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About WilliamTheConqueror

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    Chern- *dead* OOO Balota spaw- *dead*

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  1. WilliamTheConqueror

    Rendering Glitch in Berezino

    Small issue, but I did notice it in a couple other buildings throughout the map
  2. WilliamTheConqueror

    Head tracking

    I have run into this issue as well. TrackIR is not working in any capacity in DayZ after the update, whether in 32 or 64 bit. In the settings under controls, there is an option under devices that says Xinput, and it is unckecked. No matter what, if you check it, and hit apply, it will remain unchecked if you open the settings again. I know of no possible fixes.
  3. WilliamTheConqueror

    A Stick Up

  4. WilliamTheConqueror

    Exp Update 0.61.136297

    Melee combat with infected seems buggier than before, but avoiding them is satisfying, and the large quantity of them makes looting a town more tense. I've seen infected wander into buildings, which can be scary when its the building I'm inside.
  5. WilliamTheConqueror

    Zombies still definitely need some work

    Oh I would have done that anyway :P Plus, that invisible zombie had been following me for the past 15 minutes before pushing record, I honestly don't think it's possible to escape it.
  6. WilliamTheConqueror

    Zombies still definitely need some work

    Hopefully this can be fixed soon
  7. WilliamTheConqueror

    New Melee when new animation system/player controller arrive?

    Wasnt one of the things talked about in an early devlog the mechanic of moving your mouse in a certain direction affecting the swing of your weapon?
  8. WilliamTheConqueror

    The Frequency of Updates

    I see the points about not releasing any stuff that will just get replaced, but are there any small changes that could be released in between releases of major features, with minimal effect on development of said features? I.E a quick update that adds a few new items or some map changes etc that are already done, and would not have to be completely rethought with future changes in the engine. How dependant to the major systems being implemented are these smaller changes?
  9. WilliamTheConqueror

    Player stats shouldn't show players killed

    Hicks has spoken! We can all go home now. (Also, I think Pilgrims idea of having blood type in the stats sounds useful. Have you considered something like that?)
  10. WilliamTheConqueror

    About the new .60 performance comparison

    I completely understand that the game is CPU heavy. That is why I am in the process of building a new computer (which will use the same GPU as the one in my current pc) Going Intel this time. And for other CPU heavy games, I also play Cities: Skylines, and of course, the prime examples, Arma.
  11. Ha, because the place is already a wasteland
  12. WilliamTheConqueror

    About the new .60 performance comparison

    Theres nothing to tweak. I have an AMD Anthelon II 645 x4. Apparently, it's not very good with DayZ. I'm in the process of building a completely new computer right now. But for the next few months, I'm stuck with what I got. I can get 60fps in basically any other game though. Only Arma and DayZ is low.
  13. WilliamTheConqueror

    My Gear-Goal in DayZ - What is yours !?

    A Mountain Dew
  14. WilliamTheConqueror

    About the new .60 performance comparison

    I'm just looking forward to the day that I can get above 5 FPS in cities. I listen to people complain on only having 20-30 fps, and I would kill for those frames.
  15. WilliamTheConqueror

    Player stats shouldn't show players killed

    But the second modding comes, the majority of the playerbase will be playing DayZ SA Epoch.