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About ItsJoker

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I don't shoot on sight unless I beleive the person is a definite threat, but I always help the bambi's. I want to get a sort of police group going though to try and combat bandits that camp spawns, and to assist new players. I think it would be really fun.
  2. ItsJoker

    "dude calm down it's just an Alpha"

    And here I thought nobody understood what I was trying to say.
  3. ItsJoker

    "dude calm down it's just an Alpha"

    Yes I have logged hundreds of hours on the mod, all I'm saying, is the more passionate this community is and less willing to accept mediocre game mechanics we are, it will result in a better game. Why should we allow a game we love to go to shit? I'm sure once the game starts to develop more, the complaints will die down slowly, but right now, everybody wants their biggest complaints addressed, who can blame them?
  4. ItsJoker

    "dude calm down it's just an Alpha"

    I give up. You guys fail to see my point.
  5. ItsJoker

    "dude calm down it's just an Alpha"

    How does ranting not help the developers? Are you saying that a player's opinion doesn't matter? I think people expressing their frustrations is just as important as bug reports, People complain hoping that other people can relate and feel the same way about it's priority in the "to be fixed" list. And I swear I see more complaining about the complaining than the initial complaints. Hypocrisy.
  6. "dude calm down it's just an Alpha" Can we please stop saying this. People get so insulted when people are simply making observations on how things can be improved. THE WHOLE POINT of an alpha, is so that people can test the game, and report issues. Even if the issues have already been addressed, it still helps to discuss the topic and possible solutions. YES WE KNOW THIS ISN'T THE FINISHED PRODUCT BY FAR YES WE KNOW THE GAME WILL BE VASTLY IMPROVED OVER TIME But it's still very important that we don't just ignore issues thinking "oh it's just the alpha, it'll get fixed" EVERY issue is important, and needs to be known. Thank you. -Joker
  7. ItsJoker

    Solution for server hopping

    It's a basic solution but it could work. But server hopping for loot is just as bad in my opinion, I feel like there should be a solution that solves the server hopping problem as a whole.
  8. I don't believe they're necessary either, I was just wondering if anybody knows if it was planned or not. But I guess the consensus is that it will not make a return. I mostly used it as a point of reference when in a firefight which was nice, and it also made it easier when you just wanted to make a full straight line sprint somewhere. Guess we'll have to live without it.
  9. I'm just curious if the waypoint markers with the distance counters will be added again. I understand that it kind of takes from the barebones survival aspect but it was just nice to have.