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Everything posted by odin_lowe

  1. odin_lowe

    Contrast at Night !

    I'd like that too honestly. :thumbsup:
  2. odin_lowe


    When I carry a mosin and I'm close quarters I use an FNX or Magnum usually. I really like pistols during night time with a pistol flashlight. :thumbsup:
  3. odin_lowe

    First Shotgun and Sporter .22 kills!

    Great montage! GG! Really enjoyed that!! :thumbsup:
  4. odin_lowe

    Going Lonewolf!

    B) Nice! Thanks for sharing. That ending... :lol:
  5. odin_lowe

    The land of 1000 corpses - a story of looting

    Yep. Been playing Nether since it came out too. Really like both.
  6. odin_lowe

    question about reloading guns

    Quote:Reload works perfectly when you have clips or mags in your inventory. Load your guns with the loose rounds and in the heat of a firefight you use R to reload your clips, or mags accordingly. This is the right way to do it.
  7. odin_lowe

    question about reloading guns

    ^^ This is the correct answer. Reload works perfectly when you have clips or mags in your inventory. Load your guns with the loose rounds and in the heat of a firefight you use R to reload your clips, or mags accordingly.
  8. odin_lowe

    The land of 1000 corpses - a story of looting

    This is a brilliant idea and makes for some great dynamic loot spawns. Treasure hunting! Of course seeing a crash site from a distance with the smoke and flames will attract a lot of attention to anyone nearby, but a dead pilot or crew member that parachuted, hanging in the trees would be more subtle and could happen to any lucky survivor.
  9. odin_lowe

    Group / Party system needed

    No. This is DayZ. Honestly it will never happen. Maybe once the game reaches completion and we get the editor that some people might make a mod with this option, specific to certain servers, but other than that, this is DayZ.
  10. odin_lowe

    Live-Action DayZ Short Film

    Nice! Thanks for sharing! Really enjoyed that. My only complaint is of personal opinion with all the human characters killing each other for loot. It was a pretty accurate rendition of the game, but for me it took some of the "realism/live-action" out of it for a more virtual reality game feel. But taken it's real life DayZ, it's almost perfect! :thumbsup:
  11. odin_lowe

    Last Of The Rangers (LOTR & UN clan)

    So many bodies.... :o Can't wait for part 2! :thumbsup:
  12. odin_lowe

    Betrayal and Friendship

    Wow! Pretty interesting to join up with him again the next day. In the end it was well worth it! Thanks for sharing! :thumbsup:
  13. odin_lowe

    Lost on the map

    The garages in a row you're talking about are at 84' 24' on the map North of Gvozdno. The town you went with the Police Station is Svetlojarsk, a new town in the world of DayZ. Edit: Sorry but by now I know the map to well to get lost. I got lost plenty of times during the first time I played the mod. I was glad the stand alone had some changes so I traveled all around to explore and see the changes. The northern part of the map looked like it was ready for some major make-over and now they added Svetlojarsk and Chernaya Polana, which is my new favorite town on the map.
  14. odin_lowe

    Night and Day, Why?

    "They" is we. And the devs got the data. But that's just technically because it wasn't working. Everyone has access to the experimental branch. The only servers that were up a while ago were the DE servers with "accelerated timecycles" but like I said, when I played I didn't see any accelerated time. In fact, for me the time was mostly stuck around 11HAM. Maybe that's why it was "announced" officially. I know I follow the experimental branch patch thread which is open and ongoing which means the same thread gets updated instead of creating a new thread with the patch notes, and I never saw any announcements for "accelerated timecycles". But anyway it will eventually be an option server side for the admin to play with. Right now, the ones creating the games are playing/messing with this feature. For me, I just hope we get night time servers back anytime soon.
  15. odin_lowe

    Sniping at NWAF

    B) Nice shots!!! The first and last one through the windows are pretty epic!
  16. odin_lowe

    Night and Day, Why?

    Well, right now the cycle is broken. This is decided server side. When it's fixed, you'll see servers with Day only or Night only, but also some with 4 hours restart with 2 hours sunlight and 2 hours night time and such. On the experimental branch, they "tested" accelerated time cycles, but it didn't work out that well. Maybe we'll see something similar to what you ask in the future.
  17. odin_lowe

    Fun with handcuffs

    :lol: The guy logged while cuffed and died. Great ninja skills! :thumbsup: Edit: the three guys with the same gear are obviously duping... Great catch!! :beans:
  18. odin_lowe

    Most popular areas as of now?

    My favorite spot right now is Chernaya Polana. Can't wait till they add zombies there. I love this little town!! But yeah, Berezino is the new hotspot.
  19. odin_lowe

    Last Of The Rangers (Fashion show)

    Lizzie is one of my favorite and more complex character in the series. :thumbsup: No spoilers, but I can just say that she's unique amongst all the other survivors in WD the series... Can't wait to see the new footage with the xUNx Clan!! Keep it up!
  20. odin_lowe

    This Dad Plays DayZ

    Small tip: You could have put the items from your pants in the protective case instead of keeping it in your hands. Of course, the way you played you had more items in the end by carrying a full protective case and having all the slots in your pants full, put when you take out your axe or gun, it'll drop what you had in your hand on the floor. Anyway, nice start! Keep it up and have fun!!
  21. odin_lowe

    Impression of Standalone (from a DayZ Mod Veteran)

    The mod will probably still be in alpha stage when the Stand Alone reaches "completion". (after the full release we'll still have updates, addons, and most notably mods.) I love both the different mods and the Stand Alone, but from my perspective the SA gets updated at a faster rate than the original "vanilla" mod of DayZ. I've started playing the mod around September 2012 and since then the mod has changed a lot, but from experience there's a huge difference in using a "construction set" to create a mod for an existing game and creating a game from an engine already in place. Yes the map is the "same" but the modifications to the engine itself and the creation from scratch to more than 80% of the game is huge thing and it's going pretty well in my opinion. At a faster rate than the mod also. I love them both, but I'm already sold to the concept, the engine, and video games in general so I'm biased on this one. I respect them a lot for the courage they show with the unhealthy pressure releasing for a few an Alpha stage software to the public. :thumbsup: They have my support.
  22. odin_lowe

    Tips to get out of Police Station room

    Log out facing the direction of the door, then log back in and run while still in the loading screen. Seemed to work in most instance of getting stuck inside walls.
  23. odin_lowe

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Welcome to the forums!! Congrats on your first post!Thanks for sharing! Amazing shot! :beans: :thumbsup:
  24. odin_lowe

    Tactical Vest

    Some of his Clan mates might still have one, and duped it. My thoughts. It's definetely not spawning anymore. Edit: PS: The tactical vest was exactly the same as the one in ArmA3. Might be the reason they removed it. Not sure.
  25. odin_lowe

    Character Reset Thoughts

    Hmm. I own DayZ since December 18th, and had character reset only on the first week. Then I noticed if I came back to the menu before changing servers, I didn't get these resets. Since then, it never, ever happened to me again. It's in Alpha stage, so this software is bound to have bugs. But finding workarounds to continue enjoying the experience while still testing it is my thing. Love it. Character created on January 23rd. Had a misadventure on the Refy shipwreck. Died. Respawned and tried to get back to my body. Body wasn't there so started fresh. Character still alive to day, after 80 days. Total time played in the Stand Alone : 208 hours