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Everything posted by odin_lowe

  1. odin_lowe

    Long day :D

    Liking the Interstellar soundtrack. Nice vid.
  2. odin_lowe

    Trading Post

    Yes, it spawns but is very rare. I only found 1 netting for the 40+ dynamic boats I searched.
  3. odin_lowe

    My Gear-Goal in DayZ - What is yours !?

    Beige baseball cap. Engraved 1911. Improvised leather backpack. (boar pelt backpack, no tanning required, 5x5 inv spots) That's it. The rest is just complementary.
  4. odin_lowe

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    That's what I noticed too. So it's nearly impossible to lose a gun because of the bug, if you just put both weapons in the action bar/quick key. I wonder what will happen with all this double carry trend we have, when weight and stamina gets taken into consideration. Looking forward to this as well!
  5. odin_lowe

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    I've read these kind of posts quite often, and I don't understands what happens... I often double carry when meeting up with friends, etc, and I use the action bar to switch between my shouldered weapon and the one I have in my hands. They switch all the time and never lost any weapon that way. Is it because you pushed the hotkey for the canteen instead of your weapon? And didn't put your "in-hands" item on the ground first?
  6. Hmm. This "topic" has been covered many times. Easy answer is : game's not finished yet. As far as "lately I've seen many PVP ans shootouts around Berezino, Elektro, name your town" it's always been like that. Before the Stand Alone came out, I used to play the DayZ mod for ArmA2, and unless you played on a restricted private server that had good admin overwatch, it was exactly like it is today on the public hive. The game will start to play differently when it's passed Beta, as the AI for infected and animals will get polished and enhanced. As far as right now, I'm 90% of the time on private hive servers like the DayZ Colony servers, DayZ Underground, WOBO, Gents of Novo or the -UN- servers, so it's very interesting in terms of player interactions. Of course you get shot at every once in awhile, or encounter crazy fellas, but that's just DayZ for you. Personally, I just have 1725 hours in-game, so I have much to learn, but I tend to fix myself objectives. Like getting specific clothes/outfits, finding and using only a specific weapon, reaching a location and surviving there with simply what the environment can provide. (farming, animals, fishing) But that's just me. I'm looking forward to see how firefights and "pvp" turn out when wolves, bears and infected come swarming and mess up with the players! ;) Take care fellas. Respect.
  7. odin_lowe

    RP survivalists

    I play a lot on a private hive called the DayZ Colony, that have 3 different servers, one for everyone/every style, one for RP (Colony US-2) and one for PvE, and I have to say that I really enjoy it there!! Been playing on the Colony servers since they were opened more than a year ago. Also, there's the DayZ /r/Underground 1PP private server that has a lot of RP, but no matter where you go, there's always a chance to encounter soldier/killer role players... ;)
  8. odin_lowe

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Haven't posted in a while. In before the 0.60 wipe. This is probably my favorite character I've had in 0.59. See you all in 0.60!!
  9. odin_lowe

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    You need to upload them to a proper service provider/hosting site like img.ur or Tinypic and use the links they provide. Usually it's called something like "direct link for layout". Then, on the DayZ forums, when you post you use the "Insert other media" button in the bottom right of your post box, and click on "image from url". Just paste the link that the hosting site provided and voilà!
  10. odin_lowe

    Status Report - 15 Mar 2016

    Very nice! Looking forward to all the changes we'll encounter in 0.60 and s on! Cheers fellas!
  11. odin_lowe

    svd glitch?

    I've had a few SVDs, and still have one with one character, and never had this happen to me. But I don't double carry, and when I do, I'm extra careful, so overall I never had that "bug" where your gun disappears. (It's just on the ground if you retrace your steps back. Desync/rubberbanding.)
  12. :lol: Brilliant!! That was hilarious Sobieski. Cheers!! :thumbsup:
  13. odin_lowe

    Why I Kill on Sight

    Rags, I respect you a lot, and this just adds up to it. I don't KoS, and do not really share this style of playing, but your honesty and personal reasons why you do it gives you credit. Pretty cool video by the way, love your reactions. :lol: That being said, going to the coast to kill fresh spawns isn't really thrilling to me... at all... In, now 1700 hours +, I only killed maybe 20 players total, and this included some PVP events and old clan matches. Not part of any clan anymore, has it's not my thing anymore. That being said, the "don't thrust people in DayZ" isn't really something we should spread, as again, in all the time I played, I only been "betrayed" a few times, and met at least 100+ players. Maybe it's just my "aura" transpiring on my character. Again, maybe it's because I mostly play on experimental, and the community there is a bit different than on stable full pop pvp squeaker madness. ;) Cheers Rags, and happy new year!! Edit: Small detail, when you get shot at first, you retaliate and defend yourself, and end up killing your opponents, that doesn't count as KoS. B) And even though DayZ is super easy right now, it's still a survival game. If not, than no games are survival games, as I have zero problems surviving in ANY survival game, period.
  14. odin_lowe

    Post Your Gear So Far

    1PP public character. Details
  15. odin_lowe

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    I haven't posted screens in a while, but, here it goes! Some of these shots taken in the holidays, and are themed as such.
  16. odin_lowe

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    That's the thing, on the 4 sedans and 1 offroad I found yesterday, only 1 sedan wasn't stuck... All vehicles I tried had 4 pristine tires. The 4 sedans used the exact same tires, and when I noticed the glitching while stuck, I got out of the vehicle, removed all 4 tires and put them back on, to no avail. Once they started to "flicker" and shake, it was unstoppable, and made crazy noises after a while. Even the 4x4 you told me about. It had a few wheels, that I removed and repaired since they were "worn", and I got the last tires needed, attach them all to the hatchback, but when I started it and shifted into 1st, it was stuck like the rest of them and started to "flicker" and glitch around... :( I removed the wheels, and put them back on again, to no avail...
  17. odin_lowe

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I had some time yesterday to test out how changes were affecting experimental hotfix. I joined a 3PP server, and saw we still had our characters, so I made my way to Rogovo and Green Mountain surroundings to fix a car and see if it was more stable. But, had only problems with the many vehicles I found. I found 4 sedans, but only one wasn't "stuck" in it's spawn point. They seem to be magnetically stuck in their original spawn locations more than half of the time. Since they were pretty close to each other, I just took the 4 pristine wheels and switched to another one. Finally got one to work, and drove around for a bit to test it out. Didn't notice any changes from the 0.59 stable sedans really. Having had enough of shenanigans for now, I switched to the 1PP servers, and the one I joined had Barnabus in it. I was around Devil's Castle on 1PP, and started making my way south, in the hopes of fixing an offroad hatchback and see how it was handling. Found a sedan in Pogorevka, fixed it and went south to get the 4x4 Barnabus told me about. Found the hatchback, fixed it with 4 pristine tires, a pristine spark plug and battery, but again, the vehicle was glued to the ground. I can't wait for an hotfix to help out the current vehicles, before we get the bicycle and dirtbike.
  18. odin_lowe

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    I repaired 3 sedans but didn't have this happen once, but, my problem is that they seem to "glue" on the ground or get "magnetically" stuck in place, glitching and making noise. When I stop for whatever reason, and try to go back again this happens. I tried removing all wheels, put them on again, I see them all and that's not the problem. Doesn't seem to fix it in any way. Any help??
  19. odin_lowe

    Level Up

    Only from personal experience, and others who shared theirs as well. (Mostly from 0.59 experimental.) But, since you've found at least a few items on some boats, I'd say it's just extremely rare, and hackers use their ESP or "item teleporter" to get them.
  20. odin_lowe

    Level Up

    Pretty cool video! GG! Although I hate seeing ghillie suits right now as they are brought in from cheaters/hackers. There's a bug with the dynamic boats, they don't spawn anything at all right now. (Found 38 dynamic boat spawns in 0.59, and they were all completely without any loot.) That aside, cheers dude!
  21. odin_lowe

    Missing loot in 0.59

    I found that sometimes when I put a battery in the FNX RDS and turn it on, it doesn't show, but switching servers, taking the battery out and put it in again, then turning it on again fixed it. I've been looking far and wide far the old UK Assault vests that came in olive, black, khaki and DPM camo (my fav) but I've yet to come across any, so I'm guessing they are out for the moment. Hopefully they'll add them again, and they're not completely gone. :( P.S.: USMC both desert and woodland spawn at NATO crash sites.
  22. odin_lowe

    Iron sight is weird

    Currently the MP5's iron sights are bugged. Apart from the MP5 though, I don't know any other gun that has it's iron sights glitched. It's known, and it'll be fixed pretty soon. (I hope.)
  23. odin_lowe

    Helicrash sites

    :lol: This is your opinion. ;) But seriously, no, the devs, at least Hicks, clearly stated that their point of view regarding loot is that good military gear should be rare. If you don't find a FAL or VSS when looking through multiple crash sites, it doesn't mean there's no FAL or VSS anywhere. Just look at the reports, watch streamers, watch some Youtubers and you'll see there's plenty of SVD, VSS or FAL around. Your personal experience is that you don't find the high grade military weapon you want when searching crash sites. Your personal opinion is that it frustrates you and you wish it would change. It's not an opinion or experience shared with the majority of players. In the end I think you are the one who's blind, stating that the mod is still better than the SA. -very few buildings you can enter -still extremely poor AI - predictable and exploitable loot respawn (clear/refresh) - terrible desync with vehicles (still... When got vehicles much later in the SA, and the desync got fixed way faster than the mod, and it's more stable than it ever was in the mod...) - no clothes, only "skin packages" - no armor value or inventory capabilities with various "skin packages" - still very limited inventory items - still very limited inventory mechanic and management - the list goes on. You might like the mod more than the Stand Alone, and it's your full right and opinion, but in reality it's no way in a better state than DayZ SA.
  24. odin_lowe

    Helicrash sites

    There's no edited loot on private hive servers. I found more VSS on experimental and public servers than on private hive. This is very good and shouldn't change, at all. Your personal bad luck with finding specific items shouldn't make the devs buff the loot tables so that everyone carries SVD and FAL... <_< Whyherro123 has a point, I think DayZ StandAlone isn't the game you're looking for.
  25. odin_lowe

    Helicrash sites

    You're kidding right?? I played thousand hours + in the mod, and for 200+ crash sites found, at least 150 only had the M1014 shotgun... In 1600+ hours of the stand alone, and at least 100+ crash sites found, I got more than decent gear on 75% of them. It's all a matter of luck.