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ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

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Everything posted by ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

  1. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    your choice in weapons?

    I use whats I finds. Until I finds something better. SKS is pretty groovy but the lack of a scope is a bit of a bitch. The Magnum makes me feel like a big man, too. However, whatever protects me at the time is my favorite.
  2. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    What I expected and what actually happened (...)

    Woah. That escallated quickly. Not funny dude. Maybe IRL with your strange group of isolated friends, but in the rest of the world: not cool.
  3. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    My Whiteknight adventure.

    That actually made me snort. In work. Got some strange looks.
  4. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    I lose every fist battle i get into.

    You're gonna need a montage.
  5. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    Riddeled with cheaters

    Do not let the bandits get you on the way out. Buh bye.
  6. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    The Unwritten Rules of Dayz

    1. Thou shalt not trust.
  7. I'm a bandit hunter. Vigilante extrodanaire. Head up to sniper hotspots and burn them from behind.
  8. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    What I expected and what actually happened (...)

    Bandits are generally thoughtless thugs looking for any excuse to be sadists. They need quashing.
  9. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    My Whiteknight adventure.

    Get those rotten sods.
  10. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    What part of the 'life cycle' do you enjoy most?

    The being alive part is definitely my favourite.
  11. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    DayZ is dead to me..

    I apologise for my callousness (sincerely) but why do people feel the need to announce that they are personally not playing anymore. The world will not stop turning, the development will not cease. If you are unhappy, that’s all very sad and subjective, but is a press release really necessary? See you when you eventually return!
  12. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    Let us all calm down

    We just all need some calm down choccy fingers. No doubt. :beans:
  13. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    Now I know why they call him 'Rocket'

  14. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    Ok so now what?

    Go into town... See how long you last.
  15. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    Is Dayz over?

    Is it over: No.
  16. Matches, firewood, rocks, wrenches and other such useful items.
  17. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    Hackers ruining the game lately, BIG TIME

    We've all watched 'Busy Housewives/Hung Plumbers 14' haven't we?
  18. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    Hackers ruining the game lately, BIG TIME

    Good man! All understood. I used to live in Hoylake too, grew up there. OT but do you remember Finnyland by the train staion in the 90's? Could easily of been somewhere in DayZ. For those who don't know (which is everyone) it was a bar/theme park(??) filled with fiberglass dummys in torture chambers. Quite literally the strangest place I have ever been. I broke in after it was closed down due to safety concerns and it blew my mind.
  19. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    A BIG Thank You To The Community

  20. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    Hackers ruining the game lately, BIG TIME

    We need to be able to see who the players are, firstly, and then the ability to report them.
  21. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    Hackers ruining the game lately, BIG TIME

    Totally agree. Sick of these bad idiots ruining the game for everyone. I would ban them for life.
  22. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)


    Haha! I can see that causing many problems.
  23. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)

    A BIG Thank You To The Community

    Oh, you.
  24. ChimpyGlassman (DayZ)


    LOVE the lightning! Been trying to get it in one of my videos for ages.