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knoCC (DayZ)

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About knoCC (DayZ)

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  1. knoCC (DayZ)

    I keep receiving this error everytime I connect...

    I got it working again. I just deleted both Arma 2 OA and DayZMod from Steam library then reinstalled both. It fixed the problem. Thanks for the input though.
  2. z\addons\dayz-code\system\calfunctions\init.sqf not found. I looked up help for the problem and found a lot of posts about it being an Epoch/Overwatch problem. I only play on Vanilla servers and I get this error when I connect to these servers only. Any suggestions? Thx.
  3. knoCC (DayZ)

    [UFL] Bandits looking for 1-2 Members

    What server does UFL play on? I'd love to join it and see what you "Bandits" are made of...
  4. knoCC (DayZ)

    [UFL] Bandits looking for 1-2 Members

    Sometimes 2, sometimes 4. The Vanilla servers of BloodRed or Hospital #2 is where ye find me.
  5. knoCC (DayZ)

    [UFL] Bandits looking for 1-2 Members

    You like that!? Me too...
  6. knoCC (DayZ)

    [UFL] Bandits looking for 1-2 Members

    We do the same, I got tired of leaving my victims in various spots around Chernarus so I decided to keep mementos for myself. Balota seemed a logical choice because the campers and snipers there are so frugal. I enjoy roaming the countryside looking for a fight...
  7. knoCC (DayZ)

    [UFL] Bandits looking for 1-2 Members

    Hey Tracker....you tell me why I should let you roll with us? I've killed more people than Cancer... I am the Ultimate Alpha Bandit...I have the heads of all my victims nailed to the wall in my Trophy Room in Balota. I play on two servers exclusively, you are welcome to join me, hunt me, or die with your mouth open...
  8. knoCC (DayZ)

    ESCAPE BALOTA! Get Rich Or Die Trying Episode #4

    I was hoping you or other dude would find a scoped gun...cool vid.
  9. knoCC (DayZ)

    Anyone know a PvtSnowball?

    God, the damage me and you could do in Chernarus Smoka...reminds me of the time in-game when I beat some dude to a bloody fucking pulp for fucking with new spawns.
  10. knoCC (DayZ)

    Island Stash

    Boneboys gave you a link to help you above. Here is another easy way I have uploaded images: 1. Find/upload your image to Imgur. 2. Right-click image and select Copy Image Location 3. Click Image icon when posting. 4. Right-click and Paste. 5. Enjoy! *Depending on size of image, you may have to size it so it is not too big or to small. Preview it before you post it. I usually do this in Paint, but I'm sure there's an easier way. Good Luck!
  11. knoCC (DayZ)

    Vanilla, is it all out PVP now?

    Depends on the server, but as others have said....yes. Earn as you learn baby. I tend to be wary of all people when I'm roaming about Chernarus. I am the Friendliest Bandit you'll ever meet on DayZ. I get a thrill out of killing Heroes. I wish I knew why because I'm a generally nice person. Something about their look. Bullet Catcher made some fantastic points and you gotta respect that. I think it's up to you how far you want to trust someone. Not all people are out to get you, but always be aware. When you find a server you like, you'll know who the Bandits and Heroes are. Good Luck Young Jock, maybe one day I'll see you on the beaten path and invite you to my house in Stary for some Summer sausage and a cold one... A wise man once gave me this advice when I told him I wanted to become a Bandit...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7bHCs_iu9w
  12. We could start a whole new thread called "run4way goes to College" or, so he can understand... !run4way is collage going>to$ You literally made me spit out my drink so you got the Beans Run. Good for you Katie, don't take no shit. If I see you in game, I'll say what up, then probably pop you if you look at me too long. GL.
  13. knoCC (DayZ)

    A whole New DayZ

    I was just type-singing this yesterday in the server I play on. Some random told me this wasn't Aladdin's world...seems he was wrong.
  14. knoCC (DayZ)

    Any hints/tips for a new Mod player?

    Here's my answers: 1. I also have DayZLauncher special sauce w/ cheese. I play Vanilla servers mainly, but dabble in different mods. I say try each one out and see what YOU like best. My personal experience is that I enjoy bares bones survival without any real extras. 2. Flame-broiled goodness,Guns are usually found at high-risk areas such as Military bases, Airfields, and other areas depending on the server. 3. You can be whoever you want, young Cheeseburger. Are you going to be a ruthless killer or a friendly Hero? I happen to be the Friendliest Bandit you'll ever meet, but that's me. Carve your own path. 4. Tell you a good DayZ Mod story? You like stories? So do I. I have many #2 at McDonalds. My favorite consist of finding brand new players and teaching them the ways of Banditry. Nothing is more satisfying then watching a wet-behind-the-ears Bambi blossom into a full-blown Killer. I can only compare it to a Father watching his first son being born or watching proudly as your son beats the shit out of the school bully. There are dangers though...like when your newly trained assassin becomes driven on....no, driven is not correct. Becomes dependent on killing everything in sight and there is nothing that can quench his thirst, his hunger of the kill. Sadly, that is when you have two options: You either cut all ties or you have to put them down. Ah, yes...stories. I have many, but not quite like this fellow. His name is George. George Dubois. He definitely was cut from a different fabric then you & me... Thank you. (|)