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About Pliskinki

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. Pliskinki

    Exp Update 0.63.149741

    Please, fix the head torch light direction. It is lighting backwards from the characters head. Don't release the game with this kinds of bugs please... You gonna kill it.
  2. Hello all, I'll remember you all of a concept that has been suggested before, adding it to the context of our actual 0.63 state of updates. This is the effect I expect from the unconscious state of DayZ: Now, that you saw how gruesome this effect looks and feels, you know how impacting it is. So let me expand it, using the health systems we saw at 0.63 and how this shock/unconscious effect should come into play in a smooth and neat manner. Check this image from Status Report of 27th February, displaying to us the hit-boxes of body parts that the new player model actually have. As you can see, we have Spine, Lungs, Liver, Heart and Brain. We also have the actual Health system which is basically tied to - Health Percentage & the amount of blood your character have. Finally, with all of this in mind, my suggestion and also my expectation is: Whenever you lethally wound someone. If the damage wasn't done to the Heart or to the Brain, and was enough to drop Health Percentage to 0%, Make it so the character goes into that shock/unconscious state by forcing him into first person view mode only and adding that gruesome effect + sounds then, let him die slowly and painfully by the wound blood loss which should have drain rate as fast as 30 seconds or 1 minute after the limb gets shot. If the damage was done to the Heart or to the Brain tho, it should keep the cold and solid blackout while popping the iconic "you are dead" message, just as it is when we die now. This would be insane if you went down by infected attacks too since the damage infected do are done to either Health Percentage AND the amount of blood, imagine you going down and while seeing the infected screaming and destroying you while your character is struggling in pain and slowly dying... What a sight, what an experience! Enough of the "dying" moments, use your imagination now, how intense would it be to be saved in such a situation? The immersion and experience would sky rocket, you are there, seeing red all over your screen, struggling to see something because the screen keeps fading, the character out of breath and in heavy pain, infected all around you, every sound has a faint echo to it, then you start hearing gun-shots and all the infected just dropping dead around you, then you hear some Russian guy with a crappy mic talking to you with the echo effects of your state "Comrade I help, get up, lets go!" He then CPR, feed you some food, and then, you are back up and set to go seeing everything faded and black and white. Hell! You just had one of the most immersive situations a game could bring in an online multiplayer environment! Congratulations! This is not the only situation... After this, people would be way more capable of deciding wether they want to straight up execute the victim, or interact with them by saving them and doing whatever they decide to do. You can see this system reproduced in many modern games. From Rust, to PUBG, to Post Scriptum(Head shot to finish someone, body shot to just drop them, enabling them to be revived by someone else). Every single one of you reading this, are probably familiar with it, but I firmly believe that none of them is able to reproduce this system in the strong, intense and gruesome manner that DayZ probably is capable of delivering with Enfusion Engine and 0.63 now. So please devs, make my dreams come true. I want this experience in DayZ.
  3. I feel like keeping this debug feature is fine for the game, and this is why: The debug hotkey (CTRL + R) as it is now only chambers rounds on empty guns, and cycles magazines that are previously managed, prepared and fully loaded for combat. This feature solidify the player's necessity of foreseeing and managing their inventory and magazines beforehand, in order to survive a fight. The counter to the "ease of use" of the CTRL + R method, happens when the player runs out of ammo on their mags... If said player doesn't have the hotkeys set for the right items (Gun / Loaded Mag / Empty Mag / Ammunition) in order to "quick re-load" like many people are doing right now. Check the link to have a sight of what I'm describing here: "The proper way to reload" by u/DannyDog68 The player will then have to run, not able to fight anymore, being at a severe disadvantage, since he will have to chamber rounds into his gun, he will have to hide and stop somewhere, to "tab" into his inventory, manage his magazines and re-stock the ammo into them. So, with this we can conclude: CTRL + R is good to prepared players but has it's flaws as it only chambers rounds after your magazines are all empty. This method has a very specific role, and should be kept as it saves a lot of hassle for new players and feels super intuitive. Managing hotkeys like now, is the safe route to those who want to survive and fight in any situation, making it the best method of reloading. Players that get more used to the game will eventually notice this, learn it and use it to their advantage, instead of the CTRL + R method if it is kept. The hotkey method will then become part of the learning curve, thus, it will become the "veteran" and safe approach to handling our weapons. Note: This was an answer to the dev's decision on not keeping the CTRL + R method of reloading that reddit's user - u/yasen400 found out. I brought the topic into a discussion on a reddit post, click the hyper-link if you wan't to check how the discussion went... One answer I had there was about the lack of internal magazine weapons added into the game at this point in 0.63 time and how easy the method would make to handle these weapons, which is a fact that might affect the functionality of the feature, and my answer was...
  4. Pliskinki

    Start Walking

    The way I see it, people need to adapt themselves to this "new game" called DayZ 2.0 by the devs. And I agree with you, the game is now, what it should be, punishing and harsh, a real survival experience. I was really immersed when I played last stress test, and enjoyed the rainy mood that were present on the many servers, it was an awesome experience. What scares me tho, is the lack of attitude from the player base, to actually take this adventure and face the game's challenges. I played for about 5~6 hours, did a counter-clock run through the map. And up north/west, I didn't saw a single soul. Everybody was running up and down the coast and repeatedly dying like mindless robots... This was and still as of now, a shock for me since it is not so hard to get the grip on things, or ask questions to other players in order to survive better.
  5. The first iteration of Stamina System in DayZ has been a strong topic of discussion here, so I decided to share with you all my expectations on it, but first, let me give you an example of the flaws I noticed as it stands right now. • Lack of intuitiveness What I mean by "intuitiveness"? Well... If you see someone carrying a huge backpack, a gun and some tools on their backs, and you were wearing light clothing, and a pistol or a rock, whatever... Who do you think that would run faster in a chase scenario? As soon as you think about this, I believe you would assume: "Okay, izi bro. The «light weight guy» would catch the «hoarder»!" This is what you expect when you first interact with the game (based on observations and thoughts of a friend's experience when trying out DayZ 0.63.) This is how it works right now... Even though the «Light Guy» has a huge stamina bar and the «Hoarder» a smaller one. As soon as «Light Guy» spends his huge stamina bar, he and the «Hoarder» will run at the same speed, and neither of them will be able to catch each other, because the stamina regens at the same speed. • What should be done if we need to keep stamina regenerating at the same speed? Make it so everyone have a huge bar, regardless of the amount of weight they are carrying. Instead of shrinking it, slow the player's running speed based on their total weight. This won't be detrimental if well designed and balanced, as players right now, on top sprinting speed can run like Usain Bolt. Hoarders should run a little slower than the actual sprinting speed, and that will be it... Well, by this point you got the idea, right? This is the way I expected it. Besides... If the «Hoarder» was in a "do or die" chase situation, he could effectively drop his stuff and be able to run faster again. Which right now, won't do much for our poor hoarder. Thanks for reading, comment whatever you think that is lacking or is faulty over this solution. (Remember, we will have vehicles "sooner than folks think".) Copy and pasted from my reddit's post.
  6. 0.63 is a patch that has so much potential! The new controller feels great and plays nice, reloading is super cool and tactical now, but I noticed a little lack of schematization for the keyboard and controller, so this is a suggestion on this side of things. 1 - Tactical Reload: Tap "R" twice, to drop the mag out of your weapon so you can rapidly reload your gun if you had not space in your inventory to do the natural reload. 2 - Weapon Attachments: Tap "Middle Mouse Button" (Since now it is not particularly tied to ADS) to activate your firearm attachments, Flashlights, Red Dots, etc... 3 - Firearms Melee (But-stock bash, Bayonets, etc...): Hold "Middle Mouse Button" while weapon is raised to perform the action. I think this would cover everything that I felt that is lacking for the controllers to be perfect. Also I believe that the loading screen of the game should give "tips" about the controllers, so it would be more intuitive for new players since the game has a pretty neat but different from the usual, OR, you guys could link a little video teaching people how to do stuff. Well, that's it, thanks for reading.
  7. Pliskinki

    Stable Update 0.62.14463

  8. Pliskinki

    Exp Update 0.62.143751

    @Baty Alquawen I know this is probably not a possibility at this point, but could you ask the guys to add bolts to the Gift boxes loot table? Bolts for the crossbow, since they are kinda hard/centralized to find. I can only find them at West Lopatino Checkpoint car wrecks, the crossbow is such a cool weapon!
  9. Pliskinki

    Found One VSS with Mag 0_O

    One man, one legend.
  10. Pliskinki

    Stable Update 0.62.143640

    Whoever had the idea for these boxes, give the person a hug and some xmas cake! This has bumped my gas back up to play DayZ, I've played a lil bit in Experimental, found some boxes with really good stuff and now I have a good reason to go and scavenge the world instead of just going straight to military areas to fight for loot. Now is time for my stashed VSS to shine, it is now manageable to use and upkeep. Thanks devs, I really wish these boxes get ported in a form of supply boxes with more mixed up loot then the actual gift boxes when xmas ends, this will for sure make geared people go to random spots around the map creating fun and unexpected encounters and skirmishes.
  11. The way I see it, if you don't have any other item equipped on the off-hand slot, then the character will act the same way as it is now, two handing the item placed on the main-hand. So, if you want to two hand a pistol for example, just doesn't equip anything on the off-hand. The problem with this is that we can't go full gangstah like the revolver guy, using anything else on the off-hand. Since to wield one handed pistol, you would need to have something else in the off-hand slot.
  12. It is pretty complex when we think about it, I think we should have like, main-hand and off-hand. Every item we use right now, instantly goes into main-hand, then we can drag stuff to our off-hand manually, after we did this, the game should decide what to do with said combination, say we have a pistol and a knife... Dev's said that they plan to add melee combat to guns, like hitting zombies with the butt of our gun, instead of doing this, if we have a knife equipped, the game should then swing the knife whenever we use the melee button. There are many other applications, say we have a sword, and a shield. We press the fire button, then swing the sword. We press the melee button (for that melee x gun system), we raise our shield. Since they are doing that crazy middle mouse button usage for aiming, there are space on the mouse for more double handed actions. It will be surely weird in the beginning but we can adapt, can't we?
  13. Putting it simple, with the new player controller we should have two actual hands. One handed items should occupy a hand of choice and two-handed items should, well... occupy the two hands you have. Image the possibilities. In the future we could have shields and short-sword/hatchet warriors, people using riot shields and pistols to breach buildings, it would be insanely cool and I have no record of a single game that has a feature like this (where the character actually has two hands). I can only think of Halo which had dual wielding one handed guns, but it is an offline super arcady game, so there is no way to compare it to the massive mp game that is DayZ. I'm fully aware that a feature like this would take an insaaaane amount of time to implement since the game wasn't build to have this, even now with the new technology, engine, etc... I haven't seen a single question or talk about this in the Q&A's, nothing, and it is something massive for a game like DayZ with so many possibilities! I really feel like if this was implemented, it would be another strong point of DayZ, even if beta took a little longer to become real. I've been feeling that the beta update was missing something for a long time since the begin of talks over it, then the epiphany came to my head a while ago... "It is the two hands thing!" Also, right now as example, flash lights can't really be used well, I mean, why would you carry one if you can't equip it with other stuff like a knife, or a pistol. It is almost pointless as it is, there are lots of reasons as to why we should be able to carry two one handed items, one in each hand. I will leave this to you guys tho.
  14. Pliskinki

    Dynamic Weather is something everybody wants.

    This is what I was hoping for, that the devs would be at least considering implementing this amazing feature into the game, after the work they did on .62 update, holy smokes... I could only think about what other environmental changes they would come up with, seasons would be the cherry on the cake, but for now, main goals are main goals, at least I know now that they consider implementing this beast of project into DayZ.
  15. Pliskinki

    Dynamic Weather is something everybody wants.

    I like your attitude!