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Everything posted by odin_lowe

  1. odin_lowe

    Swords - how good are they?

    Personally I'll take a sword any day. At least half of the infected I killed were killed with one hit, as it's pretty easy to aim with the sword and bring a descending chop over their heads, making them fall in one hit. It takes more space than the splitting axe or fire axe, so I'll keep it on my back and keep a splitting axe in my backpack anyway. B) :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  2. odin_lowe

    Stop Eating Yourself - Truck Adventure

    :lol: Hilarious! "Sit down and take it full force mate!"
  3. Well, I wish I could help more. Good luck on your search man! (Only a 2 or 3 weeks before the wipe... )
  4. Industrial spawns. I haven't had any problems at all finding them recently. (I always, always craft a fishing pole on all my characters... ;) )
  5. Merry Christmas everyone. Enjoy your holidays folks!
  6. The weapons found at crash sites in 0.51 were also in various "damaged" states. Kinda nice finally having a utility for the weapon cleaning kits!
  7. odin_lowe

    Map Changes in 0.52.125994

    Fantastic Tatanko! Thanks for sharing!!! :thumbsup:
  8. odin_lowe

    Question about Heli Crash sites

    This is the new "smoking" crash site that replaces the old UH-60 Blackhawks you are looking for now. Same spawn points. The Bell UH-1Y "Super Huey" or "Venom".
  9. There's a pickaxe, a farming hoe, a shotgun and lots of other goodies worth your while to kill zombies in my opinion. Temporary I guess, but still does the job! B)
  10. odin_lowe

    [Showcase Showdown] 0.51: V3S v1 & v2 w/AUG+Ghillie

    Fantastic video Weyland!!! Just showed it to my friends! Feels very professional! :thumbsup: Thanks a lot for the credits! Glad to help any way I can! B)
  11. Guts! Hmmm, yummy! Looks good! :P
  12. I tried it, looks very tacticool!! B) :thumbsup:
  13. Some freshly new items just found. Spawns are crazy and anything spawns everywhere... Found pistol suppressor on a kitchen table... need to get a pistol to test it out!!
  14. odin_lowe

    Arma or Sa?

    You're friendly, right... <_<
  15. odin_lowe

    Arma or Sa?

    You're on a DayZ forum, so I hope you get more SA % then the others, because basically you're comparing military simulators to a survival game. I played more ArmA2 single player then multiplayer, and there's no single player in the SA. I still play the DayZ mod from time to time and I still like it, but I'm really not into that whole Epoch/Overpoch with all their scripts, base building and all that, but I still play good old Namalsk whenever I feel like it. You should have added "DayZ mod" in your poll as both ArmA 2 and 3 have different versions of the mods. I absolutely loved Breaking Point for ArmA2 on Chernarus with the night fog and all that. That was truly an amazing experience. I tried BP for ArmA3 and can't stand it. It's a personal opinion. It's very well made, I just don't like it. Anyway, in terms of video games, both ArmA 2 and 3 and DayZ Stand Alone are too different to compare really. What games should you buy? What games do you want to play?
  16. odin_lowe

    Cant Use Grass Wrap?

    I see, well, when they put the new gun wraps in stable, they rendered the old files useless, so taking the old wrapping off the mosin didn't delete the item itself, but you couldn't put it back on again. Some kept their "glitched" mosin as is and seem to be fond of their "unicorn" items.
  17. odin_lowe

    Cant Use Grass Wrap?

    Use the new ghillie gun wraps! You use netting and burlap sack strips. Can paint it green.
  18. odin_lowe

    [Franky?] The DayZ Colony Experience

    :huh: WTH is Frankie talking at 4:16 ? Fantastic video!! Sinphaltimus has such a casual way of role playing! The Colony is great really! Thanks for sharing this Weyland! Much appreciated.
  19. odin_lowe

    Strangers of Chernarus

    Absolutely amazing! :thumbsup:
  20. odin_lowe

    Magazine and canteen issues

    The AK74 and AKs74u take AK74 mags (default orange, can be painted) , the AK101 takes AK101 mags (default black, can be painted) and the AKM takes AK 30 rnd standard and custom after market mags and the 75 rnd drum mag. Like NotRedd said, different calibers mags fit in different caliber guns. And lastly, if it's the right mag for the right gun, make sure the weapon isn't chambered with a run, you won't be able to attach mags until you unload it first. As for canteens, I don't have this problem so sadly can't help you.
  21. odin_lowe

    What's up with the loot in Third person?

    Join persistent servers. I seriously don't have any problems finding any kind of loot on either, persistence on/off servers, 3PP, 1PP or private hives. It was probably just that server. Persistence disabled servers are a bit better imo, as sometimes the loot respawn just don't work at all on persistent servers.
  22. odin_lowe

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Random shots of recent play sessions. Post processing and ambient occlusion turned on, low, still makes very "intense" screenshots. I love the nights in DayZ. Can't wait to see the new rendering we'll get in Q1 2015. :thumbsup: (Make some sound effects for the camp fires please, even just a basic placeholder. Would add so much to the ambiance. B) ) Favorite shot of the lot.
  23. odin_lowe

    No sound for guns?

    The no gun sound is a bug. In the recent status report, it says it's been worked on and will probably get fixed next exp patch. On a side note, clearing your cache might temporarily fix this. ( hold left ctrl+shift+ the "-" on the num pad) Lastly, did you stay in the server to see if you were getting looted? Also, there's a small "animation" + death screen now. If nothing like that appeared, then it might have been an "instant death" bug too. Courage, it's frustrating but eventually all of this will get better. (except for KoS, which will always stay in the hands of players....)