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Everything posted by odin_lowe

  1. odin_lowe

    Should I start DayZ Mod this late in the game?

    I still play Namalsk and the original mod quite often. Haven't had any issue with hackers for quite a while and still enjoy the mod. To each his own.
  2. odin_lowe

    DayZ Jesus Cult I ran into

    Goodbye Zimbabwe!! :lol: Laughed pretty hard! Thanks for sharing!!
  3. odin_lowe

    The Haunted Shipwreck

    Hmm, not sure I understand about the ISO container.
  4. Do you use DayZ commander? Just search for DayZ mod without any extras or variants and you'll find quite a few. For my DayZ mod vanilla nostalgia I play on US 4682 provided by HFB servers. I.P: Nothing extra. Spawn with nothing. Have fun!
  5. odin_lowe

    Squad Fights- Unexpected Guests

    Nice little preview at the end. Thanks for sharing!
  6. odin_lowe

    Farmer Clothing

    :o Wow! Really like those!! (the hat makes me think of the one my recently deceased Grand-Father used to wear. RIP Grand-pa) Edit: I want more of these types of civilian clothing. A suit would be great with the damage system. Pristine it would look great and worn out it would really feel like the apocalypse struck in the middle of the daily life. Anyway, looking forward to wear these.
  7. odin_lowe

    This is why we should use ArmA III's Engine.

    Well, to each his own. But I like the more photorealistic feel of the DayZ SA engine over the radiant/vibrant feel of the ArmA 3 engine. I like both, but they feel very different for me.
  8. odin_lowe

    Meeting random people in DayZ

    Great stuff mate!! Had a good laugh!!! :D
  9. Did you post the videos somewhere? Would really like to see what happened. Also, sadly, haven't seen any guys on Katastrophe server lately. :( I hope we'll ba able to catch each other for some quality gaming time and light RP, it's the only server I know that does some RP...
  10. odin_lowe

    Bandits, Heroes, and Everything in Between

    Awesome. I have a pretty similar view of the DayZ concept. Also, been testing/playing Project Zomboid since it came out on Desura. I still remember when the only thing in the game was trying to save your wife in bed on the second story of your house. Awesome game.
  11. odin_lowe

    Abandoned Nuclear Power Plant and a Golf Course.

    Well, most of the new appartment buildings seem out of place to me. Way too many. And the 2 firestations in Elektro is a bit overkill... Always made me wonder with all the firestation in the DayZ mod (and SA) where are the firetrucks?? Anyway, there's lots of other instance where structures in DayZ feel out of place. I would love a NPP. :thumbsup:
  12. odin_lowe

    Is Rocket leaving Day Z ?

    The mod is still in alpha. Being developed by community members. The stand alone was created from the ideas of Dean Hall, his cooperation and that of his team. Financed by Bohemia, who in return gets it's own income with the sales they make. In the end he's the Project Lead for DayZ. Yes, he'll leave in a year or so, but that doesn't change the game itself. The community is shaping the game in a way that it's maybe going in a different direction than what he wanted. In the end it doesn't matter. As long as you enjoy the alpha, the development it's going through, the beta and full release to come, and having a good time during this period, DayZ would have achieve what it meant to do. Dean can do what he wants as long as he feels good about it and it takes him where he strives to go. I say thanks to him for the mod, and now the stand alone. Keep up the good work while you can. I'll do my best to help out during the testing phase, while having fun doing it. Respect.
  13. odin_lowe

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Experimental branch character.
  14. odin_lowe

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    These are my favorite screenshots that I took. Some pretty old, some more recent. (in order) ^^ Those last two I really like.
  15. odin_lowe

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Nice!! My Gameservers hive character is going for a similar look. Carrying an extra berret for my friend.
  16. odin_lowe

    A story of trust

    Why would people do this? I mean, in game while using voip I can understand but to add someone to your steam list, and join TS? That's a great lengh just to get some gear?! He could have just did what he did first and go KoS anyone he met at the airfields or whatever. This is so wrong in many ways. I really hope you killed him.
  17. odin_lowe

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Welcome Beyondeath! And gorgeous screenshots!! Thanks for sharing these!!
  18. I've played on crowded servers and on low pop servers. For some reason, I rarely encounter anyone on high pop servers (even at the NWAF) and while on low pop servers, I often manage to stumble upon one of the only survivor with me on the server. I share the same feeling as you mate. Always enjoyed DayZ, and the stand alone is not exception. Love the immersion and experience.
  19. odin_lowe

    From Russia With Love

    B) Nice! Well, keep it up fellas! Really enjoy both your videos. (can see multiple perspectives! :lol: )
  20. odin_lowe

    From Russia With Love

    Are you playing with ManBearPig? Also, Steam name :thumbsup: Great vid. Thanks for sharing!
  21. odin_lowe

    Awaiting Vehicles

    Can't wait to see the new bike, which is already "finished" and needs polishing. But we'll have hunting, cooking, and barricade building before vehicles. Check this out to see what might or might not end up in the stand alone. Alpha, beta or complete game. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/175596-summary-of-dev-qas-from-streams/?p=1796311
  22. Well, it's your experience. I trust, and live.... 27 days Vilayer hive character, 21 days Gameserver hive character and 16 days experimental hive. (hardcore servers) I've encountered a lot of interesting players. Of course there's the occasional bandits and kos players, but that's part of DayZ and I don't mind it. You can get to a point where by listening to the player's voice and watching his behavior, you'll see if he can be trusted or not. The important thing is to not get influenced and become part of the problem instead of the solution. P.S.: And finally, even though my characters survived for a while, it's still just an early access alpha, and I wouldn't care much if they all got wiped, or if I die from a bug, or just get robbed by bandits. I'd say enjoy the abundance of guns and loot while you can, because sooner than later, we'll have sticks and stones to defend ourselves if you're following where Dean's going with the game. Bow and arrows will be far more common than M4s so shoot them while you still can!
  23. odin_lowe

    Ruined stuff when u shot sameone?

    If you don't want the gear and items on a player getting ruined when you shoot them, go play ArmA2 or ArmA3, everything stays "pristine" when you kill players... :rolleyes: Oh, and also, Alpher. P.S: On a serious note, I had to defend myself and killed a guy near NWAF. Shot him in the head with an FNX. Nothing was ruined except his axe, boots, and some food he had. Don't overshoot players if you want some gear still in good condition or wait till the damage is evenly distributed in a future build.
  24. odin_lowe

    Killing the airfield bandit (finally)

    I currently have 3 characters. 1 on Vilayer hive, 1 on Gameservers hive and 1 on the experimental branch. The thing is, you have to be careful and go back to the main screen when changing servers so you can see your character. I've seen some bugs when you got character wipes because of changing hives, and not going back to the main screen. Anyway, I mostly play on hardcore servers, and if I could suggest anything, it would be to go there if you wanna play in first person. (saw from the video you were mostly in FPP, while it was a regular server, so it's a big disadvantage.) Keep it up mate!
  25. odin_lowe

    Siege of Elektro - NODE

    Entertaining vid fellas. Thanks for sharing. Kinda reminded me of of the "strongholds" players use to do in ISS/WarZ. (but more interesting)