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About goo0gle

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  1. goo0gle

    So, we killed Gooogle today.

    <'gooogle translation'> Rocket is a fuck. WarZ is the best. Please ban. :)
  2. goo0gle

    So, we killed Gooogle today.

    <'gooogle translation'> The game is over. Admin ban this account please.
  3. goo0gle

    So, we killed Gooogle today.

    <'gooogle translation'> I make a confirm this is me. The bandits have make me death. I think this is funny because in the first picture everybody is making a hide in the armor cars. Then when I have death they all come out to make a pictures and claim this murder like a rats. But I must make no excuse. I have say my word and this is the true. I will leave this website now and you can maybe delete my account. Enjoy and make a pleasure. :)
  4. goo0gle

    Hackers, have you seen them?

    <'gooogle translation'> Maybe you have other question. Maybe better ask this now because if you make new topic then admin give you a ban for making the spam. Admin here have not respect for friendly players.
  5. goo0gle

    Hackers, have you seen them?

    <'gooogle translation'> This is not the good topic to make a jokes. Hackers is a serious.
  6. goo0gle

    Hackers, have you seen them?

    <'gooogle translation'> There is not a hackers anymore. Only children from Call of Duty who make the KOS.
  7. <'gooogle translation'> This is the fault for the children from Call of Duty because they make the KOS. Dayz is game for survival and not for bandits. >:(
  8. <'gooogle translation'> Make my name for this list please. I can give the help for many players.
  9. goo0gle

    MustyGaming presents Epoch

    <'gooogle translation'> Can I build the medic base in the Epoch?
  10. <'gooogle translation'> How can I play with this tournament please? I want to help the players. :)
  11. <'gooogle translation'> I will make you face in the picture with Florx and RekliSnipez. They are a noobs to because I am the leader from Dayz Medics Clan. >:(
  12. <'gooogle translation'> Come now. I will make you death because you are a noobs. >:(
  13. <'gooogle translation'> This is the good news. Thanks you for making the topic open. :thumbsup:
  14. goo0gle

    what server do you play on?

    <'gooogle translation'> This server is really nice for making a pleasure. A bandit attack me in the road and then I make the selfdefense. I have take his car and go to the Elektro. Then another bandit attack me there when I was making the drive. He was dress in a white clothes with the mask. I am the leader from the Dayz Medic Clan. :)
  15. goo0gle

    what server do you play on?

    <'gooogle translation'> The server is now a restart and I have death. One player have kill me in the face and his name is Nick. He is a noobs and play like a women. Now I go search for maybe a car or maybe a helicopters! :)