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About hoik

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    Bean King

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  1. Quick tip, the items are buged in some buildings - simply move them to the right of your inventory and they will "move" aka disappear... the item will have moved else where in the building (or outside) and then you can pick it up without a problem.
  2. hoik

    New renderer questions.

    Well for me the point is that the new dayZ engine is a WIP. While I think that looks and performance are important, I don't think they are a focus at this stage in development. Give them time and we will see what can be achived.
  3. hoik

    New renderer questions.

    here is some nice stuff from VBS3 (the platform that bohemia make for military use) most note worthy for me is running rivers, also the snow simulation looks very cool. I don't know how much of the tec. is shared between this and arma/dayz but I would love to see some of the features in these videos come across to Dayz.
  4. hoik

    New renderer questions.

    It enables things like directx11, it will allow better lighting and nicer looking UI but will not fundamentally change the look of the game (so no, it will not suddenly look like Far Cry 3...). I've heard (on the ether) that the renderer is similar to the one used in Take on Mars (another Bohemia title FYI) so if you want to have some idea of what the it is capable of you can check that out. All I know for sure is that it will let the engine utilize more of the features that modern hardware/software has to offer, so it is going to be an improvement regardless of the specifics.
  5. hoik

    [Video] Cannibal Mystery - a "touching story"

    Man, great video - one of the best I've seen in recent times. Great composition and story telling - loved it! A decent into madness :P.
  6. hoik

    Bring back old dayz!

    Everything is finite... *burp*
  7. What are the steaks called that you get from skinning people? Mystery meat?
  8. hoik

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Quite sure the placement of this shovel is new (never noticed it till now anyway :P) - I really like the "flavor" that this type of spawn gives the game, its a small touch but adds a lot to immersion! Hope to see more of this sort of thing be applied to other spawn locations (if it hasn't been done already).
  9. hoik

    Controller support confirmed?

    I had my xbox fight stick plugged in while playing dayz and the menus looked like this:
  10. hoik

    Improved Zombies and PVE in general

    I think there was talk of a "zombie life cycle". The idea being that infected in different stages of the disease would behave differently.
  11. Yes Dayz has made them a lot of money - Its popularity is something that, I believe, took BI by surprise and made them re-think their plans for DayZ, they were just going to make a polished version of the mod but are now being much more ambitions. My point is all that money we payed them in itself is the reason development is taking longer. They want to give you your moneys worth but this will take time!
  12. 0.50 stable was going to be release last week but a serious bug was found in testing (a crash to desktop I believe) so it was postponed. Sooo.. what they are going for and what circumstance dictates are two entirely different things. Also, Its not a race - I'm sure the developers care a lot more about the integrity of their game (and by extension, themselves) than beating others to some arbitrary "release".
  13. hoik

    Do we really need more towns?

    Yeah, west is the new north :P
  14. I guess they are working on controller support (if nobody else mentioned it so far). I had my xbox fight stick pluged in and the in game menu looked like this: Unplugged it and back to normal... let the elitist bile spill forth :P .
  15. hoik

    Underground Features

    I know in unreal editor you can simply "erase" terrain polygons (they are still there, but no longer have clipping, textures etc). Does this relate in anyway to how things are done in arma? Probably not...