wouldn't even start. So unless you're lucky and find a freshly spawned one, then it's another tough feature to "test".

  6. On 04/01/2017 at 0:26 AM, -Gews- said:



    All these values should be similar, depending on the amount of rounds you can fire before generally dying. No matter how much "realism" or "authenticity" the devs are trying implement, or people want, it's a video game and we should have to use the weapon cleaning kit as it's a good mechanic rarely used in "shooters".

    Of course, there's always the ridiculous factor of "realism" in a game that you can run forever carrying 300kg of stuff and a barrel in your hands...

    Much of what we have access right now makes no sense at all, but most of it is place-holder anyway.


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  7. On 01/01/2017 at 4:56 AM, DontGoToBalotaAlone said:

    Water bottles. Always playing on the same server, but I've logged in during both low and max population and there's none in the towns or cities. Before getting rekt by a pack of wolves, I had a cooking pot, but it's ridiculous to use it as a bottle.

    I have no problems finding water bottles or cantines. Civilian houses are your best bet.

    As you can see, this single character on a private hive has 3 water bottles on him. 



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  8. No, the smersh vest should stay a heli crash spawn. I play on private hives 99% of the time, and I have no trouble finding smersh vests when I want one. Just do a crash site run, and you'll find one. There's always 3 crash sites per server, per refresh, and it's a combination of either "NATO" (UH-1Y) or "Russian" (Mi-8) so you can even find multiple in 1 run.

    Server hopping is not an option when it comes to crash sites, and doesn't help anyway.

  9. 13 hours ago, igor-vk said:

    damn, I like those woodland pants! Must try harder to find them!

    I have been finding them easily at any military tents scattered around the map. Zeleno and Stary very often have them. Good hunting!


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  10. 1. It's been a while since it's like that. When you have mags or stripper clips/speed loaders, you need to put them in the action bar and press the corresponding number to reload. Pressing "r" now chambers the weapon, and is used with bolt action rifles such as the mosin or the winchester, lever action like the repeater or shotguns.

    When you find a weapon like a pistol or an AK with a mag in it, you need to put it in your hands and press "r" once to chamber it, otherwise it will simply "click" when you'll try to fire. You can also do this manually by removing and putting the mag in again.

    2. Yes, this a known bug, just like painting a weapon makes you lose the ammo/mag in it. We need to be careful with manipulations until they get fixed.

  11. 2 hours ago, zin0 said:

    I heard some supersonic snaps when being shot at today. I'm pretty sure they fixed it, but it's not stated in the patch notes. 

    For some reason i'm getting some weird frame drops more than usual also. -Stable branch

    Well, I know the sounds (snaps) are back in experimental, but I was wondering if the supersonic shockwaves are only applied to the correct configuration, or if they just added them to all weapons. From Hicks' posts and replies, it seems they have added them only to supersonic round, and anything firing at less than 900ft/sec doesn't have the sound effects. 

    I just wanted to test all the weapons and rounds, with suppressors on and off to see if it was "authentic".  :)

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  12. Currently very curious about various "snaps" and "whiz" sounds with different type of ammo and weapons configuration.

    Does the suppressed shots, since subsonic, not make any supersonic shockwave, or "crack"? Like .45 ACP shouldn't make one, but 5.56 should, and so on.

    I'm wondering if it's already applied. Most people are back on stable, so it's tough to test... 

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  13. 21 minutes ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said:


    Christmas trees are in.

    No pic because I forgot to start fraps. :/


    Yep! I noticed this morning when Baty told me, and you liked a post I made this morning, with the Zelenogorsk Christmas tree in the background. Thanks for letting me know anyway, I appreciate it! 

    Enjoy your holidays fellas!


    • Like 4

  14. Some more observations:  With the old legacy lighting, there was a restriction on the number of light sources, which was 4. Now with the new lighting system, I wanted to test it out, but after tossing 5 chemlights, there was major FPS drops in the vicinity of the light sources, making a weird lag bubble.

    Something to check out. 

  15. 39 minutes ago, Cristoi said:

    If you guys are trying to push the survival aspect of the game as a MUST, so why the apple tree's glitch is still working? Cooking,fishing,hunting,farming is not useful then,we can eat hundreads of apples... talking about stable :why its always sunny and always day, can't you just force the day-night cycle  and metereological cycle in all server? Is it that hard to do? That would make the game a lot more survival in few little changes...also making the food rarer would be great, i remember the time of 0.55 patch, that was awesome.

    The thing is, we must keep in mind that this is a work in progress, and does not reflect the final product.

    Also, there will probably be a more efficient to collect apples or berries from trees and bushes, as waiting for a 5 second animation to get a "I haven't found anything" isn't immersive/realistic/authentic when you can clearly see that the tree is filled with 100+ apples.

    If you don't want to eat apples, hunt. If you don't like hunting, fish. If you don't like either, you can farm, or scavenge for food. We have multiple choices, and it should stay this way. 

    Right now, making all things food related more scarce might make the "survival" aspect more present, and it might be more fun for many, but it doesn't help at all creating the core elements of the game.

    Major balancing will come once we reach beta.

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