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Everything posted by Lorax

  1. Lorax

    Exp Update: 0.55.126884 Discussion

    Some UK servers are up. Infected are working much better, and animals were pretty good except for a few errors. Loot is still spawning the same few items in localized areas.Trucks are still death traps :) I'm going to sleep
  2. Lorax

    Squad Login Fail!

    LOL, thats what they get for hopping or being dumb enough to log out for the day in a hot spot
  3. Lorax

    Lower Point of View in VS3

    I believe the character's head is too high in the truck, and find myself trying to duck my own head down to see through the windshield. Unless you are 6'6" (200 cm) you would be much lower and actually be able to see the horizon from the driver's seat.
  4. Yes, that is a good observation. I use to be able to find some animals in the forest, but recently only find them in town areas. I wouldn't worry about it in the long run, they are just trying to get AI to work properly.
  5. At the moment as with geeks they only spawn in certain areas. I know there is a soft border (the east west highway up north) where no AI spawns past it. Other than that I've found some areas where I usually will find cows, or either deer and pigs.
  6. Lorax

    Any plans for 3PP immersion?

    I think you confused private and public. There is no server hopping on private shards There are several 1pp private servers that are pretty darn full most of the time -[uN/ZAP] I think UN and ZAP have recently split but they have all 1pp servers and are usually full most of the day. Also they have some white listed -/r/ dayz underground, a single private shard that has been maxing out lately. Good fun on that one -Victory gamerz (I think that is how it is spelled) -Oldschool Dayz , another white listed server oldschooldayz.net, a GB server so if you are on the other side of the pond I would suggest this one They are out there and I think it is getting more popular
  7. I've had several problems skin and quartering animals, but it eventually worked once. I just kept canceling action after a 15 secs waiting after the animation stopped. Eventually it worked once, but other times I gave up and left my dead rotting animal corpse. It is very similar to the error when trying to drink all of your canteen. Sometimes it works, but many times it just gets stuck and you have to cancel action.
  8. I think you should only be able to use hot keyed items if they are in an accessible pocket, aka everything other than your backpack. I shouldn't be able pull a gun out of a backpack without first stopping, putting the backpack down, and then rummaging around (going into my gear page). This goes for reloading magazines, clips, and snaploaders as well.
  9. I like that idea too. We're all shooting for the same goal, I think we should debate on which idea is the best considering a few factors (ease of use, ease to program, does it do the job, etc.)
  10. That's a good compromise, and definitely something to build on.
  11. Yes reduce the need, and then reduce the amount of food. Therefore finding a can of beans is exciting, and it will sustain you for about 1/5 of a day. Bagging a large animal would then be very important, and I think you should get much more meat from a large animal than you do now. If you shoot a cow, it should feed you and your friends for a long time.
  12. Lorax

    Clothing Pockets (Separate the inventory slots!)

    I've been thinking about this too, I fully support its development
  13. Thank you for finding that piece of info, I will now retract my "only head" vote
  14. Lorax

    0.54 Issues

    Considering all of the memory and desync issues that is probably the likely culprit of OP
  15. Lorax

    0.54 Issues

    huh, I haven't had any problems. In fact it seems to make more sense to me now. You situation is weird though. Were you really hungry for a long time? You could have been at such an energy deficiency that even after eating you are still at a deficit. Think about someone who has been starving for a long time. Just eating one meal till they are stuff isn't enough. They need to digest several meals over time to truly replenish their body. I believe that is what DayZ is going for and what is going on with you.
  16. Really I like it. You try eating two cans of beans in a row after your stomach has shrunk from being hungry :P In fact, I think they should make it even easier to get stuffed.
  17. Lorax

    Stable Branch - 0.54 Discussion

    I've been all over up north, not a single geek or animal. Can anyone confirm that AI is spawning?
  18. It;s not officially out until the patch is put out. You can find them in the "announcements", which is the first subform.
  19. Lorax

    New duping glitch 0.54

    you should have pointed at the shoes and claimed you had just done that.
  20. Thanks! I didn't think of connecting directly, duh.
  21. - I don't like the new sever menu. It's smaller so it's harder to read, why not keep it full screen. In fact I think it looks weird to have a small box instead of full screen. Also the server menu is extremely laggy, doesn't respond for at least 5 secs. -Actually couldn't even play because every time I selected a server, that had people in it, the game would stop responding. To the point that Task Manager couldn't even close it and I had to sign out and sign back in. My computer is a beast so I don't think that is a problem. Anyone have any similar issues lately?
  22. Lorax

    Who still uses Mosin (+LRS) for range kills?!

    I think you got it that it is only a placeholder. I believe I remember reading that in a Dev post, but can't remember when or where to prove it.
  23. Lorax

    Do we really need more zombies?

    Well I know that is what they want to do, let's hope they can pull it off.
  24. Lorax

    Do we really need more zombies?

    Does anyone remember when I think DayZero made the zombies infect you with about every other hit, and killed you in about five hits? That made meds the most valuable thing to where people traded vehicles for meds. Unfortunately after about a week or so people complained so much they nerfed them. That was the good old days. I actually worked with strangers more often then not during that week. One example I remember clearly is I met a guy who gave me some food, then my friend wanted to kill him for his gear. I prevented my friend killing him and then literally the next day my friend became infected and that same person traded with us so we could get meds for my friend. That is an actual example I can point to where increased zombie threat and low chance of survival increased player interaction. In the end it is an investment in cooperation that will give you a greater chance of survival. Yes we could have killed that guy for his gear, but then he wouldn't have found the meds that we needed the next day and my friend would have died.