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About JohnFromSteam

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. JohnFromSteam


  2. JohnFromSteam

    Walking F2

  3. JohnFromSteam

    Walking F2

    Hello! My friend thought of a new F2. Suggestion: Pressing F2 allows you to also walk with your hands up, but slowly. Reason: To take someone off the road if you do not have handcuffs. It's far more effective to have that than telling them to walk slowly. Friend: Morpheus
  4. JohnFromSteam

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    120 hours in and I've yet to encounter a hacker on a BE server. I found hackers in the experimental servers because there was no BattlEye protection, but all they could do is move loot from a nearby place and see all players. Nothing more as I've seen them die.
  5. JohnFromSteam

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

  6. JohnFromSteam

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    I was hoping some news for the experimental branch. Like the known issues fixed/physics released. Old patch is old patch though :/
  7. JohnFromSteam


  8. I started when I first saw PewDiePie's first video about DayZ. Even though I DO hate PewDiePie, at the time, I thought he was awesome and that game looked so realistic. I got a new rig and bought the game and the mod in june-august-ish. I kept playing the mod, then the sub mods, and now, I play the SA. I do not regret putting 100+ hours in DayZ, as I have met some awesome people and I had a lot of fun. PS: Still havin' fun :D
  9. JohnFromSteam

    Where are the updates? **crickets chirping**

    Mods, close this topic. For the idiots and cynics, here is some information for you about the update that you have been bickering about: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/ Go play Experimental if you want stuff to do.
  10. JohnFromSteam

    Hey...I see you....put your hands up.....

    I keep my distance but if they have a fire arm, I tell them to put it down behind cover, and if not, they die. From all the hold ups I've done, people have successfully complied to my commands. You just got to be careful and coherent when holding up people.
  11. JohnFromSteam

    How to fix server hopping and combat logging!

    It's fine as it is. The avatar already stays there for 30 secs after log out.
  12. JohnFromSteam

    Rocket standing down from Dayz by end of year

    This isn't news. He has said this multiple times and I also believe he said it some where during PAX or E3. It's on YT of him answering questions.
  13. The pots are already in. The walkie talkie also is in and works. I haven't tried it with a friend tho.
  14. If you get session lost it's probably a set of server restarting. Usually the servers in location do it and they have a delay for each one.
  15. It is there but if you read the known issues, it says it ain't working now