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StayAlive (DayZ)

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About StayAlive (DayZ)

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  1. StayAlive (DayZ)

    SOOO...Lost all my gear :(

    Sounds like you joined a server to fast and therefore lost your loot. This can happen if server is resetting.
  2. StayAlive (DayZ)

    Worse than KOS

    Ever heard of Beck's Privateers? ;)
  3. StayAlive (DayZ)

    Dayz Poop Joke

    You need alcohol :D
  4. StayAlive (DayZ)

    Best PvP Hotspots?

    Cherno is always a safe bet since it's close to tons of military bases.
  5. I once found 9 Makarovs in a MP, but no bloody magazine. Random is random ;)
  6. StayAlive (DayZ)

    I like to aggravate Bandits.

    Shift + Tab, then go watch a movie while they role play your ass :D
  7. StayAlive (DayZ)

    New hobby: working for others

    There is much love in this thread. I like that. Respect to you Sir.Mugur :beans: :beans: :beans:
  8. StayAlive (DayZ)

    Fresh Spawn!

    Welcome and good luck out there!
  9. StayAlive (DayZ)

    Food and Loot?

    Apple trees have unlimited apples. So there is a start if you can't find any food. This is also the same with berries. There are plenty of guides in the forum that you can look at for learning more about how to find food fast. Try a little search on how to find food, etc. Good Luck!
  10. StayAlive (DayZ)

    Idea about KOS

    For every action, there is a reaction. Let's not stop the action.
  11. StayAlive (DayZ)

    How to stay alive in the middle of Berezino experiment

    Running headfirst in, yeah, must say I have experienced that sometimes:) I do believe 1PP server is more friendly. It's easier to get in a fight in 3rd person when you get more overview and also because of the fact that the majority of people play on this type of server. Also, it's much harder to play this way and just that might scare people looking for easy kills or fast action away. The one downside that I can think of right now on playing 1PP is that you can't look at your character from a distance. Only way is to tab. I tried to do something similar once by running around in a pink outfit. I got a horny crazed axe wielder running after me. Go figure! :D
  12. StayAlive (DayZ)

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Well, just applied to Beck's Privateers, so will be interesting to see how it goes. Looks like a great community by what I have read/seen to far :)
  13. StayAlive (DayZ)

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Very nice day. I'm usually playing more of a bandit style right now, but, what do you know: I met a friendly guy who helped making me a splint. We teamed up and after just two-three minutes we met two other guys who also wanted to join our group. Completely random people, anyone could have decided to kill the other, but we all just fall in love i guess :D . We added each other on steam and had a blast as a group:)
  14. StayAlive (DayZ)

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Killed some, died some. Pretty average :D
  15. StayAlive (DayZ)

    Average Lone Wolf Wouldnt Survive

    A very nice thing about being a lone wofl and coming up against a large group is that they tend to care for each other. If you hurt one person, there seems to always be that one guy that tries to bandage/splint him. This lead to a good opportunity for repositioning and exploiting the situation. @sloasdaylight Your avatar is hilarious! :)