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About Scar3crow

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    On the Coast

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  1. Scar3crow

    0.59 micro-stuttering

    Yes, disabling my second monitor in NVIDIA Control Panel works as well. I wonder why it does that.
  2. Scar3crow

    0.59 micro-stuttering

    Hello, since the latest update hit stable I've been experiencing some very unpleasant performance issues ingame. My FPS is surprisingly quite good and isn't related to my problems. In the wilderness my FPS is 50-70, which is fine and in bigger towns around 30-40, so still playable. The issue I'm having is subtle, but always present micro-stuttering. The game lags for a split second roughly every 3 seconds. I have tried reinstalling the game, moving it to my SSD, changing up all possible settings, killing all processes imaginable.. Nothing had any influence on it whatsoever. It happens on every server and thus is also most likely not related to connection problems. I've found a similar post on DayZ subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/3wa4av/059_microstutter/ and a topic here on forums, that is not limited to the 0.59 update: https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/229640-is-this-lag/?hl=stutter I should say I haven't played the game for a while now so my issues could go few weeks back as well. You can see what I mean in the begining of this video posted in the topic linked above: It makes the game quite unplayable and nothing I've tried makes in any better. My GPU: NVIDIA GTX970, CPU: i5 2500k 4.5Ghz, 16GB RAM If anybody has any tips on how to make the stutter disappear, I'll definitely appreciate if you share them with me and anybody who is experiencing the same. Thank you and have a nice day. EDIT: It seems turning off antialiasing and adding the launch command -winxp fixed the issue.