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Everything posted by odin_lowe

  1. odin_lowe

    Regarding Northwestern Chernarus

    The roads are only placeholders as there's gonna be towns and settlements in these parts eventually.
  2. odin_lowe

    Bandit Acts Series

    Can't wait for some more of your videos! :thumbsup: You're in another league out there mate!! Keep it up! And take care!!
  3. odin_lowe

    Magnum or 1911?

    I like all the pistols. They all have their flaws and most players hate them, but I've been saved by my sidearm more times than I can could ever imagine at first. Personally, I love the 1911. It's very accurate, and since you have two mags already, I'd say give it a go. Engraved or normal it's my favorite pistol at the moment. Most powerful, versatile and high powered is still the FNX, but the magnum is very close with it's easy availability and plenty ammo to find everywhere. Anyway, to each his own!! (I'd love to have a Beretta 9m, or Glock 17!! I'm sure a lot of players would like a desert eagle too... :D )
  4. Never had anything disappear in 350+ hrs of gameplay, but this is fantastic. Very informative and helpful. Thanks for sharing!! :thumbsup:
  5. odin_lowe

    The Extraction! (Hardcore, Feedback wanted)

    :o Wow! B) :thumbsup: Brilliant guys!! Keep it up!! Intense stuff right there mate!!
  6. odin_lowe

    Funny Zombie Conversation interrupted :D

    :lol: "WTF?" Thanks for sharing.
  7. odin_lowe

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Wow! Those are fantastic! :thumbsup:
  8. odin_lowe

    What clothes do you wear for fashion alone.

    Thanks Cap'n!! I loved the improvised backpack, and now with the improvised leather backpack, it,s even better. :thumbsup:
  9. odin_lowe

    What clothes do you wear for fashion alone.

    I always quest to find a beige baseball cap. Also, most of the time I can't resist using a white check shirt. Switching from a 6 or 4 space clothing item to it. Favorite look below, and a recent variant.
  10. odin_lowe

    Psycho - Hardcore

    Fantastic! Great encounter! You guys are great! :thumbsup:
  11. odin_lowe

    NEW Makarov IJ70 .380 Footage!

    Although I play the mod since it came out, I feel the same way as you do. I like variety, but I felt that since the stand alone came out, most players didn't like the pistols at all in the game.
  12. odin_lowe

    How much is your T-shirt worth?

    Man that ragdoll! :lol: It was worth it just for that!
  13. odin_lowe

    How much is your T-shirt worth?

    My t-shirt is usually worth 2 seconds. The time it takes to take it off and rip it into rags. First thing I do when I spawn in. Seeing you bleed like that I would have offered to bandage you anyway.
  14. odin_lowe

    holding breath

    Re-assign your key. I use the right mouse button to zoom and left ctrl to hold my breath. Works great for me. You can re-bind it to whatever you want.
  15. odin_lowe

    Best Pistol

    I approve too. I'd say the magnum is easier to get by with plenty of ammo lying around, but the FNX is probably the best. When it's suppressor get fixed/start working, with the red dot sight now working with batteries it's gonna be a beast. Personally I prefer the 1911. Engraved or normal. I love it. It's quite good too and packs a punch. I tend to RP a bit and use what pistol or magazine/speed loader I find first.
  16. odin_lowe

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Here. A bit better than just screenshots. ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhE84NiFct8&feature=youtu.be
  17. odin_lowe

    Northeastern Debug

    The night shot with the moon and fire is absolutely amazing. Never knew about those islands up north. Only knew about the lonely island 10km+ south-south-east of Skalisty island. Thanks for sharing!! Nice find!
  18. odin_lowe


    A chambered 1911 can be deadly. Never underestimate a chambered weapon. Behold. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Cx9vPBgBh4
  19. Devs can unstuck you. Only efficient way right now. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/190827-dayz-support/
  20. odin_lowe


    Yesss!! Part 3!! B)
  21. odin_lowe

    Heli Crash Sites

    I stand corrected. Haven't seen any more heli crash on experimental. Went back to stable, took 20 minutes to find one. :huh: So I don't think they still spawn in experimental for some reason.
  22. odin_lowe

    Sunset in Chernarus..

    Sorry, not related to the screenshot really, but Sanjar Khan is holding a feast in Tulga tonight, all lords are invited. ;)
  23. odin_lowe

    Role Playing servers?

    I used to play on a private server owned by Katabasis, which was mostly roleplay and the small community it built was pretty good. It's been a while since it closed though. I really liked that server, but since then, haven't seen any solid RP servers for the SA... :( Still looking.
  24. odin_lowe

    Binoculars inventory size

    Confirmed. Just providing screenshot.
  25. odin_lowe

    Heli Crash Sites

    The only way to really prove it would be to watch a streamer play live finding one. Or the devs confirming, cause other than that it's our words alone. :( I have no other way to prove it. I do find them rarely but I just check about 12 to 15 of the 70+ possible locations, so it's very rare that I stumble upon them...