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Everything posted by odin_lowe

  1. odin_lowe

    Extremely weird

    This is a known bug, please don't exploit it.
  2. odin_lowe

    Where in god's name am I?

    Don't go near that hole son! :lol: (Go south from here and you'll be fine...) Edit: If you don't have a compass, use the sun. If it's rising, keep it on your left shoulder and if it's setting keep it on your right shoulder. That way you'll head south, towards Svetlojarsk and the rest of Chernaurus, away from the northern wasteland of the great Hole... :D
  3. odin_lowe

    Where in god's name am I?

    By the way you described it, it really sounds like Svetlojarsk. It's a new town from the stand alone yes, but it's been here for a while now. If you go west from there you'll get to a really new town, Chernaya Polana. Awesome little town with new buildings and a lot of good buildings! (firestation, market, 4 piano house, 4 grand-ma house, 2 new wooden log pubs, a third alittle east of town, and the scrapyard that has about 5 or 6 wrecked UAZ jeeps with military spawns) Anyway, like meat said DayZ DB map Cherno + is your friend here. http://dayzdb.com/map#6.132.018
  4. odin_lowe

    Dark Days Ahead - Ep.1

    I'm only at 5mins and I love this. Great video (series) you made! Gonna check your channel mate! Thanks for sharing and keep it up!! (Nice outfit! :thumbsup: )
  5. odin_lowe

    Castaway Simulator

    Yes! Craft-able rafts would be very interesting!! They would have a certain durability and would eventually start to fall apart/sink. I do like that idea very much!
  6. odin_lowe

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Same here. Most of my Clan mates are either wearing similar green outfits or black outfits. Next time I die with this character, I'll probably do what I usually do: recreate the hero skin from the mod. I really like the look of it! (Closest looking like I can get right now, to my taste. ;) )
  7. I do have Protective cases on me. (got one pristine) Hardcore servers? Anything else you would like? This is mostly what I got on me. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/185071-post-your-gear-so-far/page-39#entry1960427
  8. Indeed. Those filter options would be a great addition. Also the ability to favorite a server you are on, or one you joined via the IP address and "remote" option.
  9. That thing is gorgeous!! B) (Can't wait to find one!!) Mind if I ask where you found it? I'm looking around mostly military spawns, office building (the one people call "school") or fire stations.
  10. odin_lowe

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Normally I just check if any of the experimental servers are up while browsing the servers in the stable build. They show up with their respective version so no need to opt in every time just to check if they are up or not. Just wait till most servers are shown on your list and arrange them by version. You'll see the experimental servers on top. That's what I do, or just post here asking if they are up or not.
  11. odin_lowe

    Airfield action

    :lol: (This wasn't my intention. More of an alpha/development state acknowledgement from my part.)
  12. odin_lowe

    AKM has been added?

    Isn't that an AK-107? I hope to see more variants of the AKM, some AK-74 and more 5.56 variants too!
  13. odin_lowe

    AKM has been added?

    Looks like we'll have an experimental update pretty soon!! Have never seen it in-game yet. Went to the experimental branch yesterday when the servers were online for a few hours and didn't find any.
  14. Same thing happened to my "pristine" riders jacket. Multiple hits and no problem, then 1 random hit got it to "ruined" state. Normally when I'm healthy and take 1 hit it immediately goes to "healing" and back to healthy in a few seconds. Talking again to Warpath (my friend who got 1 hit killed by a zombie) he told me it happened 5 times in total since patch 44. They really need to hit you in the head though, so if you're standing, they'll need to leap, but if you're crouched (what happened to me) there's a lot more chances it'll happen. (Can't wait for the experimental branch to come back online for further testing! ;) )
  15. odin_lowe

    Airfield action

    You need to open the closed door, and then you can close both. Weird, but works. ;)
  16. Or 1 hit kill by a stealth zombie in your back. Saw my friend drop dead after 1 hit of a zombie. He was healthy, and well equipped, but it was night and we didn't saw the zombie until he was too close. (we never heard a sound either) He leaped and instantly killed Warpath. It happened to me once, but I thought it was a bug at that time. Other than that, I have to agree. It's pretty hard dying from anything else really. A lot of players die to bugs, but most DayZ mod vets and early SA players knows them and know how to avoid them.
  17. I like going on quest to find certain pieces of clothing to build my character. Although right now I never really cared if I died no matter what I had on me, I've been searching for an engraved 1911 for a while, and I know that when I find it, I'll be more paranoid about dying than I ever been before! :D I wish we had more "variants" and rare versions of most of the guns honestly. But that's just me. :thumbsup:
  18. odin_lowe

    Hacker Justice

    Wow. People are an all time low now. Video games are a means of entertainment and in no way made so we can "win". Games have been invented so when can have fun. You need to understand that even if you're the "champion of the world" in CoD, it won't change the fact that's it's virtual and has no real repercussion in real life. When you'll die in real life, all that you would have accomplished in the virtual world will be forgotten. Parents need to teach kids better about the meaning of life and how you need to perceive video games. "I'll also dupe if it's a "feature," and it suits my game play. Sue me." - In an alpha or beta stage software development, glitches/bugs are not features. You say you play "hero" , but say honor doesn't matter. :huh:
  19. odin_lowe

    Pistol Flashlight

    The small canister lasts only for about 20 to 30 mins. I have yet run out of gas on a large one, but I would guess it's about the double. I try to always carry one on me as I love night time play and the light the gas lamp emits! B)
  20. odin_lowe

    Pistol Flashlight

    Hmm. I wish I could help. I often play on night time servers because I love them. And for efficient self defense I use a pitsol with a flashlight attached. Never had this bug before. But, the battery died on a couple of occasions. It didn't matter if the battery was pristine or badly damaged, if it ran out of electricity there's nothing else to do but to change it. You can test batteries by licking them btw. ;) I hope you can get this fixed!
  21. odin_lowe

    Hacker Justice

    "Exploiting game glitches is part of gaming" :lol: No. It's part of cheating. -In video games, cheating can take the form of secret access codes in single-player games (such as the Konami code) which unlock a bonus for the player when entered, and add-ons or exploits which give players an unfair advantage in online multiplayer games.
  22. odin_lowe

    DayZ/Arma Guide - How not to be seen

    :lol: Thanks for sharing!!! :thumbsup:
  23. odin_lowe

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Green guy. Current Hardcore stable branch character. Haven't really played with the others recently. Went from Kamishovo to the NWAF passing by the east coast and stopping by the NEAF, Svetlojarsk and Chernaya Polana. 2 gameplay sessions,about 4 hours and 3 servers.
  24. odin_lowe

    Post Your Gear So Far

    The way events occur in life can help so much to explain things sometimes... :D Your friend will forever know the power of sniper hill! lol
  25. The whole filter and server browser will probably get "updated" since I see other missing features with it too. Example, for me the filter for server name is really wonky and even if I have the correct spelling, it won't show the server I'm looking for, so I often use the "remote" option and use the IP address instead. (I often find server I like through the forums and on Clan sites for RP and light-RP) But then another problem shows, when I use remote, I can't add the server to my favorites, making me need to always use remote and the IP for this server. Anyway, I find myself liking the Alpha and current state of the game too much and look pass these to have a better overall experience. Somehow I use to have fun and enjoy bugs and glitches in video games, so when it became more possible to test video games via their alpha or beta state (about 12 years ago was some of my first beta tests) I was thrilled and since then have grown to like very much seeing the evolution of a game. The sooner I get access to it the better. Half the games I have on my system right now are early access, alphas, or betas. To each his own! Respect! (and beans! :beans: ) B)