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Everything posted by odin_lowe

  1. odin_lowe


    Well, I play the mod since summer 2012 and for most if not all the variations of the mod there's single player mission files that enables single player for it. I would like to see a possible single player for the SA with options on item spawn, zombie numbers and whatnot. Without having to think about bandwidth and client/server restrictions, we could have hordes of zombies on the map. Also, the feeling of being alone and relying only on yourself is an intense feeling and adds immersion for me. I love the possibilities of both multiplayer and singleplayer options for most games. It's a choice too, those who hate the idea of singleplayer DayZ can just ignore it and play multiplayer all they want. :thumbsup: :beans: More possibilities = more possible fun Edit: Yeah, you could have used the search option as there's already a few threads about this.... http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/174916-server-hosting-without-paying-or-singleplayerlan/?hl=singleplayer
  2. odin_lowe

    My life in Dayz (20 pictures)

    Nice! Thanks for sharing! P.S.: Commander Meenos of Vega?? (UFO Robot Grendizer)
  3. odin_lowe

    The Green Avenger

    Where's the Green Avenger? No more vids? :(
  4. Looks great! Let see if they'll add it to a future patch or at least experimental branch for testing!
  5. odin_lowe

    What Do You Currently Prefer?

    I play both. I really enjoy the differences between the two. Love both. Had to choose one so I selected the mod since I played it more... 300hrs+ vs 170hrs
  6. Alright. I've had enough. You feel threaten by fresh spawns. You are weak then.... very weak. You kill for whatever reasons you might want to tell yourself, but it's just silly. You can try and justify it as much as you want, it won't change facts. Have your adrenaline rush from firefights, and leave the coast and freshspawns alone then. Threaten by freshspawns... :rolleyes: P.S. : Only been killed once by another player in this game. 170hrs in SA and 300 in the mod. Encountered about a hundred+ players. Stalked 20+ that never knew I was there. You don't know me. You don't understand.... P.S.2: Your notions of survival are flawed by universal standards.
  7. Not really. I found a neat little trick. (it's probly gonna be fixed but whatever...) If you have a handgun or rifle in your hands (risen, not pointed down) and press F on the bush it skips the animation.... Can fill a backpack in no time. Even if you don't have the space on you, it'll drop the berries under you and you can just eat them one after the other ...
  8. I'd say avoid experimental for now at least. On the server list, it states version is 0.42.116181 but when you enter the server it says 0.42.116177.... Corruption. This might lead to characters reset. Just a fair warning....
  9. odin_lowe

    Playable Guitars

    I would love this. Very S.T.A.L.K.E.R. like. Of course I know there will be lot of players who will oppose it, but they should just ignore it. I look forward to see if it'll be in a official release, or when mods come, someone might add it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By1b2GLzDUA
  10. I think so. I thought they wiped them on Wednesdays but I still have my character from the first experimental branch 0.31.114500. I went back to stable after "exploring" it and gave most of my items to another survivor I met, but 2 weeks later I came back since they added new features and I still had my old character. He's still alive in 0.42.116146.
  11. I can't find any US experimental server, but I have UK and EU experimental on my server list so while I wait to get back my 2 other characters on the US ones (regular and hardcore), I started 2 other ones.
  12. odin_lowe

    KOS hunting fresh spawn gang! :D

    Wow that was insane. Getting attacked by fresh spawns while trying to defend them.... :huh: Much laugh! :D Thanks for sharing! :thumbsup: P.S.: Kinda feel bad for the last one you shot...
  13. Yes, in Voodoo they use the terms "zombie". If you read my post, I'm not talking about "living mindless slaves", I'm talking about the undead. I was replying to lastdogdead's post which sounded like he believed zombies (à la Resident Evil/Night of the Living Dead) were real.
  14. odin_lowe

    People who server hop

    Wrong. Currently the point of DayZ is to test it and provide feedback. Alpha stage software development. I'm not the one saying it, your warning when you start the game is. (And try to have fun while doing so.)
  15. odin_lowe

    Supressors doesn't sound suppressed?

    Whatever suits you.
  16. Lovely reading. Honestly people, zombies are work of fiction. In every culture or civilization there has been "zombies". English had their Ghouls, French had their Revenants, and the Chinese had the JiangShi. Even if you read a book about zombies, it doesn't make them real. There is no virus that causes zombification. You read a fictitious story about zombies. There's no such things as a REAL zombie apocalypse survival guide, simply because there are no zombies on this planet. They might try to make some hypothesis about what we should do in case of a ZA, but it's purely fiction. It's like making a guide for an Alien Invasion Apocalypse and how to survive in one. Fiction mate, fiction.
  17. Hmm. No. By firing your weapon, you make your presence known. By killing freshspawns, you just make more reasons for "heroes" to come kill you. If they don't do it, then the bandits and other KoS/SoS that heard you shoot will come for your loot or just to kill you for fun... Logical reasoning for "survival" has been lost in this modern society.
  18. odin_lowe

    Supressors doesn't sound suppressed?

    It's been know since they put them in. The 556 and .45 suppressors are only for esthetics right now. They might need to either put subsonic bullets with proper grain for them to work, or just make them work as it is... (less realistic, more arcade style) We'll see.
  19. odin_lowe

    Xp System?

    This sums it up. Can close thread now.
  20. Yep, there are different hives. I have four different "characters". I use 1 in Vilayer, 1 in gameservers, 1 hardcore experimental and 1 regular experimental. Have different characters at different part of the map helps when trying to meet with friends too.
  21. odin_lowe

    In-Game Books: What are you reading?

    Currently reading "Les Trois Mousquetaires" (Three Musketeers in French) and The Raven, from Edgar Allen Poe.
  22. odin_lowe

    Balota Revenge! - A lot of action in this clip.

    Thanks for sharing!! Very intense!!
  23. odin_lowe

    Dayz short films (fan made)

    Thanks for sharing. Pretty cool!
  24. odin_lowe

    apologists are delaying development.

    It's a sandbox video game. Since most have different interests and tastes, we don't need to be "tryhards" or "fanboys" to enjoy the game, even in it's Alpha stage. I've tested about 15 alphas, and 40 betas, and enjoy this process a lot. Seeing the game evolve and dealing with bugs/glitches. But that's me. To each his own. The DayZ mod is still in Alpha stage, and I'm still playing it. I enjoy those games, they entertain me even if some find them boring. American Idol, I hate it, I don't watch it, but millions do.... Should they stop making more of these shows because I loathe them? No, it's just me, I can just switch the channel. Respect.
  25. :huh: After reading this, all I can say is that's only the opinion of the one who wrote this. I've been playing video games since 1984. Games are not becoming "care bear" like. This term comes from young players who seemed to have been brainwashed by either the social media or TV into thinking being good is bad. Fundamentally, being good is the right way to go to live in harmony with nature, and others who surround us. Respect is of the utmost importance. Not because of religion, or science, or morale, but because it's fundamental. With the indie gaming scene becoming the huge market it is today, the choice of games with different styles have risen and everyone can find it's cup of tea. The main idea is to always remember video games are a means of entertainment. For the ones who create them, it's either a way to be creative and express themselves or just another means of making money. Humans are naturally kind with each other. A selected few powerful individuals started the Wars we faced throughout history. People get brainwashed into thinking their neighbors are enemies, but it's wrong. It only benefits those who control society to have us separated instead of united, It's easier for them to control us. Respect is lacking. Hate is on the rise. Bad behaviors and thoughts are being more and more accepted instead of being worked on to better ourselves and helping each other. Parents have a great deal of responsibility in this and it's becoming much harder to find happiness in America, with so many gratifying hatred and suffering. Dark days we live in. Edit: Add all that Lok said too. I couldn't agree more.