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Everything posted by odin_lowe

  1. odin_lowe

    Prison Island?

    Avoid persistent servers as the persistence is"bugged" (not finished...) and not working as intended.
  2. odin_lowe

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    I like the new sounds for swinging melee, and the new animal sounds too. I don't know if anyone noticed, but with the new particle effects being gradually added, there seems to be lots of pollen flying around, and, an occasional fly with it's sound effect. The first few times I only heard the sound effect, but eventually I saw it too. :D :thumbsup: Hearing and seeing insects adds a lot to the environment and immersion for me.
  3. odin_lowe

    Bow Squad 2v3 Fight

    :thumbsup: That's what you get for trying to kill Legolas!! lol :lol:
  4. odin_lowe

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    Finally got to update BattleEye, but now everytime I try to join a server, DayZ stops working... :rolleyes: Oh well, it's back to Stable until they push a fix for Exp.
  5. odin_lowe

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    Are the servers working right now? Experimental patch downloaded, I see the servers, most of them are empty, but each and every one gives me "Connection failed" trying to log in.
  6. odin_lowe

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    I don't have any problems with the new hud and menu system, but all the servers don't spawn any loot right now, and the footsteps behind you sound bug is back. Gonna wait for a fix maybe tomorrow.
  7. odin_lowe

    Experimental Branch: 0.54 Discussion

    Right click on a food item (opened can, fruit, vegetable, etc.) and cancel current action. If you want to spam the drinking at ponds and wells, just hit F11 and spam it. Then move to cancel the suicide stance and do it again.
  8. odin_lowe

    Why it's hard not to K.O.S.

    True! :thumbsup:
  9. odin_lowe

    DayZ Colony (Whitelisting | PvP + RP + PvE | Advanced Role-Play)

    Long live the Colony!! Been having a great time so far! Looking forward to the promising future ahead!
  10. odin_lowe

    DayZ Colony (Whitelisting | PvP + RP + PvE | Advanced Role-Play)

    We might see René joining the Colony 1PP server? That would be awesome!! :lol: :thumbsup:
  11. odin_lowe

    Smoke Stack Sniper

    :thumbsup: Freakin massacre alright! B)
  12. odin_lowe

    Status Report Highlight - 17 Feb 2015

    Fantastic status report. This was a beast one with answers to a few questions we had and shared recently. A lot of good news in this. Looking forward to the new additions and changes! :thumbsup:
  13. It's supposed to be integral part of the game, but thank god we currently had the option to turn it off as it's not working properly (never has... :rolleyes: ) and was a work in progress. If they really decide to go through with a complete integration in 0.54, I hope it means they made great progress and fixed both the no loot respawning and the "loot puke"/"christmas loot" problems! :thumbsup:
  14. odin_lowe

    BROKEN PROMISES - Chernarus Adventure - Part 1

    :thumbsup: Amazing! B)
  15. odin_lowe

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Nice man!! You're always the one to get your hands on the rarest stuff! :thumbsup: May I ask where you found it? (Mi-8 crash site I presume. You're the first one to find it, at least to report it, and I guessed it only spawned at crash sites.) Edit: While being at it, I'll add my current fav toon for the sake of it, instead of double posting. I can't get away from my makeshift hero skin. It's sticking to me since December 2013. I like varying looks, but I always get at least one of my characters to look like this. Just need some Rocket shades now. Private hive, 1PP only.
  16. odin_lowe

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Had some encounter at the prison on the -UN-/ZaP #1 server. 5 armed fellows, non-hostile, securing the prison, plus 3 lone wolves (me included) looking around feeling rather safe for once. And now random non-related shots.
  17. odin_lowe

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Absolutly amazing shot man! Comparing the original shot, the post processing seem to have been minimal and the original still looks fantastic! :thumbsup:
  18. odin_lowe

    Prison Island

    Avoid persistent servers Street. This is just a brief glimpse at what you can find at the prison. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/220480-where-is-all-the-good-stuff-at/#entry2215530 Keep it up man! Always love 1PP footage! :thumbsup:
  19. odin_lowe

    Where is all the good stuff at?

    I mostly use the hatchet since it came out, but before that, I only carried a combat or kitchen knife. Combat knife with military boots is a very nice combo for those who like the challenge! But seriously the hatchet is OP. If you learn to get it right, it's a 1 hit kill on zombies always. (Just hit the head once.) It doesn't make an animation taking it out like the fire or splitting axe, or other 2 hand melee weapons. It switches must faster that way, and the swing animation it has is very easy to get it right on the head of foes.
  20. odin_lowe

    Character wont stop punching/clicking

    I've had this happen a couple of times when the game desynced for a short period of time while I was hitting, clicking or firing resulting in being stuck shooting or hitting until I clicked again to stop the process. It's been happening mostly recently but I have had this happen too during 0.42 patch. Happened mostly during laggy moments, or low FPS areas. I'd say try to avoid high latency servers and bear with it until the game gets polished. (netcode, engine, glitch/bugs removal, etc.)
  21. odin_lowe

    Where is all the good stuff at?

    I don't have any problem at all finding anything really. Just avoid persistence enabled servers as they tend to bug and not spawn anything unless players remove all items from areas to start the respawn mechanic, which won't be like that in the future. You can still try your bet at finding the "christmas loot"/"loot puke" still happening here and there, or just go to persistence disabled servers. For weapons, if you like submachine guns or automatic weapons, I would suggest the prison, as there's way too much stuff there currently. Good luck out there!
  22. odin_lowe

    Where do I find AK mags?

    Like Dog and Killawife said, the barracks are your best bet, or if you want to swim, or find a submarine to get to the prison, they spawn a lot there.
  23. I've heard various things about the spawns at crash sites. I'd say it's pretty random, cause I was incline to say that the M4 was more rare than the other spawns, as I found 6 AUG for 1 M4, but some had the opposite of what I found. It's a bit funny that you start this topic today, as yesterday I finally found an M4 at a crash site, to go with the mags I had for a long, long time...
  24. odin_lowe

    Items Disappearing

    It's a known bug. To avoid this, before doing an action, drag and drop the item carried in your hands on the ground before performing action. We know a workaround to avoid this so please use it while we wait for a fix, as this is in no case a game breaking problem. Of course, you can be sure that this will be fixed eventually.
  25. odin_lowe

    Karma is real! Karma is Axe! Perfect respawn

    Brilliant! :lol: Great axing skills TopREC!!