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Everything posted by Szap

  1. The goal: Make fuel much more scarce and difficult to obtain while reducing fuel consumption of vehicles to realistic levels. The thought behind these ideas is, that the limiting factor for driving vehicles should not be finding a vehicle but repairing it with parts and then getting enough fuel to run it. The fuel gathering process should be much more difficult - for a solo player extremely difficult (and dangerous) Edit: This should be combined with my other suggestion regarding spare parts and vehicle spawn: http://dayzmod.com/f...nism-workshops/ The changes for jerrycans and fuel stations: - Jerrycan is changed to weapon slot (10 slots in backpack) To use a Jerrycan it has to be equiped of course. - Jerrycans only spawn in EMPTY condition (or at reduced rate also full) and are more difficult to find. - Filling a Jerrycan is done with two options: * Manual with a hand cranked fuel pump: will Fill 1 liter per 10 seconds. * Automatic with a powered fuel station (see below): full 20 liters in 10 seconds. - Possibility to power fuel stations with a portable generator as discussed in many other threads: Powered station can fill Jerrycans faster and has the possibility to refill Vehicle without use of Jerrycans. - Fuel Stations have the possibility to be out of fuel until the next server restart. This should be a chance of 1 in 2 initially. - Fuel Stations can run out of Fuel - Refueling the vehicles seems fine at the moment but if possible: only use Fuel till car is full (rest remains in Jerrycan) Added out of the feedback for clarification: - Jerrycans have a partionned state just like "ammo" (so partly filled jerrycans are possible for example 15 liters - a 3/4 full jerrycan) The Changes for vehicles: - Consumption of fuel reduced to realistic levels. (Best example is the ATV which uses around 2 or 3 liters per single kilometer even on a road...) - Fuel Tank size for vehicles reduced to realistic size.
  2. The Goal: Make it possible for players to create their own base anywhere* by using a "Mobile Construction Vehicle" (This name could be reserved by Command and Conquer...) * (mostly anywhere - i would not allow bases built in or near citys) The Idea: (Secure) Player bases would give this game a really exciting feature that would encourage team play and grouping and also bringing PvP to a whole new scale while battling for a clanbase Introducing: The MCV Its basically a transport Truck like the Ural (there are several versions of it in Arma the Ammo Transport could be used). When found this truck had to be repaired like all other vehicles. Other statistics are: loud, slow on terrain, high fuel consumption. This MCV could be driven anywhere* and there converted into the "blueprint" of a base. This would consume this MCV forever (and it could then respawn). The base would require building materials to set up then. There would be different "building stations" where you could fill in the right amount of building materials and then construct one feature of the Base. The Base would still resemble more of a "fortified field camp" with the "wreck" of the MCV in the middle. Possible Base features: - Watchtower with ladder (and maybe optional bulletproof glass so you could really watch the surroundings but not be shot (not shoot yourself either) - Wire fencing around the base - Big Storage Tent with lockers - Concrete Walls around the base - Closable Metal Gate (with a "lock and physical keys" as proposed in other Posts) - Camouflage Nets - Gun Tower with interactable M240 - Electrical Generator (requires Fuel) - Lighting towers (requires electrical Power) I am sure you can think of many more ideas. I would introduce different building part types and use them for different "projects": - Electrical building parts - Mechanical BP - Concrete - Metal I am not sure if this rather complex project can be achieved with arma 2... but perhaps for the comming standalone version it could be implemented.
  3. We found out that after a server restart the Helicopter stops leaking fuel. Seems to be some kind of bug. For Clarification we did: Repair the heli completely (material als listed above incl all windows) Still leaking fuel. Waited for a server restart (we play on a server which has them every 6 hours for stability) After restart heli no longer leaks fuel. Perhaps this helps to debug the bug....
  4. Normally we do this on our server. Sometimes though BEC stops working - then there is no possibility to announce anything. In general BEC is the worst admin tool for a server i have ever layed eyes on. You cant configure anything its just take it or leave it.
  5. The goal: Make it possible to identify players you have played with or are playing with. The thought: I think there is a tool needed to identify your buddys on the field - quick and easy - without removing friendly fire or making the game too easy. What i suggest: - Introduce a two part System: -> The IFF Reciever to be carried in the TOOL slot. Military class loot - should be somewhat as (un)common as a GPS device perhaps a bit more common but not much. -> The IFF Sender also to be carried in the ITEMS slot. Military Class loot - should drop from Military Zombies with a chance of 1 in 10 or so. this would make it obtainable by "farming" some military zombies if needed. (The spawning methodes suggested are just an example here) It would work like this: Each IFF Sender has a unique frequency (ID) which is displayed on the Item. (Dont know if such a thing is at all possible) The reciever could be "programmed" to interpret up to 20 IDs as friendly targets. if you mouse over a person (or a corpse) carrying a programmed ID you would get some kind of feedback (visual?) that the target is friendly. You could carry multiple IFF Sender devices and they can be looted as well.
  6. The Goal: Repairing a vehicle should be limited by the availability of spare parts - not by the amount of vehicles. The thought behind it: The current Mechanism is as such: you can hoard vehicle parts quite easily - find a vehicle and repair it is the difficult part. I want to change it exactly the other way around. Plus: Vehicles exploding should not be the standard behavior. A Vehicle that drives against a wall should have around a 20% chance to catch fire. Otherwise its just unusable. Why is a Vehicle standing around, broken down: the reason will mostly be out fuel or broken wheels or completely destroyed. The completely destroyed vehicles cannot be repaired of course. I dont think repairing of vehicles engines should be possible at all. This Suggestion is to be combined with my other suggestion: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46729-jerrycans-and-fuel-consumption-revised/ What changes do i suggest: - Remove: Scrap Metal, Fueltank parts, Engine parts - Car wheels are weapon slot size (10 Slot backpack and go in primary Weapon Slot) - Spawned vehicles are either out of fuel or missing 1-3 Wheels. (with 10 to 50% Fuel left); Hull is random from 20 to 80% durability, Engine is random from 50 to 100% durability, Fuel tank is random 20 to 100% durability. - Introduce / revise the Workshop Buildings: When driving a vehicle in/near the building you have to option to apply repairs to the vehicle (because you have the needed tools in the workshop and there are spare parts. This will repair Fueltank und Hull to 100%. - Engine can never be repaired. Broken is broken. - increase Vehicle spawns drastically: 2 vehicles per Serverslot (50 slot server will have 100 Vehicle "slots" maximum. - Drastic decrease of car wheel spawn. The result of these changes are: Finding a vehicle that could be repaired is not so difficult as bringing the parts and/or fuel to it. Finding a "good" vehicle with a better engine is still a more difficult find but finding any vehicle will be "easy". This also encourages players to cooperate as transporting vehicle parts (fuel and wheels) will render you unable to use a primary Weapon.
  7. Szap

    [Unflip Vehicle]

    Jep very good thinking. Was wondering myself if this could be implemented.
  8. Szap

    My Good Suggestions List and discussion.

    Some very nice Ideas there !
  9. Szap

    Player Base Building: The MCV

    Yep! Now i see your point. Perhaps there can be something done about this.
  10. Thanks for your Feedback! Granted, you can jury rig the engine of a car when minor damage was inflicted but drive the vehicle against a tree (with some speed of course not 5km/h) or be shot at with something larger then a pistol and its gone in my opinion: You could theoretically fix that but not in just 10 minutes jury rigging. That would require some DAYS effort even for a skilled mechanic with a workshop and the right tools at your disposal. It cannot be done "in the field" with just a few parts of scrap and stuff.
  11. Is a good idea but not much different from the already in place Heli crash site spawns.
  12. Szap

    Player Base Building: The MCV

    As a matter of fact i do read all of Rockets Posts. Why shouldnt i suggest an Idea just because rocket plans to do something different in the far future? We could also just lock the whole suggestion forum...
  13. My other suggestion is allready increasing the wheels to 10 slots / weapon slot. I think Wheel and Jerrycan alike are far to small slot wise compared to how large they SHOULD be. I know there are problems with dissapperaing weapons but i was removing the ability to fire a primary weapon while carrying a jerrycan on purpose. It should be a disadvantage in combat to carry around a Jerrycan.
  14. Yes of course i was "secretly" using that suggestion allready that a jerrycan had other states then "full" and "empty". WIll edit the OP for that.
  15. I Have added my other suggestion about vehicle spare parts and workshops required for vehicle repair: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/46997-vehicles-change-the-limiting-factor-and-repair-mechanism-workshops/
  16. Szap

    Player Base Building: The MCV

    Undergound is not a bad thing either but i would like to have a "visible" Stronghold versus the environment that looks sort of "natural" with the szenario. So repurposing a truck to start a base then drawing some fencing around it und build from there sounds like something i would do.
  17. Szap

    Player Base Building: The MCV

    Yep i happened to play CnC lately :D The Up side of the MCV here is: If used it will be "destroyed" and able to respawn for other players to have a shot at building the Base.
  18. Hmm i understand you want to reduce water and food consumption to lower levels? Would not be too bad either.
  19. Szap

    Player Base Building: The MCV

    Thank you for your thoughts. I Agree there should be a destructive possibility in it. I would say it could be two possibility: "apply enough damage to the main structure and ig goes boom" and/ or: "sneak" into the Base and just light up the fuel reserves and the base goes boom. would also synergize with many of the "natural attrition" ideas so that the base would lose "hitpoints" over days and had to be kept in shape
  20. Yes that was the "other part" of my thinking. But i concentrated on the Fuel issues in this suggestion only.
  21. Normally i observe the other player. Unless i got the impression, that he has seen me then i kill him of course. It was long since i stumbled into a player that had seen me before i saw him.
  22. Szap

    Pending Update: Build

    Technical issue: please do not Post in yellow Text. I use the "white background" forum design because i have problems with the black one. I cant read anything in Yellow text...
  23. From my own experience: Works as a Spotter device only - the "gun part" is crap. The real drawback is that you got a minimum 4x zoom which means you got a very limited field of view. For example: was in the outskirts of a town on a hill - covering some buddys going in. Took 2 Minutes to scan the complete surroundings of the town because i constantly had to reorient myself and also because i was covering so little area because the zoom is so large. For a Device with ~1% chance at heli crash site only spawn balanced. Short: is powerfull but in the current version not overpowered. Can only be used in a similar style as "thermal" Binoculars. (Bineculars have a better field of view even) Takes 10 Slots of space for a weapon you will never want to fire.
  24. Szap

    Latest beta patch 94876

    Confirmed: Cannot play on any server AND cannot patch back as 1.61>1.60 yaaay.
  25. Szap

    DE 78 - Server Thread

    Notice: DE 78 will not be patched due to the Problems with the patch. It will be patched after the hotfix. If you want to help testing the new release you can go to our other server DE 125 which is on the latest release.