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About xxmitchxx

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. xxmitchxx

    Soldiers Of The Lost | Recruiting | 16+

    1. How Old Are You? (If You're Under 16, Fuck Off Kindly.) [ 18] 2. What Is Your Timezone? [UK ] 3. Do You Have TeamSpeak? [Yes ] 4. How Many Hours Do You Have On DayZ? [513 ] 5. How Well Do You Follow Instructions? (1-10) [ as long as they are from someone who knows what they are talking about they will be no problem, I do not take instructions from kids. ] 6. Will You Be Committed To The Clan? [ If I see true potential and have an amazing experience I will be on all the time] 7. Anything Else You'd Like To Add? [ I am the best they is, was and ever will be <3 ]
  2. Where the Golden Rule is roleplay 100+ members More information on the discord :) Server Name: SanctuaryRP Server IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/TGrRPur https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyK9I1DNK7Q
  3. +1 From me Decent group, alot of active skilled guys, staff are friendly and not a bunch of pricks. Plenty of other games played also
  4. Hey dude, I am Mitch i am 17 from UK. Just re purchased the game after a break. I host a TS also Thinking about renting a server
  5. xxmitchxx

    DayZ Mod LF a group

    Hey Guys, I am Mitch, 17 from UK. I am down to team with both of you. Just re purchased the game and wanting to host a server, Steam is Mitch Green with a Gamer chain pic.Hit me up
  6. Ok, Lets get straight top the point Name: Mitchell Age: 16 Hours:250 looking for: a well developed roleplay server with a good community. I would like factions within the server i.e bandits,mutants,military,Jipseys etc
  7. xxmitchxx

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Yooo I'm Mitch. I'm looking for some guys to show me whats new on xperimental and set up a camp with Comment your steam name if interested
  8. Mitchell Greenfield same pic as here
  9. add me on steam: Mitchell greenfield same pic as here
  10. xxmitchxx

    Dayz Mod epoch buddy

    Yo bud tryed adding you but no look add me on steam Mitchell Greenfield same pic as on here
  11. Tell us a little about yourself: I am Mitch I'm from the UK have basic scripting knoledge aswell as a few years expierience of arma and dayz How old are you: 16 Spoken languages: English What experience do you have moderating a community?: I have good problem solving skills and have a firm hand on basic rules like hacking respect etc Why do you think we should let you become part of our staff?: I have all the basic needs such as expierience aswell as willing to contribute money if needed How long have you been playing DayZ mod?: 1000+ hours on multiple accounts and 200+ on sa Do you have skype and teamspeak?: Yes
  12. xxmitchxx

    Looking for A Grop (alot to give)

    add me on steam the Mitchell Greenfield same pic as on here
  13. Hey Guys whats up... I am going to get staright down to the point. I'm Not one of those twats on here who gives 50 lines and takes 1000+ hours to read but ok Hi I'm Mitch :) I am 16 years old and have 200+ hours and a shit ton of knoledge and expierience of the game aswell as thinking of gettong a server for Dayz epoch etc The server: Ok I may have a sit ton of knoledge for the game but no scripting and setting up a server so I need someoen not majorly if I did get a server to script it and we can turn it to a group server with admin etc etc I finterested plz add me on steam: MitchellGreenfield Same pic as here
  14. Leave a comment with your ts3 clans and leave ur steam