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Everything posted by odin_lowe

  1. Maybe we'll have it in the future. I mostly play on hardcore, and this never bothered me really. The more options the better, but it's really not a necessity right now.
  2. odin_lowe

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Down again. But I still managed to have some fun today before it went offline again. Some buildings like the new wooden log pubs in Chernaya Polana didn't spawn any loot, but other than that it was pretty stable for me. Though I doubt it'll stay like that when the experimental branch come back only. Expect a patch and different version thatn this one. Maybe with the new items and such... ;) (Camp fires!!!! :thumbsup: B) :D )
  3. odin_lowe


    I have a similar system but it seems there's no higher settings as of now. Only Very low and low. But remember, eventually we'll have DX10 , 11 .and OS 64x support.
  4. Using a flashlight, weapon flashlight (the M4 RIS attachable one) and gas lamp in my hands I can use the default "L" key to operate them. Or scroll activate them also. But headtorch, pistol flashlight and M4 flashlight attached don't seem to work with either "L" or scroll click. Need to go inside inventory and turn them on manually. At least for me.
  5. odin_lowe

    I'm Not DUPID!

    Have you watched the video? Did he say "Wait here, I'll log in and out to dupe some items." or " Wait here, I'll log in and out to try and fix this SKS glitch where I can't aim down the iron sights." You seem to have chosen your answer. Let me get this straight. Every one who glitched through a wall and got stuck in it is an exploiter/cheater/hacker right? Even if a zombie push you in a wall, you did it on purpose right? His friend clearly knew about the glitch and wanted to make some extra items out of it, but no matter what happened, Sinphaltimus clearly had no intentions to dupe, and that's very important in my opinion. Intentions behind actions shows who we really are, and not the actions themselves. Anyway, to each his own. Respect.
  6. odin_lowe

    DayZ (Standalone) PVP Videos series

    Please, don't use hacked ammo... :(
  7. odin_lowe

    What is your favorite DayZ related video

    I couldn't choose my favorite really, but for me one of the funniest is this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQRhHkKt8bI Edit: and part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YelmCw5JHTI
  8. odin_lowe

    DayZ : Where hunter and prey become friends

    Thanks for sharing!! Good experience! Really enjoyed that. That poor guy sounded genuinely scared!! :lol: You still helped him in the end. :thumbsup: :beans:
  9. odin_lowe

    Has anyone ever played barefoot?

    My friend Balek always plays barefoot... :lol:
  10. Does "eva" means "ever"? If so, then no, not ever. In the next experimental patch we'll see a tracksuit top. Already officially announced. (on this very thread) Get ready for some crazy Russian redneck parties!! :lol:
  11. odin_lowe

    Safezone gone wrong Dayz series episode 8

    Very interesting series! Thanks for sharing! :beans:
  12. odin_lowe

    Companion animals (endgame mechanic)

    Fantastic ideas! Amazing artwork. Really like those!! In a February devblog Dean talked about non-hostile animals being "tamable" such as horses and dogs. Maybe we'll see something between what you suggest and what they have in mind. Anyway, great work on you post!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :beans:
  13. French-canadians. (Quebecois) Thus the accent and gibberish. You did a very fine job there!! :thumbsup:
  14. odin_lowe

    Even the nicest guys cant be trusted!

    Oh my god, watching you struggle to kill them. You had reason for killing both imo. The guy who killed you for vengeance, and the friendly hacker for hacking obviously. Funny video, but sad at the same time. He was genuinely helping out and being kind to both of you but still, hacking in video games is shameful honestly. Have you reported him? You had his in-game name, and you know on which server and at what time it occurred. Plus, with all this footage, he clearly should be banned. Anyway, thanks for sharing. Interesting turn of events. You don't see situations like this in any other game. (Well, maybe in ISS/WarZ. A while ago I saw a video about friendly hacker who helped a bambi, who was streaming, who in the end got killed for his sins.)
  15. odin_lowe

    Map glitch

    This is exactly what happened to me, at the same exact place, but with patience, on the same server without logging out, I managed to free myself. Good luck anyway mate!!
  16. :| Pigs, Boars, domesticated or not, in the end we'll have fresh bacon to top our tactical bacon! B) Edit: hmmmm, bacon..... (I know no matter what happens when this patch come out the first thing I do is find a complete tracksuit, and start dancing, like crazy... ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APnPH9u8-zs
  17. odin_lowe

    The Woodzz

    :lol: "Got him in the ass!!" Hahaha Man that moment was perfect! Sweet vengeance for your mates! Thanks for sharing! Very nice video!
  18. odin_lowe

    Match Sticks

    Well, the way the lighting and shadows work, it would be the same. (light sources passing through walls) But I do agree it would be nice.
  19. odin_lowe

    thanks to you that ruined this game

    You are Dead. The point? What to fix? (hard to understand you know...) Yes, there's lots of bugs and glitches, and a lot of features absent, but just don't treat this software as a full game, but as a work in progress. Because it is, a work in progress. I still have lots of fun with it.
  20. odin_lowe

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Wow! Love this shot. Sad for all the items lost, but I think it was worth this awesome shot! B)
  21. odin_lowe

    Map glitch

    The same thing happened to me, but after about 5-10 mins of vaulting, running, crouching, and a mix of all these looking all directions, I finally made it out. Good luck?? If you are very desperate, I can come kill you and try to move your items close so you can get back to them. But that's pretty much a last resort. Edit: When I finally got out, my backpack and gun had "fell" where I was and I had to pick them back again.
  22. odin_lowe

    The Ultimate End Game Content!

    Since I know the map by heart I never use the in-game map. But I have to admit that I did the same when the alpha came out... B) I was pretty happy completing the map after searching through every car I came across and most houses and buildings I knew spawned maps. Although I never used it really. The most useful feature for me was the shift-click way point marking and since it's not in the Stand Alone, and I know the map very well, I don't bother carrying any maps with me anymore... :(
  23. odin_lowe

    Two million units sold

    Congratulations!! Don't mind all the whiners. People always complain even if they have a roof over their heads... B) Keep it up!! I really enjoy the Stand Alone so far!! :thumbsup: :beans: Great work!!
  24. odin_lowe

    Post Your Gear So Far

    There's already a post for this. Should be merged. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/185071-post-your-gear-so-far/ Check it out.