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About AP_Norris

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    C96 fan

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    Down Under

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  1. AP_Norris

    Revision for Apple/Berries

    Be awesome to have a few minutes respawn timer after you've picked a couple of fruit (fresh or rotten), could add to player tracking but might be heavy on the server with all those bushes.
  2. AP_Norris

    W,A,S,D Movement

    Red Orchestra 2 is my favorite example of inertia. With a dedicated sprint key we could build inertia fast. When not using sprint acceleration would be slow for navigating indoors and around covers, an extra step would rarely ever be taken. I think you're right in that animations tie very closely to the unresponsiveness of player movement.
  3. AP_Norris

    Visible Splints

    To add to your idea, you should limp with just a splint. Bandages should show too. A check option to observe condition prior to removing it should be available in the inventory screen ;)
  4. AP_Norris

    Brother Espa's List of Desireable Changes

    I like the idea of adrenaline, maybe if an animal or zombie is chasing you or a player has shot at you/ hit you. You get an adrenaline boost to max fatigue but it will drop at a much faster rate until you are tired or exhausted. Helps you sprint away, no real bonus to actually being hit and groups of players probably won't use this to their advantage as it would decrease their energy faster and give away their location. In the only circumstance where it is useful shots are already whizzing past.
  5. AP_Norris

    Mauser C96

    Wait for Star Wars Battlefront buddy :)
  6. AP_Norris

    Mauser C96

    http://imgur.com/a/xvLDG Hard work pays off comrades. Now to find my own.
  7. AP_Norris

    Mental health / Morale

    I would like it if this sort of stuff be implemented in as a soft skill, after a while the character will become seemingly immune to any mental affects of killing, gore, and roughing it. In the early game it will make the character feel real, and human to immerse oneself in the game. Remind us all that this isn't a world where one can run around care free. But after a while, not too long you become a cold bastard who can kill in self defense or even just for fun without any negative effects. Every character will also feel new from your last, even if their appearance is the same it is not as though you dropper your gear and ran to the coast.
  8. I would like modification to not be exclusive to this one kind of vehicle. I think realistically it would be easier to repair than build from scratch too. Wheels are a definite modification I would like to see, survivors may prefer to stick to the roads and achieve greater speeds and fuel efficiency or they may like to outfit themselves with tires suited for travelling off roads. Armouring, should require a bit of looking around to find decent pieces of armour, also consideration to the load bearing parts of the vehicle. however they could come in other forms like wire over the windows to protect from zombies. Extra cargo could be strapping bags and trolleys to a vehicle, finding trailers which should affect acceleration, climbing, top speed, and fuel efficiency. This is just my opinion though, I feel they do need some form of vehicle modification.
  9. AP_Norris

    Ability to turn off chat

    Yes, not for direct chat though. Nobody shall ignore me.
  10. AP_Norris

    List of suggestions from Bastien 2

    Psychosis could be a soft skill, not necessarily bad. Long lived players would be use to and better at killing, I'm certain I would probably have some sort of extreme reaction to seeing a dead corpse let alone a crazed viral psychopathic killer zombie I had to kill myself. I would make the game seem more of a horror and put what you player is actually doing into perspective. At the moment I have more of a disabling reaction in real life than the character does in the game, I shake around and start panicking, then when I kill them I feel bad. How this supposedly everyday person that has just woken up in the middle of nowhere can search through a dead mans pockets for the first time with a look of blankness on his face is immersion breaking. The character needs to react more than the person controlling him. He needs to throw up as he nears a mass grave and smells hundreds of rotting bodies. He needs adrenaline, not noticing he's critically bleeding in the swinging of blows (that the knife was any more than a fist sort of thing). Also I like the idea of random job gear spawns but they should depend on a sort of player karma and life. Like reincarnation. Camper, Rogue Military, Crashed pilot, could be some of the extremely rare ones requiring a friendly past character (healing people and 24hrs of time in game as well as that lucky spawn).
  11. AP_Norris

    Typo in Elektrozavdosk?

    why is л look like ^
  12. AP_Norris

    Don't spawn magazines with ammo

    I played the mod, and I feel there is far too much ammo. From zombies I ran and hid, in a pinch I may have needed to shoot a couple of zombies. But honestly, ammo isn't something that should be common. There also needs to be more types of ammo and you can chamber some incorrect rounds, damaging your weapon different amounts, jamming or just not firing, meaning a bit of gun knowledge gets you further in an emergency situation. I don't want this game to be simple, it's meant to be the game where if you don't know something you can pay dearly for it.
  13. AP_Norris

    Uses for bone

    That bone knife was surprisingly sharp.
  14. AP_Norris

    Few more or less viable ideas

    Many full rifle caliber guns should be 1hk, While duel wielding weapons should... maybe be possible, it shouldn't be effective. I can definitely see myself dual wielding smaller melee weapons though. Melee is like an extension of the body, When you shoot you are like an extension of the gun, being extension of two guns is not a good idea. Maybe if target is close and you are strong enough to easily account for recoil single handedly you could have two pistols and fire one empty and then use the other while reloading the first essentially giving you great close range suppressive fire. That is my opinion on dual wielding. We should not restrict the players options, but for f*ck sake the devs better start making the game behave more realistically. I bought into this for the ultimate zombie apocalypse survival simulator, not the arcadey FPS survive a bullet to your unprotected chest and be fully healthy after bandaging and cramming some beans down your neck.
  15. AP_Norris

    Leather clothing and bleed reduction

    Aren't military fatigues often made from materials live Kevlar to protect from knives?